shaak ti death deleted scene

After what happens in the Clone Wars, Shaak Ti kinda deserves it, as she inadvertently assists Darth Sidious in getting rid of the only Clone Trooper who could have stopped Order 66. Next, regardless, the CW Destiny vision referenced by this page, was originally intended to correlate to that event, but the vision itself doesn't depict any outcome unequivocally. Star Wars Revenge of The Sith Shaak Ti's Death Deleted Scene! I've added it to the appropriate pages --, Its stated in the Galactic Atlas (which is a canon source) that she was killed by Anakin during the attack of the Jedi Temple whilst meditating --, Mistakes happen from time to time, that doesn't make the book less reliable --. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. I state that I have a good faith belief that use of the work(s) in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

Sounds like he was gonna say something like “Dont fucking..”, Let’s not forget about the one where Anakin speaks R2 language, Yeah that was awkward even for prequel standards.

Did he just stroke her head in a suggestive manner? The canon scene from Yoda's Clone Wars vision does not definitively show the outcome of the saber attack, when it occurred, or who the attacker was.

She dies so many times in different Star Wars movies,games, and shows, Her real canon death is in the Jedi temple when Vader and the 501st attack. Shaak Ti's death should canonically be the deleted scene where she gets killed by Grievous. Wookieepedia doesn't have any definitive statement regarding Oxford commas. Daft-Vader Force Ghost.

[Deleted Scene] [TCW] Shaak Ti and Anakin Skywalker.

This is the talk page for the article "Shaak Ti.". Perhaps something should be mentioned in the Behind the Scenes section at least?

This scene was filmed but ultimately scrapped in favor of the scene that she was killed by Grievous (also removed).

The way it was cut off makes it sound like “DONT FUCK”, The way they kept making those hand gestures Kenobi moving his stache lol, At the end general grevious says “don’t fucking move”, Real og's remember offing this bitch in the forced unleashed (your character thought she was a bitch. Or is it just me? Nobody knows the finer details of that event, that has not been canonically explained so editors should steer away from attempting to.

The reason General Greivis hates the Jedi is because before he was outfitted with prosthetics, his people were at war with another species on the same planet, but the other species called the Jedi for help first. Did anybody else notice general grevious casually caress shaak ti's head horn? The exact details of her death are unexplained. —Unsigned comment by (talk • contribs). Quite an assumption there.

—Unsigned comment by Thudbug (talk • contribs). Shaak Ti has no canon death. We never see Shaak Ti's attacker and the vision does not confirm her death at all.

Many jedi are depicted charging clone troopers, including Obi wan and Mace Windu, who obviously weren't present at such an event. —Unsigned comment by (talk • contribs). It can't be the scene where Grievous kills her, she appears later in a small hologram of a council meeting in Revenge of the Sith, way after the events of the ship. It's never happened at any time in Canon media. This confirms that Shaak Ti is the person in the holocron --DarthRuiz30 (talk) 22:19, November 12, 2016 (UTC). I think its after Grievous dies too. It's not canon.

It's up to the writer. Her appearance is something nearly everyone oversees and it drives me crazy.

Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, [Deleted Scene] [TCW] Shaak Ti and Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Why didn’t they include this?? Registered: Aug 6, 2008. Captain Quazar (talk) 15:31, July 17, 2016 (UTC), Luke stumbles upon various Holocrons in Star Wars 9. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Why does he stroke her like horn lookin thingies like that? Examples: Yes, and it isn't just a Togruta female it is Shaak-ti, the markings and jewelry are identical, not similar, identical, and the way the reveal is framed it is clear we are supposed to recognize the character. I dont even care about her death that escape plan is what matters how the Fuck did they manage that, I wish this scene would’ve remained.

Aka, per Cevan.

This scene was not filmed and only had early animations to it.

It is in the special features disc and though it is a deleted scene, deleted scenes are considered canon. Just a question I've been wondering about... Geek'ari (talk) 22:44, February 20, 2016 (UTC), Who agrees that Shaak Ti's montral and lekku stripes are more of a gray than a blue compared to the likes of Ahsoka Tano?

