[248], The party had five vice presidents between July 2012 and March 2018 (against three previously). [215] Jean-Marie Le Pen was fined for these remarks, but Gollnisch was found not guilty by the Court of Cassation. [54], In the 1974 presidential election, Le Pen failed to find a mobilising theme for his campaign. Après le bon score des écologistes aux élections européennes de mai 2019, où le parti mené par Yannick Jadot a recueilli 13% des voix et s’est hissé en troisième position derrière la République en marche et le Rassemblement national, les écolos espèrent poursuivre dans cette voie aux élections municipales et s’ancrer localement en dehors de ses alliances traditionnelles avec la gauche. 1.7K likes. Selon cette enquête d'opinion Odoxa-Dentsu Consulting pour franceinfo et "Le Figaro", 36% des Français ont une bonne opinion du Rassemblement national. [18] Since inception the party has been primarily an anti-immigration party, advocating significant cuts to legal immigration. [91][98] In the election the party retained its 9.8% support from the previous legislative election, but was reduced to a single seat in the National Assembly. [213], There has been a difference between Marine Le Pen's and her father's views concerning the Holocaust and Jews. [25] His daughter Marine Le Pen was elected to succeed him as party leader in 2012. Un mail vous permettant de créer un nouveau mot de passe va vous être envoyé. [94][101] The FN only got 5% in the 1988 cantonal elections, while the RPR announced it would reject any alliance with the FN, now including at local level. [24] It has put forward a presidential candidate at every presidential election but one since 1974. )[112] Le Pen then declared that his party would implement its "national preference" policy, with the risk of provoking the central government and being at odds with the laws of the Republic. During the FN's 1997 national congress, the FN established the loose Euronat group, which consisted of a variety of European right-wing parties. In October 2013, Bruno Gollnisch and Jean-Marie Le Pen resigned from their position in the AENM. The National Front was a marginal party in 1973, the first election it participated in, but the party made its breakthrough in the 1984 European Parliament election, where it won 11% of the … [72] With only three weeks to prepare its campaign, the FN fielded only a limited number of candidates and won only 0.2% of the national vote. Le parti d’Emmanuel Macron va devoir quant à lui prouver qu’il peut gagner dans les territoires après avoir remporté la présidentielle et la majorité aux législatives. Vous pouvez vous connecter avec votre compte sur autant d’appareils que vous le souhaitez, mais en les utilisant à des moments différents. Following the municipal elections, the National Front had, in cities of over 1,000 inhabitants, 1,546 and 459 councilors at two different levels of local government. The National Rally has opposed the European Union and its predecessor organizations since the party's creation. [62][63] Following the death of Duprat in a bomb attack in 1978, the revolutionary nationalists left the party, while Stirbois became Le Pen's deputy as his solidarists effectively ousted the neo-fascist tendency in the party leadership. [122] In the tenth FN national congress in 1997, Mégret stepped up his position in the party as its rising star and a potential leader following Le Pen. [144], Jean-Marie Le Pen announced in September 2008 that he would retire as FN president in 2010. [74] By October 1982, Le Pen supported the prospect of deals with the mainstream right, provided that the FN did not have to soften its position on key issues. Quand une élue de Wattrelos, la Députée OSSON, critique Madame BLAIN, conseillère régionale du Rassemblement National… 29 juillet 2020 Jean-François SOYEZ et/ou RN Wattrelos La Députée de Roubaix et Wattrelos, Catherine Osson, a la critique facile envers le RN [80], Le Pen protested the media boycott against his party by sending letters to President Mitterrand in mid-1982. [121][191][192], Under her leadership, Marine Le Pen has been more clear in her support for protectionism, while she has criticised globalism and capitalism for certain industries. [75][76] Later by-elections kept media attention on the party, and it was for the first time allowed to pose as a viable component of the broader right. Les deux formations devancent largement les listes des Républicains, d'Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts et de La France insoumise. [42] In order to create a broad movement, the ON sought to model the new party (as it earlier had sought to model itself) on the more established Italian Social Movement (MSI), which at the time appeared to establish a broad coalition for the Italian right. Déjà abonné ? However, due to the French electoral system, the party only won 2 of the 2,026 seats up for election.