josé filomeno de sousa dos santos mayra isungi campos costa dos santos
Under Angolan law, the Office of the Attorney-General reports to the President. Are We Witnessing the Fall of Malawi Cleric Bushiri's Empire? [7][8] The country derives about 60% of its revenues from oil. 61 The Zenú who has a number of shared economic interests with these two friends (the subject of a separate Maka Angolainvestigation)? 2 AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa - aggregating, producing and distributing 900 news and information items daily from over 130 African news organizations and our own reporters to an African and global public. Foi precisamente isto que aconteceu com o Decreto Presidencial n.º 25/17, de 17 de Fevereiro passado, através do qual José Eduardo dos Santos atribuiu à Vavita Power S.A. a concessão no regime de construção, operação e transmissão para instalação da Central Termoeléctrica BI-Combustível de 100 Megawatts, em Cabinda. Imprimir. 7 57 O alerta   de que o casamento de “Zenú” dos Santos estaria ameaçado   começou a ser notado na sequencia de constatações de  que o mesmo deixara de ser visto em publico com a esposa com quem esta casado há mais de 10 anos. Magufuli Declared Winner While Tanzania Opposition Cries Foul. By that time Imob Angola was in the hands of Incasa and Bertoli. 5 Search our online archive of over two decades of Africa Confidential, Volume: To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Maka Angola also contacted the other parties to ask for their version of events, but without success. Unfortunately for Angola, recent statements by the Attorney General of the Republic, General João Maria de Sousa, hailing his fight against corruption, do not amount to anything other than an act of supreme cynicism and hypocrisy. The Ministry acknowledged the exit of Minoru from the business three days after the presidential decree ordering the purchase of Imob Tower. Browse by Name. 11 [11], The transfer is reportedly part of negotiations for a $30 billion concessional lending facility for Angola, the money being returned to the country’s central bank. 43 Mayra  e “Zenú” dos Santos   estarão há mais de 10 meses com o casamento ameaçado. 60 [14], Dos Santos' father, former president José Eduardo dos Santos, now lives in Barcelona. 56 Angolan Corruption Case Snares Irene Neto, Alleged Irregularities in Rail and Energy Deals Probed, 'Operation Thunderclap' - At Least Five Dead in Separatist Attack On Prison, Unveiling Corruption Is Indeed Donkey Work, Our Banking System Is Just Smoke and Mirrors, Open Letter to the Eritrean Head of State, Only in Angola - Fraudster's Bank Gets Bail-Out, The Hunter, Hunted - An Angolan General's Hunting Lodge, Angolan Injustice - the Case of the 'Kidnapped' Pastor, Fraud-Accused Prophet Bushiri Faces Uncertain Future, Nigerian Actor Desmond Elliot Wins House of Assembly Seat, Leaked Sex Tape - Tanzanian Socialite to Remain in Jail. The rankings are an annual measurement process run by The Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute and display a desire to diversify the economy of a nation highly dependent on its petroleum exports. Two weeks later, on December 15, Zenú’s wife Mayra (just to remind you: the President’s daughter-in-law), appeared before the Notary Public Registry’s Records Office in Kilamba as the official representative of our slum-dwelling millionaires, Maria Isabel José and Domingas Zanda Muenho. The same question could be put to those serving in the Angolan Armed Forces and National Police. 6 21 At the time the pres i dential dispatch was issued, Imob Angola’s owners were listed as Mayra Isungi Campos Costa dos Santos (the wife of the President’s son, Filomeno José dos Santos, known as “Zenú”), and a Brazilian entrepreneur named Valdomiro Minoru Dondo, with 45% apiece. What is Angola to them? The blatant way in which Angola’s President has looted the country for the benefit of his own family makes one question whether the millions of members of the ruling MPLA party have any sense of political, moral, social or patriotic responsibility given how they defend their party and president to the detriment of their country and in defiance of all the evidence. What justification is there for the Finance Ministry and Real Estate Commission to occupy a 35 storey building when a new seat for the Finance Ministry is also already under construction? 42 Are we surprised? "O mencionado edifício está em construção pela empresa portuguesa Mota-Engil que receberá pela obra o valor de cerca de quarenta milhões de dólares", de acordo com o documento. A crise do lar deste casal terá se agravado com as irritações que “Zenú” terá provocado com as suas frequentes   e   inexplicáveis   viagens  à   Zurique a pretexto de  “missões de serviços”. son, daughter-in-law, grand-daughters). [17][18], Dos Santos appeared on 9 December 2019 before the Supreme Court in Luanda, the capital, along with three co-defendants, who are also accused of money laundering and embezzlement, one of which is former governor of the central bank Valter Filipe da Silva. 