Vader impales her while meditating.

Feeling poetic today? Who else remembers shaak ti died in the force unleashed video game?

Is this someone telling Bob that the speaker and Joe are capable, or someone telling someone else that all three people are capable?


You always hear obi wan talking about how they are brothers, and here I can see that relationship where as in the rest of the film Anakin is on whine for 9 fucking hours, Looks like they just cut a circle through a foot of steel, yet in another scene it takes like five minutes to cut through a door, Sounds like he said “don’t fuck” at the end, How many deaths does shaak ti have?

yeah shaak ti is the reason for the whole fucking clone war because she never listened to Fives in SW Clone Wars so fuck her lmao. This space is used for discussion relating to changes to the article, Star Wars 9: Showdown on the Smuggler's Moon, Part II. I'd say that whereas Ahsoka and Ashla's montrals and lekku are white and blue, Shaak Ti's are white and gray.

Grievous was stroking the shit out oh her head thing, They took it out so they could leave her death up in the air, also in the order 66 scene you can see her speeder squad open fire on her (I think it could be a different twi’lek), she also was a boss in the force unleashed but now that Disney de canonized it its left up in the air.

In fact the original Clone Wars animated series shows that Grievous left her bound up on Coruscant for the Jedi to find and that she wasn't taken aboard the Invisible Hand as the deleted scene depicts.

--Kyle03 (talk) 19:17, February 22, 2016 (UTC), The preview of Star Wars: Galactic Atlas confirms that she was killed by Darth Vader in the Jedi Temple. Not everybody can pull a Darth Maul. Shaak Ti's death was deleted from EpIII.

--LelalMekha (talk) 19:43, July 5, 2016 (UTC). Click here to start a new topic.

For general questions about the article's topic, please visit the Knowledge Bank. By clicking on "Submit" below, you are certifying the following statements: At what point in the movie would this scene be.

The entry needs to reflect the actual information without any speculation or reference to non-canon events.—Unsigned comment by Yca-ca (talk • contribs). I think it'd be cool if they have her be the only other survivor of the Jedi council, plus she's female so that'd be even cooler. – popular memes on the site The other problem, Shaak Ti is stated to have been killed while meditating by being stabbed in the back- again, this is speculatory, unverified, we do not know the details of how she died- do we? Is it worth acknowledging that while the Togruta Jedi in one of the Holocrons was not identified, it seems obvious based on the Jedi's appearance and what was said by the Jedi, that it was intended to be Shaak Ti?

There shouldn't be a reference to Shaak Ti dying during that scene. She could have easily survived the attack, or the attack could have been a possible outcome that was prevented by actions leading up to that moment etc.—Unsigned comment by Yca-ca (talk • contribs). That's cause Shaak Ti dies in a sarlac pit in The Force Unleashed, The good old days when deleted scenes with cgi were 95% complete instead of 40%. No other details were provided in the sourcebook. Yoda's vision holds inaccuracies.

It's also in-universe narrative, as opposed Galactic Atlas which is an out of universe sourcebook which are known to make mistakes from time to time, like the mistake made about Luminara Unduli being a jedi council member, on the same page of the atlas sourcebook her fate is stated.

This deleted scene can be seen on the new Disney+ service as an extra. Both of you and others take note, this is speculatory, this is unverified.

Did he just signal Anakin to throw a curve ball? I give my permission to pass my contact information to the alleged infringing party. For you to keep basing the details on a deleted scene from 2005 and claiming it as canon without any canon source is intellectually dishonest and it must stop.

I remember as a kid I thought that was supposed to be Ahsoka. --, People seem to have forgotten Shaak Tis defeat at the hand of Darth Vaders secret apprentice Starkiller. Great scene but the writing was terrible. Shes actually pretty cool). I think it's safe to assume that, like the other events in Yoda's vision, this actually happened and she died. Is it just me or did it sound like grievous was in the middle of saying “don’t fuck with me” right as the vid cut off?

She died in LEGO Star Wars.


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