private car). Wearing a mask in a preventive manner is not recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a means to avoid contamination with the COVID-19 virus. The person in question benefits from an absence of work certificate, equivalent to a sickness certificate, issued up by the Health Inspectorate and recognized by the health insurance. If you have not been in close contact with a sick person who has recently been in a risk area, you should not worry. Selon les autorités de santé, les clusters apparaissent surtout lors de fêtes mais aussi au bureau. An infection with COVID-19 can occur if you touch these objects or surfaces and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Quasi unique règle pendant le confinement de ce printemps, de plus en plus d’entreprises ont décidé d’y mettre fin. Cases have since been discovered in other regions of China and in other countries, often linked to a history of travel to Wuhan. A person cannot move freely during quarantine. If a child or teenager shows symptoms within 14 days after his return, or has been proven to be in close contact with a sick and contagious person, his parents must keep him at home, contact the Health Inspectorate, mention the symptoms and travel history. « Le virus est de nouveau actif dans le pays » a assuré la ministre de la Santé, Paulette Lenert lors d’un point presse dimanche soir. Don't go to work! "C'est plus ce que c'était" : La réaction géniale de Lassalle sur la bagarre de Béziers-Oyonnax, 4 Prix du gaz et du tabac, frais bancaires, chômage, retraites : ce qui change au 1er novembre, 5 Loire-Atlantique. En raison d’un cas de force majeure ou d’une situation de nécessité; Déplacement nécessaire à l’exercice du droit de visite et d’hébergement ainsi qu’à l’exercice des résidences alternées; Les activités de loisirs en plein air à titre individuel ou limitées aux personnes qui cohabitent. to organize medical checkups for third-country nationals. Le gouvernement va donc davantage sanctionner. The incubation period, time between contamination and the appearance of the first symptoms of COVID-19 infection is maximum 14 days. Selectionnez une région ou recherchez une ville,, Deuxième vague de Covid-19 au Luxembourg : 163 nouvelles infections en 24h, Covid-19 : la Sarre et la Rhénanie-Palatinat imposent la quarantaine depuis le Luxembourg. Like the flu, the coronavirus is especially dangerous for the elderly and people with other (serious) health conditions. Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you sneeze or cough. Le Luxembourg doit faire face à une deuxième vague d'infections au Covid-19. Luxembourg has a stock of special masks (FFP2) and surgical masks. Quarantine is accomplished either at home or in a quarantine center. In order to avoid spreading among the general population and to protect vulnerable and fragile populations, it is important to take a certain number of precautions. Protect yourself from coronavirus like you do for the flu. You may have a seasonal flu. Throw the tissues in a bin with a lid and wash your hands frequently and properly. The National Health Laboratory (LNS) is approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the diagnosis of the virus. Le virus se propage. The best way to wash your hands is illustrated online at. Seniors and people with pre-existing chronic illnesses seem more vulnerable and susceptible to complications. This is why it is important to keep a distance of more than two meters from a sick person and to respect basic hygiene measures. Ceux qui ne respectent pas les règles d’isolement ou de quarantaine devront payer une amende de 25 à 500 euros. This list is subject to change at any time depending on the availability of information. The Health Inspectorate is a division of the Health Directorate. Acquisition de denrées alimentaires, de produits pharmaceutiques et de produits de première nécessité; Acquisition des produits agricoles, viticoles, horticoles et sylvicoles; Déplacement vers les structures de santé; Déplacement vers le lieu de travail pour l’exercice de l’activité professionnelle; Assistance et soins aux personnes âgées, aux mineurs d’âge, aux personnes dépendantes, aux personnes handicapées et aux personnes particulièrement vulnérables; Déplacement vers les organismes de sécurité sociale, Déplacement vers les entités commerciales et artisanales visées à l’article 3 du. Retrouvez des informations officielles sur les mesures et recommandations sanitaires, des informations pour voyageurs, des gestes de protection, informations sectorielles et des FAQ thématiques. It is not excluded that they survive for a few hours outside the body on surfaces, such as parcels. At first, the epidemic seemed to be linked to the South China Seafood City market. Prenez contact directement avec notre régie publicitaire IPLuxembourg. « Le télétravail est une partie de la solution. Mantes-la-Jolie : des invités et des armes à la maison en plein confinement, 2 Vendée : une jeune femme retrouvée morte sur une plage de Barbâtre, 3 VIDEO. Près d’une centaine de nouveaux cas de coronavirus sont confirmés quotidiennement grâce à une politique de tests massifs. