augustin dokolo sanu
Alongside his wife, Hanne Kruse, a Danish national he married in 1968, the Mukongo patriarch built one of the largest economic empires – including his crown jewel, the Bank of Kinshasa – in Zaire under Mobutu Sese Seko’s rule. Sindika Dokolo was born on the 16th March 1972, in Kinshasa, Zaire, of Congolese and Danish descent, and is recognized for being not only a businessman, who is the heir to one of the largest economic empires of Zaire, but also an art collector, who owns one of the greatest contemporary African art collections. What’s stopping Angolan growth from translating into “real take-off”? Les comptoirs de Lome, Togo ne sont sans doute qu’une étape sur la grande route de ce succès national. BK branch Gbadolite. It seems important to me, however, that the campaign allows citizens to choose between two visions, two projects, in order to overcome emotional and subjective factors and that the best person wins. It’s a declaration of war against the regime…. In doing so, he weakened our institutions and created chaos. He now has to cling to power by force, at the risk of being held accountable for the daily abuses committed on his behalf. I don’t know anything about his relations with the members of his family nor with those in his inner circle whose loyalty goes so far as to expose them to sanctions or the spectre of international justice. His viral clip of... 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Do you think that transparent elections are still possible within a reasonable period of time in DRC? Augustin Dokolo Sanu in his youth. How do you relate to personalities like Moïse Katumbi and Felix Tshisekedi? Don’t forget that, while many opponents languished in prison after sham trials, Gédéon Kyungu, a warlord convicted of crimes against humanity of a rarely seen barbarism, was pardoned and, by his own admission, works for the regime. The assets of the company were also vandalised during the UNITZA domination and during the 1991 and 1993 looting as well as during the 1996 and 1998 wars. He deliberately set up a system of manipulation of justice and security services in order to nip any opposition in the bud. L’Expo Zaïre 74 poursuit son bonhomme de chemin jusqu’au 15 mars au Musée National de la RD-Congo. Kin Exp’art: L’expo-photos dénommée « Kirecherche » au coeur de la ville de Kinshasa. Sindika Dokolo’s story is not that of a nouveau riche arriviste. (Right to left) Sindika Dokolo, Moïse Katumbi, Félix Tshisekedi and advisor Salomon Kalonda reaffirm their common desire to see Joseph Kabila relinquish by the end of the year. In 2010, he organized the exposition “Luanda Suave e Frenética”, for Luanda’s 434th anniversary. Augustin DOKOLO, né à Sinsulez -Thysville, le 16 mars 1935, est une personnalité bien connue de ce Congo nouveau qui s’édifie sous nos yeux. Luluabourg, Thysville, Boma, Tsheila, etc… dépendent de la grande que Kinshassa connait bien. The risks are commensurate with the stakes. We share the certainty that the normalisation of DRC’s political life and social appeasement throughout the country can only come about after Mr. Kabila's departure. ou l’expérience et les souvenirs qu’il a rapportés de ses voyages, tout intéresse l’auteur et lui a inspiré les réflexions qu’il nous fait partager dans ce livre. In my view, he bears the moral responsibility for the trouble spots that set DRC on fire. What we lack is the collective awareness that we have to defend our democratic gains from Mr. Kabila, who wants to remain in power. This is important because it allows for the building of a united civil front around principles rather than individuals and beyond political divisions. Most recently, he held an exposition at Casa Manoel de Oliveira building in Portugal. Dokolo was also the son of the businessman Augustin Dokolo Sanu, from whom he inherited his fortune after his death in 2001. Sindika Dokolo (born 16 March 1972) is a Congolese art collector and businessman. Required fields are marked *. The aim is to intimidate or render ineligible, something of a regular occurrence in the DRC for those who denounce the regime’s abuses. Dokolo, a very ambitious man, had a businessman father, Augustin Dokolo Sanu. President Dos Santos could have run for president again. Their current residence is in Luanda, Angola. Hereunder, you will find pictures that illustrate Augustin Dokolo Sanu’s life, his work within the Bank of Kinshasa as well as photos of his