12 José Filomeno de Sousa dos Santos (nascido em 1977), filho de José Eduardo dos Santos com Filomena de Sousa “Necas”, é casado e tem três filhas. [2] He was the chairman of Fundo Soberano de Angola (FSDEA), Angola's sovereign wealth fund, was appointed to the board in 2012,[3] and succeeded Armando Manuel as Chairman in June 2013. Jose Filomeno de Sousa dos Santos (born 9 January 1978) is an Angolan businessman, and the son of Angola's former President José Eduardo dos Santos, who ruled the country from 1979 to 2017. So in effect the Attorney-General’s role is restricted to locking up those who dare speak out against the President, such as the 17 Luanda Book Club activists, the “Revús”, who are currently rotting in jail while awaiting an appeal against the show-trial, conducted without regard to due process, that convicted them of conspiracy to mount a rebellion. Is their duty to defend the criminals looting the country or to abide by the Constitution and Laws of Angola to uphold law and order? [15][16], In August 2013, dos Santos was ranked at number 26 out of the top 100 wealth fund chiefs in the world. What is the point of having a Law of Public Probity (Law 3/10, March 29, 2010) if the Finance Ministry cannot abide by it? We operate from Cape Town, Dakar, Abuja, Johannesburg, Nairobi and Washington DC. 13 Looking for a specific issue? There was a problem processing your submission. The inspector would be acting on his own behalf instead of verifying the work on behalf of the state. 45 Sobre o assunto, há informações de ocorrência de  movimentações de membros próximos a família presidencial que manifestam solidariedade e apoio a   Mayra   Costa dos Santos. 53 The total cost of the works was estimated at around US $40 million, according to information placed into the public domain by Mota-Engil. 50 [12][13], The move to criminalise the loan negotiations with foreign lenders is seen as a means to undermine the political clout of the previous administration with the populace while at the same time shore up support for the new administration within the ruling party MPLA. Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox. [5] Some[who?] 4 Thanks to their grandfather’s corrupt schemes, these little girls are now firmly on the road to success in the real estate business. A Lei da Probidade Pública "é clara no seu artigo 28.º, n.º 1, quando proíbe expressamente que o agente público intervenha na preparação, na decisão e na execução dos actos, quando por si ou como representante de outra pessoa nele tenha interesse o seu conjugue ou um parente em linha recta ou até segundo grau em linha colateral", refere. No documento de seis páginas, Rafael Marques incluiu um "apelo à cidadania", dirigido à Procuradoria-Geral, afirmando que a investigação ao Presidente da República não é um acto "antinacional ou anti-soberano", mas antes um "acto de maturidade civilizacional e democrática", à "semelhança do que acontece com as investigações" que envolvem a candidata presidencial norte-americana Hillary Clinton, o presidente da África do Sul, o primeiro-ministro da Malásia ou as diligências judiciais da operação Lava Jato, no Brasil. Then on November 28 of 2014, Finance Minister Armando Manuel issued a despatch of his own, No. The remaining 10% was held by one Óscar Tito Cardoso Fernandes, who happens to be a very good friend of the Finance MinisterArmando Manuel. Dos Santos is the Attorney-General’s boss, as well as boss of all the State attorneys who are charged with prosecuting criminals and upholding the laws of the land. There is a mountain of evidence, growing by the day, to warrant the impeachment and prosecution of the President and his accomplices if only men of honour were prepared to act. This is documented as Presidential Order No. Mayra procedeu à transferência para o seu próprio nome de 70 por cento da quota da Bertoli, que assim ficam na posse de Mayra Isungi Campos Costa dos Santos, esposa de Zenú e nora de José Eduardo dos Santos. We publish news and views ranging from vigorous opponents of governments to government publications and spokespersons. Manifestação: João Lourenço critica UNITA e lança aviso directo a Adalberto da Costa Júnior: "Estratégia de ingovernabilidade para forçar negociações não é concretizável". You have selected an article from the AllAfrica archive, which requires a subscription. And yet - according to documents seen by Maka Angola -  on September 25th, Minoru Dondo sold the land on which this tower block was being built for US $6.8 million to Incasa. 