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The procedures for quarantine and self-monitoring of contacts have been defined by the Health Directorate and can be implemented quickly by the Health Inspectorate (Inspection sanitaire). Auteur: Gaël Arellano | Actualisé: 04.04.2020 08:08 . The disease can be spread from person to person through respiratory droplets expelled from the nose or mouth when a person coughs or sneezes. It is therefore important to quickly detect the virus in order to prevent or contain the spread. Isolation is a measure of confinement of a sick and contagious person, based on a decision of the physician in charge of the patient's care. In aviation, very strict procedures still apply. If necessary, isolation may be imposed by the Health Inspectorate if, for example, the patient refuses isolation or its therapeutic treatment. La vente de vêtements sur un marché provoque la colère d'une commerçante, Abonnez-vous pour lire le journal PDF en illimité. Le gouvernement envisage un retrait de trois mois de l’autorisation d’établissement en cas de récidive. Consumption of undercooked animal products may present a risk of infection. Les élèves de Terminales qui passent un bac général, technologique et professionnel seront évalués cette année uniquement via le contrôle continu, en raison de l'épidémie de coronavirus, a déclaré vendredi le ministre de l'Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer. These procedures have been communicated to all physicians on several occasions. If, however, you are traveling to a risk area, observe both the local instructions and the following recommendations: Il est possible que vos projets de déplacement soient contrariés dans la mesure où certains endroits risquent d'être fermés au public ou mis sous quarantaine. This market welcomes traders in seafood, poultry, bats, marmots and other wild animals, which indicates a probable animal origin of this virus. Risk exposure areas are defined as areas or regions for which diffuse community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been described and where the virus circulates among the population. The COVID-19 infection is transmitted by people carrying the virus. Coronaviruses spread through secretions from humans and animals. Dimanche 19 juillet 2020, le Premier ministre Xavier Bettel a durci les règles sans pour autant annoncer de reconfinement comme en Espagne par exemple. These masks are intended for caregivers in close contact with a sick person or a person in quarantine. to ensure the protection of public health, both in terms of environmental health and the surveillance and control of communicable diseases. Find official information on sanitary measures and recommendations, information for travellers, protective measures, sectoral information and thematic FAQ. « Nos tests le confirment. An inter-ministerial coordination group continuously plans and prepares the measures to be taken in the event of a COVID-19 infection. Luxembourg has a stock of special masks (FFP2) and surgical masks. Conception et design : Datagif. These droplets can persist for a few hours on objects or surfaces around the person in question. The national service for infectious diseases at the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) is prepared to receive possible cases of suspected or confirmed illness. In this case, consult your general practitioner. The same precautions should be taken as for any other respiratory infection. The duration of isolation depends on the duration of contagiousness of the disease. SARS-CoV-2 is a new strain of coronavirus that had not be seen in humans before. Le Luxembourg doit faire face à une deuxième vague d'infections au Covid-19. Pour l’instant, le Luxembourg se refuse à reconfiner le pays et les hôpitaux ne connaissent pas encore de conséquences de cette deuxième vague. Pour éviter ce genre de situations à l'avenir, la police luxembourgeoise a publié jeudi une liste officielle des déplacements qui sont autorisés en cette période de confinement. You are considered to have been in close contact: Quarantine is a measure of confinement of a person in good health but having had proven close contact with a sick and contagious person. On fait le point. Do not go to your physician or the emergency room. Top 5 des domaines où le Luxembourg est champion d'Europe, Le Luxembourg, 3e pays au monde en nombre de contaminations, Pour l'OGBL, cette gestion de crise à long terme laisse à désirer, Intervention de la police au centre de dépistage de Junglinster, Interventions à Mamer, Moutfort et Kleinbettingen, Après le SP98 et 95, le prix du diesel baisse au Luxembourg, Nouvelles mesures Covid discutées ce vendredi. Stay home if you are sick. If these people have not been proven to be in close contact with a sick and contagious person and do not have typical symptoms (cough, fever, breathing problems), they can resume their professional activity. All rights reserved. Les Lorrains peuvent-ils faire des achats au Luxembourg? Seul l'oral de Français est maintenu pour les élèves de Première, a-t-il précisé lors d'une conférence de presse. Restez chez-vous: le message est clair et pourtant, chaque jour, de nombreux automobilistes se font sanctionner pour s'être déplacés sans raison valable. Further, Luxembourg is participating in a joint acquisition with other EU member states aiming to strengthen the existing stock. For this reason, it is essential to comply with the hygienic measures that prevent contamination. These masks are intended for caregivers in close contact with a sick person or a person in quarantine. Les plus lus. Le déconfinement signifie plus de liberté pour les habitants