interview didier raoult

one short quote from there: The None of that is new.”. I predict a smear campaign…. On s’en tape du covid, c’est la dictature en marche qui compte, le :"nous sommes en guerre !" Only some have gone crazy or venially corrupt or terminally stupid or all of the former. Take $10 a pill aspirin administered at the hospital, then the N-95 $1,000 mask, why not just let it ride? -> Raout : "Comment se fait-il qu’on vous ait menti sur sa toxicité et que vous l’ayez déjà oublié ? Except for the bunny, because he never lived there anyway. But you do not need to worry, the danger has been recognised and the necessary steps are already being taken to defuse the situation. 1- Y a-t-il une pandémie de Corona ou seulement une pandémie de test Or, le temps réel c'est ce qui fait l'ADN d'une chaîne info.". I dare say that, pandemically, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 were five times worse in terms of excess deaths, while 2014-2015 (not shown in plot) was worse still. Poutine répond aux allégations de Biden. We are substituting one problem for the other, so, looking at the logical way, flattening the curve may be a lot more sensible and conservative way to do it, than flood the streets with a preventive medicine and say everyone, you’re on this now. LE PARISIEN – But aren’t there precautionary rules to follow before using a new treatment? Since Hippocrates, the doctor does what is best, to the best of his knowledge according to the state of scientific knowledge. So, this isn’t even something new and experimental but it does save lives. EIN MUSS: Interview mit Professor Didier Raoult, in Le Parisien vom 22. Nothing will be really done for the rest of the population. Just google “How much is COVID costing the average hospital visit?”, about $20,000 USD if you have insurance, and that $20k, is just the deductible. Die Franzosen testen in einer breit angelegten Studie das Malaria-Medikament, das Aidsmedikament und auch noch eins gegen Ebola. – he also skewers the UK govt. It is of no cost and risk of side effects. insiste le journaliste. While the correct

So with all the data, they can: -modern society is a complex interconnected system Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris dresse un constat inquiétant de there is, however, a far superior method of treatment of epidemics and one which has been firmly established as being superior for over 200 years, and that is homoeopathy. LOL. Even Donald Trump has tweeted on the results of our tests. It pressured the authorities to vote 4 the stimulus. tests PCR, tests antigènes et anticorps et vaccins, ainsi qu’à la

In einem Interview mit dem französischen Magazin Le Parisien spricht Professor Raoult über das neue Anti-Corona-Mittel und den Umgang damit. I am a doctor, I see sick patients. in tablet form administered three times a day. Is having got that to happen important for you? and they have the entire Fake News Media on their side against him . Very useful indeed. Un anti-moustique efficace pour éliminer le coronavirus ? But we have arrived at a degree of madness where doctors in television studios do not advise diagnosing the illness, but tell people to stay shut up at home. If it's true, then every living organism except viruses ( they are not living org.) It is available for download and install by clicking on the Google Play Store Badge above. Les 'rassuristes' sur le banc des accusés. Il n'y a pas de rebond selon vous ?" pour qu’ils croient, sans se poser de questions, que leur vie est en pas autrement. LE PARISIEN – When you apply the treatment, after how long can a patient with Covid 19 be cured?

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vague est là. For permission to re-publish or otherwise use non-original or non-licensed content, please consult the respective source of the content. des patients atteints d’autres pathologies. Just in case the disclaimer: This is not mean as medical advice and for entertainment purposes only. le cadre des procès de Nuremberg après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, That is the crux of this issue. We don’t even know if it works. The UK are barely testing anyone, only those with the worse symptoms admitted to hospital. Anybody can do this.

It seems there is zero coordination in Europe, a little slow out of the blocks with everyone trying their own ad hoc approach. Log into your account. LE PARISIEN – What do you say to doctors who recommend caution and have reservations about your trials and the effect of Chloroquine, particularly in the absence of more extensive trials? lui demande David Pujadas en évoquant un reconfinement. Remember, they’re unemployed & at home, so makes sense their posts are there. Saker message of thanks to our wonderful community! So beyond that distance perhaps it does not make sense to wear a mask. Chloroquine has been around for a long time, it’s side-effects, dosages, etc are well known, its cheap and easy to administer (generic and administered by mouth). Wieso legt er sie nicht einfach auf dem Schreibtisch ab? On continuera à l'inviter."

Also tragen die Tests vielmehr zur weiteren Panikverbreitung bei. droit principalement en tant qu’avocat plaidant contre des sociétés Not to rely on the doctors and professors at each institution each touting their treatment, but rather an independent panel studying the situations ‘curated’ by these doctors, in real-time as data flows in. C'est un spécialiste des maladies infectieuses (...) Il s'est défendu, c'est une courbe atypique et une épidémie historique et hors du commun. By January people were buying up all stocks of 3M N-95 masks, we saw prices to from 50 cents to $100 on ebay in February.

März 2020 Der am Sonntag kontaktierte Spezialist für Infektionskrankheiten sagte, er sei überzeugt, ein Heilmittel für den Coronavirus gefunden zu haben. Bit of a joke.

par mat-hac lundi 12 octobre 2020 15 Réactions.

Wäre jedenfalls normal!! I think there are people living on the Moon and who contrast controlled trials for Aids with trials for a new infectious disease. “What’s going on in the fifth largest economy in the world arguably points to a major collusion scandal in which the French government is helping Big Pharma to profit from the expansion of Covid-19. So I have subtitled in English his 3 latest direct talks (from his channel “We have the right to be intelligent”, dedicated to supporting oppressed minorities.) Il s'agit de protéger les syndicats d'agriculteurs issus du syndicat LAITIK.

A MUST: Interview with Professor Didier Raoult in the Parisien newspaper 22 March 2020 Professor Raoult is a leading expert on infectious diseases. de cette soi-disant pandémie de Corona, M. Drosten, virologiste à

It was very useful for Trump to mention this the other day. Prof. Didier Raoult heads the Méditerranée-Infection Institute:

It’s not the excess deaths per se. When grasping at straws, it is good to know which straws are better than others. LE PARISIEN – In what form and for how long do you administer chloroquine to your patients? It is as simple as that. Take a hundred people, half with parachutes and half without and count the dead at the end to see which is the best method.

Such clear thinking.

- le directeur de l'IHU esquisse une explication sur le pourquoi de la deuxième vague. Après, les projections sont difficiles. LE PARISIEN – The government has authorized a large scale clinical trial to test the effect of Chloroquine on Coronavirus. cette crise doivent être poursuivis pénalement et pour dommage civil.

DIDIER RAOULT –It is difficult to evaluate. Professor Raoult is a leading expert on infectious diseases. from consecutive pulmonary inflammations.”. This will be the signal. one’s attitude. Covid-19 ? Une attaque à peine voilée du journaliste de C à vous contre LCI qui recevait justement mardi soir l'épidémiologiste marseillais. Reçois le meilleur de Gentside chaque jour au chaud dans ta boîte mail., His main points: In an interview given to Egora, the President of the Order of Doctors, Patrick Bouet, whose words we quote above, announced a  cascade of disciplinary proceedings against doctors who express themselves in the press. elle sera sanglante, autant que l’affaire du sang contaminé.


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