14 8 [4], Following the election of President João Lourenço, dos Santos was dismissed from his position before the end of his term. Sábado, 24 de Outubro, o mundo assinalava os 75 anos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), e, em Angola, a prisão de mais de uma centena de manifestantes e de jornalistas que se encontravam em pleno exercício de funções demonstra uma nação que se encontra desunida. Receba diariamente por email as principais notícias de Angola e do Mundo. BAIXAR NOVA LEI GERAL DE TRABALHO DE ANGOLA, TCHIZÉ DOS SANTOS PODE CONSUMAR DIVÓRCIO DIZ SITE. 48 19 Em meios que acompanham trajetória do jovem casal,  havia a versão de que “Zenú” casou-se pela Igreja depois de receber o perdão da esposa na sequência de um  mau comportamento. 38 Rafael Marques interpôs hoje uma participação contra o Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos, por alegada violação da Lei da Probidade Pública devido à autorização de construção de um edifício pela empresa portuguesa Mota-Engil em Luanda. The case has revealed the existence of a previously unheard of political tug-of-war in a country under political transition. Estão casados a mais de 10 anos e contam com três filhas. Is it just coincidence that both Óscar Fernandes and Armando Manuel are also very good friends of Zenú, who recommended his buddy Armando for the Finance Ministry job back in 2013? 44 49 You’ll recall that Zenú’s star was rather eclipsed by his elder half-sister and reputed ‘richest woman in Africa’ Isabel dos Santos who claims to have earned her billion-dollar fortune through keen entrepreneurial instincts shown when she started selling eggs at the age of 6. "Sendo o Presidente da República um agente público para efeitos da Lei da Probidade, parece manifesto que interveio em processo proibido, em que eram contraparte o filho José Filomeno dos Santos e a nora Mayra Isungi Campos Costa dos Santos (...) tal acontecendo, haverá lugar à responsabilização política disciplinar e criminal", lê-se no documento. Maninho vence as eleições e substitui Pedro Godinho... Gestores dizem-se «excluídos» dos apoios financeiros... Financiamento do Girabola: Artur de Almeida acusado... O seu voto reconhece a excelência em Angola, Ganhe uma assinatura digital do NOVO JORNAL, Conheça os profissionais que compõem o Júri. Pontes tem a reputação de ser dado à arrogância. [6] His sister Isabel was also removed as head of the state-owned oil company Sonangol Group, which the International Monetary Fund in 2011 asked to account for a missing US$32 billion. 51 Witnesses (speaking on condition of anonymity) have told Maka Angola that António acted as the Zenú’s front man for the Imob Tower transaction. Segundo Rafael Marques, a 12 de Setembro de 2014, José Eduardo dos Santos autorizou o Ministério das Finanças de Angola a proceder à aquisição do edifício, que "se encontrava em fase inicial de construção", o mais alto da capital angolana, com 35 pisos, situado no distrito urbano da Ingombota. At the time the presidential dispatch was issued, Imob Angola’s owners were listed as Mayra Isungi Campos Costa dos Santos (the wife of the President’s son, Filomeno José dos Santos, known as “Zenú”), and a Brazilian entrepreneur named Valdomiro Minoru Dondo, with 45% apiece. In this case, the inspector is technically incapable of giving an unbiased inspection.”. There is a building under construction in Major Kanhangulo Street in the Angolan capital, Luanda, which stands as a prime example of how that country’s President manipulates the national treasury as though it were a private fund for the benefit of himself and his children. Who now can doubt that dos Santos is a serial thief. If anyone is violating the Angolan Constitution, thumbing his nose at the laws of the land while committing blatant crimes (to fill his pockets and those of his family members), it’s José Eduardo dos Santos. [citation needed], Angolan justice sentenced dos Santos to five years in prison on 14 August 2020 for fraud, money laundering and trading in influence. If you're ready to subscribe, please go directly to our secure server. Note: This only includes people who have Public Search Listings available on … President Dos Santos' Web: Con After Con After Con The Place. And who owns BDM? According to a notarized entry in the registry dated April 10th, 2014, they are a Brazilian national named António Carlos Perruci Loureiro Alves (who owns 67.5%), an MPLA Member of Parliament and former Chief of the General Staff of the Angolan Armed Forces named General Armando da Cruz Neto (owning 20%) and Óscar Tito Cardoso Fernandes (with 12.5%). 