[147]. Between the mentioned groups, the party sat among the non-affiliated Non-Inscrits. Oui, il faut voter pour le Rassemblement National (RN), Non, il ne faut surtout pas voter pour le Rassemblement National (RN). [134] Chirac also refused to debate with Le Pen, and the traditional televised debate was cancelled. [128], For the 2002 presidential election, opinion polls had predicted a run-off between incumbent President Chirac and PS candidate Lionel Jospin. I consider it a political mistake and would like to make it clear in this context that we must have the right to criticise the policy of the State of Israel – just as we are allowed to criticise any sovereign country – without it being considered anti-Semitism. A un peu moins de 2 semaines du premier tour des élections municipales, lors desquelles le Rassemblement national espère approfondir son implantation locale, les résultats de notre baromètre annuel Kantar-onepoint pour France Info et Le Monde nous éclaire sur l’image de ce parti auprès des Français et des sympathisants RN. [87] Many of its seats could be filled by a new wave of respectable political operatives, notables, who had joined the party after its 1984 success. The first group it helped co-establish was the European Right after the 1984 election, which also consisted of the Italian Social Movement (MSI), its early inspiration, and the Greek National Political Union. En tête des préoccupations des électeurs français, ces deux sujets sont suivis par la lutte contre la pollution et le dérèglement climatique. [110], The FN won an absolute majority (and thus the mayorship) in three cities in the 1995 municipal elections: Toulon, Marignane, and Orange. [221], In November 2014, Marine Le Pen confirmed that the party had received a €9 million loan from the First Czech Russian Bank (FCRB) in Moscow to the National Front. [200][201] She also wants to reintroduce customs borders and has campaigned against allowing dual citizenship. [38][39], While the ON had competed in some local elections since 1970, at its second congress in June 1972 it decided to establish a new political party to contest the 1973 legislative elections. [196], From the 1980s to the 1990s, the party's policy shifted from favouring the European Union to turning against it. [135] Following the presidential election, the main centre-right parties merged to form the broad-based Union for a Popular Movement (UMP). In France, parties have to secure support from a specific number of elected officials, from a specific number of departments, in order to be eligible to run for election. The delegation was not sanctioned by the European Parliament, and consisted mostly of right-wing populist politicians including MEPs from Vox, Alternative for Germany, the Northern League, Vlaams Belang, the British Brexit Party, and Poland's Law and Justice party. Plus de la moitié des électeurs ne devraient pas aller voter, selon un sondage publié jeudi. [211], Since their entry into the European Parliament in 1979, the National Front has promoted a message of being pro-Europe, but anti-EU. 1 [154] The international media described the results as "historic",[155][156][157] and "impressive", although the International Business Times suggested that "hopes for real political power remain a fantasy" for the National Front. The rhetoric used in the campaign stressed old far-right themes and was largely uninspiring to the electorate at the time. Expert du négoce et de l’industrie minière, Professeur de droit public à l’université de Cergy-Pontoise, Publié le 16 octobre 2020 à 06h45 - Mis à jour le 16 octobre 2020 à 18h11, Présidentielle 2022 : Yannick Jadot, la course en solitaire. En cliquant sur « Continuer à lire ici » et en vous assurant que vous êtes la seule personne à consulter Le Monde avec ce compte. However, 8 deputies were elected (6 FN and 2 affiliated), the best number for the FN in a parliamentary election using a majoritarian electoral system since its creation (proportional representation was used in the 1986 elections). [231] From 1999 to 2001, the FN was a member of the Technical Group of Independents. ", "Jean-Marie Le Pen fined again for dismissing Holocaust as 'detail, "Jean-Marie Le Pen condamné pour incitation à la haine raciale", "France National Front: Jean-Marie Le Pen suspended", "Jean-Marie Le Pen, exclu du Front national, fera "bien évidemment" un recours en justice", "Local elections confirm a quarter of French voters support Front National", "France – Poll gives France's far-right National Front party boost ahead of regional vote", "Marine Le Pen propose de renommer le FN " Rassemblement national, "Marine Le Pen annonce que le Front national devient Rassemblement national", "Entre 1986 et 1988, les députés FN voulaient rétablir la peine de mort et instaurer la préférence nationale", "French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen sets retirement date", "Après le "Paquebot", Le Pen vend sa 605 blindée sur eBay", "La Peugeot de Le Pen à nouveau mise en vente sur ebay", "Far-Right National Front performs well in French regional elections", "Marine Le Pen 'chosen to lead Frances National Front, "France's National Front picks Marine Le Pen as new head", "Résultats des élections Cantonales 2011", "Marion Le Pen becomes youngest French MP in modern history", "2012 French legislative elections: Gard's 2nd constituency (first round and run-off)", "Anti-Euro Le Pen Party Wins First Parliament Seats in 15 Years", "Un an après la présidentielle, Marine Le Pen devancerait François Hollande- 3 mai 2013 – L'Obs", "2014 municipal elections: the National Front won 12 cities, elected in 1546 and 459 councilors elected in intercommunal! [175][176] At the same time, its message has increasingly influenced mainstream political parties,[176][177] although the FN too has moved somewhat closer towards the centre-right. The party appeared to have suffered from the demobilisation of its voters from the previous vote. [148][149] In the event, Le Pen came third in the first round, scoring 17.9% – the best showing ever for the FN. Since 2013, that yearly net immigration rate was around 140,000 if one takes into account only people born abroad from non-French parents, but was around 33,000 if one includes also the departures and returns of French expatriates. À propos de WRN; ... 