du Grand Est. To avoid contamination of other people, it is recommended to stay away from these people. Avoid close contact with sick people (keep a distance of at least 2 meters). The World Health Organization (WHO) does not advocate additional measures for airports., China (mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao), Singapore, Japan, South Corea, Italy: Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Piemont, Most importantly: wash your hands regularly and properly. to decide on the medical fitness for deportation measures. Yes, our hospitals are prepared. La conférence de presse de Xavier Bettel et de Paulette Lenert, 1 Yvelines. In this case, the resulting absence is qualified as a work exemption and cannot be counted against recreational leave. A referral service, namely the National Service of Infectious Diseases at CHL, is in charge of the reception of patients infected with the coronavirus. COVID-19 can also be contracted by inhaling droplets from a sick person who has just coughed or sneezed. Le portail officiel du gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. L’une des nouvelles règles imposées par le gouvernement : pas plus de 10 personnes à la maison à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur (terrasse, jardin…) lors de rassemblements privés. The mission is: Avoid as far as possible a trip to a risk zone, namely a destination where the epidemic is raging. Do not go to a physician's office or to the emergency room. LUXEMBOURG - Confinement et télétravail obligent, les importations d'ordinateurs portables ont explosé de 24% sur les 7 premiers mois de l'année au Luxembourg. An employer can certainly ask an employee to stay at home. Déplacement lié aux besoins indispensables des animaux de compagnie. Mais, la situation aux frontières avec le Luxembourg et l'Allemagne reste tendue. The physician of the Health Inspectorate will assess the situation and take the necessary precautions. Certificates issued by health authorities of other European countries for quarantine measure are also recognized in Luxembourg. Voici la liste complète des déplacements autorisés . A new coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not yet been identified in humans. Une mesure qui concerne surtout les frontaliers Lorrains : le télétravail. La ministre de la santé a prévenu : des sanctions vont être créées contre les établissements qui enfreignent la loi à plusieurs reprises (non respect du port du masque, service de clients debout dans les bars…). Les règles sont durcies mais le gouvernement se refuse à reconfiner le pays, pour l'instant. In line with international recommendations, children and young people who return from a risk zone, without having had proven close contact with a sick and contagious person and without presenting typical symptoms (cough, fever, respiratory problems) can directly return to school or day care. Le Premier ministre, qui a poussé un vrai cri de colère contre le relâchement des mesures sanitaires, assure que le gouvernement réfléchit à la possibilité de suspendre les aides financières octroyées pendant la crise et d’exiger leurs remboursements. The virus is destroyed when the product is cooked. La voici: Actualisation : la police grand-ducale nous a informé vendredi à 14h que la foire à question avait été mise hors ligne pour une période de temps indéterminée. If you have these symptoms and you have been in a risk zone, or if someone close to you is sick and has gone to one of these zones, call the Health Inspectorate (+352 247 -85650) during the day or the emergency number 112 between 19:00 and 8:00 and mention your travel history and your symptoms. Pour plus d'informations, consultez notre live sur la situation de confinement au Luxembourg. For all other questions related to COVID-2019, please consult the websites of the Ministry of Health, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO) Other passengers will be taken care of according to the degree of exposure upon arrival of the Health Inspectorate. Monitor symptoms daily (cough, breathing problems), Avoid contact with vulnerable and fragile people, Stay at home and avoid contact with other people, Call the Health Inspectorate (+352) 2478 5650 who may decide to quarantine you, Stay within reach for the Health Inspectorate, If you shared the same living area as the sick patient when the latter presented symptoms, If you have had direct, face-to-face contact, within two meters of the patient while coughing, sneezing, or talking, If you are a neighbor of the sick patient on an airplane or train, or if you have stayed in a confined space with him (e.g. Avoid touching your face with your hands as much as possible. Les premières heures du couvre-feu au Luxembourg, Cinq décès au Luxembourg, l'Europe se reconfine. As the number of patients increases in Europe, the likelihood of people becoming infected with the coronavirus also increases in Luxembourg. ». Les règles sont durcies mais le gouvernement se refuse à reconfiner le pays, pour l'instant. « Nous sommes dans la seconde vague », avait-elle déjà indiqué samedi lors d’une interview à la radio RTL. Follow the 6 instructions listed above and avoid poorly ventilated areas with many people. to process documents from foreigners seeking treatment in Luxembourg and whose care is not provided by social security organizations.
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