family. Parce qu’en effet, il est aussi un grand voyageur. Miss Fashion Academia 2020: poursuite des inscriptions jusqu’au 23 février avant l’entame du casting. In the face of state coercion, there has to be a peaceful but determined civil reaction. Sindika Dokolo spent his childhood in France and Belgium, where he was raised by his father, Augustin Dokolo Sanu, a well-known businessman and bank owner, and his mother, Hanne Kruse. Endowed with a strong flair for business, M. Dokolo became very active in different strategic branches. The risk of DRC’s dislocation being real, Mr. Kabila fuels the fire while presenting himself as the only bulwark against the humanitarian chaos that would erupt in a country at the mercy of rebellions. It did not state the cause of death. These are buildings that have belonged to my family since the 1970s. Two years later, he was honored with the Medal of Merit by the city of Oporto, Portugal for his exhibition of cotemporary art pieces called “You Love Me, You Love Me Not”, which is considered as the the largest existing African art collection, and which increased his net worth by a large margin. Time is also needed to step back and assess and decide what needs reforming. Twitter Nigeria drags Omotola Jalade Ekeinde over tweet on Lekki Toll Gate shooting, The unattractive face of black beauty cosmetics, How to keep your skin moisturized, bright, and hydrated in the winter, 4 Afro hairstyle Ideas to stay fly from work till dinner time. In short, Angola's interest in DRC is limited to ensuring that the undermining of this great neighbour does not create instability in the sub-region. He preferred to make way for a transition that, like the MPLA slogan, will improve on what has been achieved and correct mistakes. Sindika, a good-natured, easygoing child, grew up in Africa and Europe, where he attended the Jesuit High School of Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague in Paris. Sindika Dokolo, the husband of Isabel dos Santos, billionaire daughter of Angola's former president, has died, his family announced Friday. Que ce soient les problèmes soulevés par l’évolution rapide  de son pays et de ses concitoyens, les événements culturels qui concernent l’Afrique tout entière Dokolo was 48. Intelligent and ambitious, he made a career and fortune alongside his wife Isabel in various sectors, including oil, diamonds (through De Grisogono), retail, cement, and telecommunications. Tribu et coutumes : A la découverte de Chokwe dans l’espace Grand Kasaï, une source historique irréversible. Can one be a man of money and a politician? Considerable progress has been made on both fronts, although major social inequalities persist and the fight against poverty still requires a great deal of effort. Sindika later said in interviews that he drew inspiration from his father’s collecting style. He created a spiral of political violence that will only end when he is gone. A comfortable majority in Parliament will help maintain the gains made and implement reforms instigated by the oil price crisis. Even though the term “oligarch” has a negative connotation, I have always admired the difficult decision taken by the Russians after the collapse of the USSR to cede bankrupt strategic assets to those most capable, sometimes without compensation, rather than sell them to foreign companies. Why take the risk? It was even said that you were on good terms. Dare we hope for a peaceful, democratic change of power? Your email address will not be published. Il tire sa fortune de son père, Augustin Dokolo Sanu, qui crée dans les années 1970 la première banque privée du Zaïre [5]. He is the husband of Angola’s Isabel Dos Santos, the other half of an incredible power couple. According to this article, every Congolese person has the duty to block someone who is trying to stay in power in violation of the Constitution. Your email address will not be published. The Catholic Church’s appeal to hinder his attempts will generate unprecedented popular pressure and make political change the priority of the 2017 political agenda. Sindika moved to Luanda, where he married the beautiful Isabel, daughter of Eduardo dos Santos, president of Angola since 1979. My father was the first Congolese person to set up a bank, the Bank of Kinshasa, and was, for a long time, the country’s leading businessman. This unbearable barbarism has never been part of our moral values. Your email address will not be published. A