8 octobre 2020 Jean-François SOYEZ et/ou RN Wattrelos. Alors que la liste LREM était en tête des intentions de vote, un sondage Ipsos commandé par France Télévisions place Le Rassemblement national devant la majorité. Il s'agit de votre première connexion sur votre profil MesOpinions.com. Les Français ne sont pas habitués à se mobiliser pour les scrutins, encore moins pour les Européennes. Lisez nos derniers articles et rapports, avec des points de vue d'experts, des données exclusives et des insights stimulants. "[160] The party's success came as a shock in France and the EU. The FN adopted a French version of the MSI tricolour flame as its logo. [214] In 2004, Bruno Gollnisch said, "I do not question the existence of concentration camps but historians could discuss the number of deaths. "[224] Marine Le Pen argued that it was not a donation from the Russian government but a loan from a private Russian bank because no other bank would give her a loan. "[209] According to the French media, party leaders had frequent contact with Russian ambassador Alexander Orlov and Marine Le Pen made multiple trips to Moscow. Consultez le journal numérique et ses suppléments, chaque jour avant 13h. [249] It became a duo in June 2019:[257], The position of General Secretary was held between 1972 and 2018:[249], As of September 2020, National Rally has 6 MPs; Bruno Bilde, Sébastien Chenu, Myriane Houplain, Marine Le Pen, Nicolas Meizonnet, Catherine Pujol.[258]. [118] Although it won only one seat in the National Assembly (Toulon), thanks to a good communication director,[119] it advanced to the second round in 132 constituencies. [229] Following the 1989 election, it teamed up with the German Republicans and the Belgian Vlaams Blok in a new European Right group, while the MSI left due to the Germans' arrival. Ce dernier restera connecté avec ce compte. [75] The most notable result came in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, where Le Pen was elected to the local council with 11% of the vote. "[204] Reinhard Bütikofer stated, "It's remarkable that a political party from the motherland of freedom can be funded by Putin's sphere—the largest European enemy of freedom. En revanche seuls 23% pensent que le RN et LR devraient fusionner au 2nd tour – une opinion qui ne fait d’ailleurs consensus ni chez les sympathisants RN (56% y sont favorables) et LR (40%). Parallèlement 52% des Français sont favorables pour les élections municipales à la stratégie de « front républicain » avec une fusion des listes qui s’opposent au RN au 2nd tour pour lui faire barrage. [141] The party regained some of its strength from 1999, earning 9.8% of the vote and seven seats. Mais aussi des Verts, qui veulent être la traduction politique des Marches pour le climat et de la mobilisation de la jeunesse sur les questions environnementales. Il n’aura pas ses propres candidats dans chaque commune et soutiendra dans de nombreux cas des maires de gauche, de droite ou sans étiquette.Après une percée aux municipales de 2014 et la victoire dans une dizaine de villes, le Rassemblement national veut conserver ces communes et améliorer sa présence sur le territoire. [83] The FN made inroads in both right-wing and left-wing constituencies, and finished second in a number of towns. Beaucoup d’auditeurs s’interrogent justement sur le poids des sondages dans le traitement de cette actualité. [57], While the French party system had been dominated by polarisation and competition between the clear-cut ideological alternatives of two political blocs in the 1970s, the two blocs had largely moved towards the centre by the mid-1980s. [27] She endeavoured to extract it from its far-right cultural roots, and to normalise it by giving it a culture of government, and censuring controversial members like her father, who was suspended, and then expelled from the party in 2015. [131] In its 2001 programme, the party linked the breakdown of law and order to immigration, deeming immigration a "mortal threat to civil peace in France. [112] The FN pursued interventionist policies with regards to the new cultural complexion of their towns by directly influencing artistic events, cinema schedules, and library holdings, as well as cutting or halting subsidies for multicultural associations. [99][100] Other quarrels soon also left the party without its remaining member of the National Assembly. Le fait que 95% des sympathisants RN souhaitent que la présidente de leur parti soit candidate montre qu’elle continue de faire la quasi-unanimité au sein de sa base électorale.
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