barrage d'inga

The various groups involved had economic as well as political agendas; while Western investors and the Congolese government wished to support the Shaba mines during a period of elevated copper prices, the government also wanted to consolidate its power over the secessionist southern province, and the West had an interest in seeing the Congo stay firmly in the anti-communist camp. The region with chronic power shortages is Sub Saharan Africa (South Africa excluded), where production was only 250 kWh per capita for 700 million people. Améliorez-le ou discutez-en. [30] For South Africa's public utility Eskom, Inga fit into a broader plan to turn an interconnected African grid into an electricity-exporting powerhouse, eventually supplying Europe and the Middle East. One enthusiastic backer of Inga development has been South Africa. Belgian authorities were still pushing the project while negotiating independence with Congolese delegates, with Minister Raymond Scheyven proposing a joint Congolese-Belgian company that would fund an Inga dam. This would be so that the net head for the hydroelectric turbines could approach 150 metres. Funding was an issue, especially once the Belgians realized that they could not accomplish such a project alone.

2000), and would be the world's largest hydroelectric project. There is speculation that the Grand Inga Dam can produce enough electricity for the whole continent. [36] That September 2005 a shareholder agreement for Westcor was signed, giving each party 20%.[37]. A mix of private and public groups provided the financing, notably Citibank, Manufacturers Hanover Trust, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank, and it was the storied Boise, Idaho-based company, Morrison-Knudsen, that was contracted to do the work.

Un barrage, le barrage de Shongo, a permis de mettre sous eau le Nkokolo.
BAS-CONGO - Remise en service du groupe 12 du barrage d'Inga 1 modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. À l'époque, les cours des matières premières, qui font la fortune de la colonie belge et de la Belgique, sont au plus haut.

Regarding the Inga Falls location specifically, this was highlighted just four years later by the Belgian soldier, mathematician, and entrepreneur Colonel Van Deuren.

Mais la crise de 1929, la Grande Dépression puis la Seconde Guerre mondiale compromettent sa réalisation[1]. Involving five of the region's major utility companies (Eskom, SNEL, Angola's Empresa Nacional de Electricidade, Namibia's NamPower, and the Botswana Power Corporation) it projected initial costs at $1.5 billion and the eventual construction of a 44,000 MW run-of-the-river project. Mais, malheureusement, ces ouvrages sont mal gérés et mal entretenus. BHP Billiton propose de ramener Inga III à 3 500 MW pour alimenter son usine de production d'aluminium dans le Bas-Congo[3]. Africa produces a very low amount of electric energy per capita compared to other regions of the world.

En 1925, le colonel Pierre Van Deuren1 présente au Roi des Belges Albert Ier un plan grandiose : la construction de sept barrages visant à faire de la colonie la première puissance énergétique du continent, capable dexporter son électricité. Ils sont exploités par la Société nationale d'électricité (SNEL). Main companies of the consortium were China Three Gorges Corporation, Sinohydro and ACS Group. In 2005, electricity usage was 600 kWh per capita for the 910 million Africans. Possible investors cited by the press included the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank.

[15] Funded mainly by the government, construction took place from 1968 to 1972, leaving a six-turbine plant generating 351 MW. Le barrage a été construit en rive droite du fleuve, profitant du Nkokolo, une vallée sèche ancien lit du fleuve, dont les berges atteignaient 150 mètres de haut au niveau des chutes d'Inga, parallèles au site. À titre de comparaison, le barrage des Trois Gorges en Chine d'une puissance installée de 18,2 GW produit 84,7 TWh par an depuis 2009. [22] They were built under former president Mobutu Sese Seko as part of the Inga–Shaba project. [27] This first phase, which involved fixing a single 168 MW turbine and other emergency repair work, was reported 90% complete in April 2009, and the second phase (four other turbines) was estimated to take five additional years. This was not a minor idea, but the main project in a five-year Congolese development plan he proposed. Les développements Inga III et Grand Inga ne sont actuellement qu'au stade de projet. A feasibility study was conducted by the Italian firm SICAI in 1963, which recommended the dam support domestic industrialization as opposed to export focused industry.