17 1. Mayra e José Filomeno dos Santos conheceram-se ao tempo de estudantes no Puniv, e anos depois partiram de bolsa de estudo para Inglaterra. Uganda: Kampala-Entebbe Expressway, World's Most Expensive Road? Construction of the 35-storey building, designed to be the tallest and slimmest building in the country, was in the hands of a Portuguese firm, Mota-Engil, which had started work in 2013 with completion scheduled for 2017. 37, Number: There is a building under construction in Major Kanhangulo Street in the Angolan capital, Luanda, which stands as a prime example of how that country's President manipulates the national treasury as though it were a private fund for the benefit of himself and his children. Viveu em Londres, onde fez trabalhos voluntários com crianças carentes em ONGs e estudou na Universidade Americana e na Universidade de Westminster. LINK: AUGUSTO CAMPOS | LUANDA, 03 Dezembro 2 015: A família presidencial está a gerir, sem alarido, indicadores segundo as quais, o casame... AUGUSTO CAMPOS | LUANDA: Estas são as principais empresas angolanas sendo algumas estatais e outras privadas. Ana Paula Cristovão Lemos dos Santos (born October 17, 1963) is the wife of former President of Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos.She served as Angola's First Lady from 1991 to 2017.. Former fashion model and air hostess of the presidential Angolan aeroplane, Ana Paula dos Santos knew her husband during the time in which she was working on presidential flights. To keep his job, he does what the President commands. 39 Jose Filomeno de Sousa dos Santos (born 9 January 1978) is an Angolan businessman, and the son of Angola's former President José Eduardo dos Santos, who ruled the country from 1979 to 2017. [9], Following his dismissal, Dos Santos was arrested in connection with the authorisation of a transfer of $500 million to a British bank, which froze the funds,[6] among other charges of "criminal organization, illegal enrichment, money laundering and corruption". 01 November 2020, Date of Birth: 9 January 1978Place of Birth: Luanda. 47 O activista Rafael Marques interpôs hoje uma participação contra o Presidente de Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, por alegada violação da Lei da Probidade Pública devido à autorização de construção de um edifício pela Mota-Engil em Luanda. 16 Esta valorização não reflete qualquer movimento habitual de mercado - é excessiva", considera o autor do livro "Diamantes de Sangue". 41 3 The story would not be complete without a further snub to the law. 10 "Acontece que esta sociedade na data da autorização presidencial, pertencia a Mayra Insugi Campos Costa dos Santos, mulher de Filomeno José dos Santos "Zenú", que detinha 45% do capital", afirma Rafael Marques. [10] He was released in March 2019. To address comments or complaints, please Contact us. Reporting Africa Since 1960 The same Zenú (did we mention he is the son of President  José Eduardo dos Santos?) Maka Angola put these questions and more to the Finance Ministry, which has declined to respond to date, even though these questions were submitted in writing on May 13 this year, with a request for clarification regarding the Ministry’s part in this dodgy real estate deal. The person who designs the building and is offering it for sale, cannot also be inspecting the work. [19], "Angola fund chief José Filomeno dos Santos rebuffs nepotism charge", "INTERVIEW-Angola wealth fund head denies plan to succeed president, his father", "Angola names president's son to chair $5 bln sovereign wealth fund", "Angola sacks ex-president's son from fund", "José Filomeno dos Santos named suspect in $500m fraud case", "IMF finds most of Angola's missing $32 bln", "Angola : First Review of the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility, Requests for a Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion, and Modifications of Performance Criteria, and Financing Assurances Review-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Angola", "Angola: The fall of the dos Santos clan", "Former Angolan president's son freed from prison", "Britain says $500 million from alleged fraud can be returned to Angola", "Angola charges son of ex-president dos Santos with fraud", "Angola's Dos Santos wants new MPLA leader chosen in Dec or April 2019", "Angola's dos Santos calls end to 38 years in power", "Life after power: the bitter exile of Angola's ex-president Dos Santos", "José Filomeno dos Santos ranked in top 30 of global sovereign wealth fund leaders", "Angolan ex-president's son José Filomeno dos Santos bags 5-years in jail for $500m fraud", Priority for infrastructure: Angola fund sees bright future, José Filomeno dos Santos interview on BBC,é_Filomeno_dos_Santos&oldid=986435986, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 21:11.


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