Fédération Française de Génétique Humaine

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Prochains rendez-vous

17 Sep 2024
Journée ACLF
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Journée de la recherche translationnelle

Mercredi 06 Avril 2016 09:30 - 18:30

Preliminary programme & Registration (free but mandatory click here)
Session human Physiopathology (morning)
• Keynote speaker Scott Friedman, USA Hepatic fibrosis, from mechanisms to treatment – a translational success story
• Costantino Pitzalis, UK, Recent advances in Rheumatoid Arthritis pathophysiology
Session human microbiology and immunology (morning)
• Olivier Hermine, Viral oncogenesis
• Daniel Scott Algara, In vivo control of HIV infection: NK cells a key actor
• Jean Marc Ghigo, A new anti-biofilm approach against catheter-related biofilm infections
• Friederike Jonsson, Role of IgG antibodies in anaphylaxis
• Matthew Albert, The Milieu Interieur Consortium – forging a path towards precision medicine and establishing a foundation for the Healthy Human Global Project Initiative
Session human genetics (afternoon)
• Keynote speaker Stephen Beck, UK, Insights from methylome analysis
• Sonia Abelhak, Tunisia, GenEthics and precision medicine in endogamous populations
• Marc Tardieu, Gene therapy in Sanfilippo disease
• Vivienne Parry, UK, The 100,000 Genomes Project: is public engagement as important as the science?
Table ronde (5.30pm)
« Comprendre le génome humain et le modifier : espoirs et implications éthiques »
Moderation : Christian Bréchot, Lluis Quintana Murci
Panel : André Choulika, Marina Cavazzana, Nicolas Ferry, Jean François Deleuze, Florence Demenais, Jean – Claude Ameisen (Jean-Louis Mandel : to be confirmed)

Lieu : Duclaux Amphitheater, Institut Pasteur - Paris
Contact : Clementine.schilte@pasteur.fr