One early report on this potential came via the United States Geological Survey in 1921; their findings concluded that the Congo basin in its entirety possessed "more than one-fourth of the world’s potential water power". Le barrage du Grand Inga, à 250 kilomètres à l’ouest de Kinshasa, est un projet qui ne date pas d’hier. L'eau est captée à 10 kilomètres en amont du site du barrage Inga II, à une altitude de 125 mètres, pour atteindre 115 mètres au niveau du bief alimentant les barrages Inga I et Inga II. [9], In February 1959 a group of prominent American investors including David Rockefeller visited the Inga Falls,[10] though construction was continually being pushed back from original estimates, then slated for 1961 or later.[11]. per capita / 513 W per capita), North Africa: 150 TWh p.a. Even with just eight turbines, it was built to produce 1,424 MW, and was completed a full decade after Inga I. / 120 GW. Certains observateurs remettent en cause le projet pour son coût très élevé (estimé entre 80 et 100 milliards de dollars[4]) dans un pays connu pour sa corruption endémique, et qui risque donc de peu profiter à la population[5]. Inga III is the centerpiece of the Westcor partnership which envisions the interconnection of the electric grids of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Namibia, Angola, Botswana, and South Africa. L'Afrique du Sud a engagé avec la RDC les études de faisabilité du projet Inga 3 (4 800 MW en deux phases) et des lignes de transport associées ; la Banque mondiale a approuvé en 2014 un financement de 73 millions de dollars et annoncé en 2015 que le chantier commencera en 2017 ; les centrales Inga I et Inga II sont en cours de remise à neuf[6]. Visualisation du projet du barrage Grand Inga, Barrages d’Inga : la RDC et l’Afrique du Sud veulent accélérer le projet d’extension, En République démocratique du Congo, le rêve fou des mégabarrages Inga, Portail de la république démocratique du Congo, Portail du bâtiment et des travaux publics,, Page utilisant une adresse fournie par Wikidata, Article géolocalisé en République démocratique du Congo, Portail:République démocratique du Congo/Articles liés, Portail:Énergie renouvelable/Articles liés, Portail:Bâtiment et travaux publics/Articles liés, Portail:Lacs et cours d'eau/Articles liés, Portail:Architecture et urbanisme/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Grand Inga / centrale de la Bundi (en projet, 155 mètres de chute) : 39 000.

[33], Such a consortium, dubbed the Western Power Corridor (Westcor) was finally organized in February 2003. Des projections prévoient, si le financement était trouvé, que la puissance produite sur ce site atteindrait 39 GW, grâce à la réalisation du projet Grand Inga. [7] There was an important American connection the project in the form of Clarence E. Blee, one of five foreigners on a 10-person study of the Inga site in 1957 and the chief engineer of the United States’ foray into federal electrical and industrial development, the Tennessee Valley Authority. ", "Congo opens bidding for Inga 3 hydro dam investors", "GCR - News - DR Congo's Inga 3 dam to double in size to 12GW", "Inga 3: An Exclusive Development Deal for Chinese and European companies", "Construction of US $14bn Grand Inga dam in Congo on track", "DRC's giant Inga III dam: Spanish firm ACS throws in the towel", "IRIN Africa | SOUTHERN AFRICA: New plant to bring regional power on stream | SOUTHERN AFRICA | Economy | Environment | Other", "DR Congo moves to build $100 billion Grand Inga dam, to pick phase-1 contractor by August", "Construction of world's largest dam in DR Congo could begin within months", "A grand plan to electrify Congo and Africa", "World Bank suspends funding for DR Congo's Inga 3 power project", "Congo's Grand Inga plan faces a watershed", "Vision 2020 and beyond – Dr. Gregor Czisch Ex Kassell University discussed the integration of African Power production internally and with Europe to fully exploit the vast hydro power available at the Inga Dam site", "Vision 2020 and beyond - Dr. Gregor Czisch Ex Kassell University discussed the integration of African Power production internally and with Europe to fully exploit the vast hydro power available at the Inga Dam site | Claverton Group", "World Bank approves funds to study Congo's Inga dam", World declaration : Dams and Hydropower for African Sustainable Development, Democratic Republic of Congo/Energy Sector – Bank Information Center,, Hydroelectricity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dams in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 September 2020, at 11:34.

à 20 % de leur capacité, la plupart des turbines étant à l'arrêt, faute de pièces de rechange. per capita / 29 W per capita).

Inga I et II fonctionnent actuellement[Quand ?]

Un consortium américain[1] présente une solution en trois phases, correspondant au schéma qui sera retenu après l'indépendance, malgré le coût du projet (320 millions de dollars pour Inga I et 3 milliards pour l’ensemble)[1]. Des passages de cet article sont désuets ou annoncent des événements désormais passés. This hydro-electric generator would be more than double the current world record holder, which is the Three Gorges facility on the Yangtze River in China.

[44][45] At an installed capacity of 39,000 MW, the Grand Inga Dam alone could produce 250 TWh annually, or a total of 370 TWh annually for the whole site. On peut cependant douter de la volonté des Belges d'indemniser les autochtones.

Il existe un autre projet pour un troisième barrage, dénommé projet Inga III, qui profiterait du site des barrages Inga I et Inga II. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 3 mai 2020 à 02:11. Une bonne gestion de ces ouvrages pourrait permettre à la RD du CONGO de faire face à ses besoins internes. Les projets pour la construction de ces barrages datent de l'époque coloniale.

[39] The first phase grant would have totaled US$73.1 million. Divers contacts sont intervenus récemment[Quand ?

[48][49] However, on July 2016 the World Bank withdrew its funding following disagreements over the project despite power purchase agreements from South Africa and mining companies. The current project scope calls for the use of a flow rate ~26,400 cubic metres per second at a net head of ~150 metres; this is equivalent to a generating capacity of ~38.9 GW.


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