court in Kinshasa has just sentenced you to a year in prison for a criminal property offence. What is your analysis of the situation in Angola? The economic crisis is, from this point of view, and beyond the cyclical difficulties it generates, a real opportunity for the Angolan economy. By choosing abuse of power and lawlessness, he consciously went beyond the point of no return. Only a broad alliance such as this will enable the relinquishing of power without bloodshed. Dokolo was 48. An entrepreneur and talented businessman, art collector and patron of the arts, at the age of 45 he is entering the battle for political change in DR Congo. It is therefore important to communicate widely on the fact that he is the main source of instability and that there are scenarios for maintaining social peace after his departure. Lisez notre politique de confidentialité. Les Éditions du Pangolin: Appel à textes ouvert à tous, auteurs confirmés ou non. Lire aussi RD Congo – Sindika Dokolo : « Je ne me positionne pas pour les élections » Une jeunesse dorée. Sa mère, Hanne Kruse, est d'origine danoise. All combinations are possible and none offers an absolute guarantee of probity. In fact, he was reported to have inherited a fortune following his father's death in 2001. I am, therefore, at this stage, more a member of civil society than of the political class. For this to work, the relationship has to be honest and balanced. BK branch in Kisangani . Required fields are marked *. Sonangol suffered from an overly administrative culture rather than one based remunerating its shareholder, the State. The question that every citizen needs to ask him- or herself, after some soul- and conscious-searching, is “Is Kabila trying to stay in power beyond the end of his term?”. With Joao Lourenço, Angola’s former Minister of Defence and President Dos Santos’s successor, at the official opening of the Nova Cimangola II cement factory (Luanda). During his entire life, the late Augustin Dokolo Sanu fought for the resurgence of a new middle class that was to become the driving force of the Congolese economy. You said in an interview that Central Africa would be the land of choice for future oligarchs. It’s not right that so many international companies should make Africa their cash cow, their preserve, and that there are not more African champions to compete with them. The development of this new social category was his leitmotiv. BK branch in Lubumbashi. Il organise, dirige et finance divers clubs mouvements et associations. Vérifiez votre boite de réception ou votre répertoire d’indésirables pour confirmer votre abonnement. Sindika is one of four children born to Augustin Dokolo Sanu and Hanne Kruse, a Danish woman, who were married in 1968. Augustin Dokolo Sanu’s ideas, acquaintances and actions prove that he didn’t identify with any region or ethnic group. His father, it is recalled, built a business empire considered one of the largest in Zaire under the government of the late Mobutu Sese Seko. BK cashier desks. Now he has decided to put all his weight behind ending the reign of Joseph Kabila and beginning a real democratic transition in DR Congo. Augustin DOKOLO personnalise ainsi l’Africain de demain : largement ouvert sur le monde, mais profondément attaché son pays. Given your fortune and your ambitions, aren’t you one of its first oligarchs? Another source is coming from his exhibitions. Unfortunately, the country’s economy collapsed, so his business was nationalized by the government under President Mobutu Sese Seko. Il grandit en suivant ses parents en Belgique et en France. Can such a clear article be interpreted any other way? Advertising bill for BK in Beni. Africans have been exiled from the continent for generations and many of them prosper abroad. Media reports in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo, of which Dokolo was a citizen, said he had died in a diving accident. Right after graduation in 1995, he returned to Zaire and began to work in the family business – having 17 companies which operate with banking, real estate investments, printing, car selling, etc. AUGUSTIN DOKOLO SANU: PAR EMMANUEL KANDOLO Augustin DokoloSanu à Cannes en 1962, aux côtés de Lolo Brigida Ba ndeko, Mikolo miye kombo ya Sindika Dokolo ezali kotangama mua mingi na makambo azali kosala mpe koloba mpona ekolo na biso R.D.Congo. Membre du Rotary, il a prononcé de nombreuses allocutions rapportant ses expériences. Sindika is one of four children born to Augustin Dokolo Sanu and Hanne Kruse, a Danish woman, who were married in 1968. He died Thursday in Dubai according to a notice posted on Twitter by the family. Thus, in 2006 he held exhibitions such as “SD Observatorio” at the Valencia Institute of Modern Art, “Check List Luanda Pop” at the 52nd Venice Biennale, among many others, all of which helped add considerable amount to his net worth. How do you explain President Kabila's “to the bitter-endism”? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The idea itself goes against his entire political survival strategy. Vernissage de l’exposition de clôture du 8ème et dernier module de Master class en photographie, L’ORCHESTRE DE SQUELETTES : Une installation vivante de Danniel Toya. Exclusive interview. His father, Augustin Dokolo Sanu, was a prominent collector of African art. Dokolo senior built a vast business empire in Zaire at the time of Mobutu with, as its flagship, the Bank of Kinshasa. Using this violence as an excuse to postpone the elections finally convinced me that he deliberately crossed the line. Best Black-Owned Beauty Brands To Shop Right Now! A. DOKOLO écrit dans sa préface : “C’est en me contraignant à cette conscience nécessaire que j’ai conçu les lettres qui vont suivre, c’est avec l’espoir d’éveiller chez quelques autres la même conscience que je les ai publiées”. Homme d’affaires entreprenant, chef d’entreprise audacieux, les établissements commerciaux qu’il a montés grâce à … This marked the beginning of his career and increase of his net worth. Cultured, meticulous, ambitious and unapologetic, he promoted his Congolese heritage and began investing in diamonds, gold mining and, most recently, cement manufacturing. Rather than fight it, Kabila tried to use it politically by allowing it to spread to Kasai and thereby prove that holding elections was impossible. Il était aussi le fils de l’homme d’affaires Augustin Dokolo Sanu, dont il avait hérité en 2001. AM: You’re an entrepreneur, a collector and a patron of the arts. July 2017. Your email address will not be published. According to authoritative sources, it has been estimated that the total size of Sindika’s net worth is over $15 billion, accumulated through his successful involvement in the business industry. I know these two countries inside and out. Ses diverses activités prouvent son souci de la jeunesse et sa confiance dans le sport. M. Dokolo in a meeting in BK. The trying of a case which has already been tried – and of which I was acquitted last February – to which I was summoned by a bailiff who doesn’t seem to work for any court in the city and who apparently served me a summons that I never received. what’s happening in South Africa right now? You use a literal interpretation of Article 64 of the Congolese Constitution. To deprive ourselves of these talents is stupid and the debate on nationality in the DRC seems outdated to me, as the Congolese diaspora is strategic to meeting our country’s challenges. Like all Congolese people, I will, at the appropriate time, choose the best candidate. What’s this all about? AGAR. Elegant and youthful-looking, Dokolo married Dos Santos in 2002. He owned one of the most important contemporary African art collections, which includes more than 3,000 pieces. He died Thursday in Dubai according to a notice posted on Twitter by the family. The first of which is that DRC’s troubles stem from the President of the Republic’s deliberate choice to not respect our Constitution and, particularly, the obligation to hold elections on time and ensure political change. Apart from this, Sindika is also the owner of Amigotel, a company which provides services and equipment in the telecommunication sector, as well as being the editor of the Uanga review, both of which help to steadily increase his net worth. Concours Mannequin et téléréalité Mwasi Y’ekolo: les inscriptions sont en cours jusqu’au 10 septembre prochain. BK of the Nation’s Palace. To speak further about his career, Sindika also exposed his art collection at the opening of the VII Biennial of São Tomé and Príncipe in December of 2013, after which he exhibited in London as a part of 1:54 contemporary African art exhibition. Tragic destinies are indeed omnipresent when we take stock of DRC’s political history, from the violence that marked the end of Lumumba, Mobutu and Kabila senior.


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