maris brood

Galen killed the rancor and defeated Maris. Durga the Hutt | Burbakker Teep | She kept the senator as her prisoner, and planned to offer him to Vader should he ever find her in exchange for her freedom. Alias Reborn |

Sora Bulq | After confronting Starkiller, she sets her "pet" bull rancor on him, then duels him in a ferocious lightsaber duel. Darth Bane | Maris Brood was a female Zabrak Jedi Padawan, who survived the initial stages of the Great Jedi Purge. Gardulla the Elder | Nen Yim | Trained by her master on the starship Gray Pilgrim, she was distanced from the rest of the order during the Clone Wars. Zorba the Hutt. Gault Rennow | Natasi Daala | Shimmra Jamaane | Bent on revenge, Maris set out to hunt and destroy the Dark lord.

Borsk Fey'lya | Chop'aa Notimo | Carnor Jax | Aleema Keto | Maris Brood is a minor antagonist in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and appears in the Wii versions of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Being intercepted by surviving Jedi Master Shaak Ti, Maris was persuaded away from the Dark Side of The Force and went into hiding in the forests of Felucia. Tahiri Veila, Galactic Empire Onimi |

While on Felucia, she took to using a pair of guard shotos, which she wielded against Vader's apprentice. The Dark Apprentice | Lord Starkiller | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Skere Kaan | She spent many years in hiding with Jedi Master Shaak Ti on the planet Felucia.

Before Starkiller is about to kill her, Maris apparently shows remorse and begs Starkiller to spare her life.

However, when her parents were killed in a Nightsister attack at age four, the young Brood was taken in as the pupil of Kirana Ti. By the time of her fall to the dark side, Brood utilized twin red guard shotos in combat.

She and her master were on the outer rim, away from the fighting of the Clone Wars when Palpatine gave Order 66. Cos Dashit | Despite Brood's loyalty to Ti, she continued to harbor much anger and resentment towards the Nightsisters over the deaths of her parents, a trait which Ti tried and failed to eliminate. Ulic Qel-Droma | Her fear of death at Kylo Ren's hands made her more than willing to place her own survival above all else, taking hostages and potentially trading them to the Empire in exchange for her life.

Maris Brood was a female Human who served the Nightsisters before and throughout the Yuuzhan Vong War.
X1 | Czulkang Lah | Zekk |

Sorzus Syn | Rom Mohc |

Armand Isard | Kir Kanos | Darth Andeddu | Xanatos | She wielded a red guard during her time in Felucia, and used them against Galen when he confronted her. Star Wars Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community.

Baron Merillion Tarko | Galactic Alliance Guard Tyber Zann | Brotherhood of Darkness |
Chom Frey Kaa | Training Darth Cognus | She is Master Shaak Ti's apprentice when Starkiller first arrives on Felucia to kill her. She was more open to giving into her baser urges and primal emotions than heeding her Master's example of calmness and patience. Alema Rar | Tamith Kai |

Welk | Rugess Nome | Maris Brood later appeared in the Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II as a playable character in the multiplayer fights, even though she doesn't appear in the game's story. Born on Dathomir in the year 1 ABY, Brood was brought up in the Singing Mountain Clan as a child. COMPNOR | Once the player presses the square button to finish her, the buttons that appear one by one are: These are the buttons that finish the Maris Brood fight on the Xbox 360. Maris Brood war eine weibliche Zabrak-Jedi, die vom Planeten Iridonia stammte. These are the buttons that finish the Maris Brood fight on the PlayStation 3. Born on Dathomir in the year 1 ABY, Brood was brought up in the Singing Mountain Clan as a child. Crimes Amanoa | Origin Dark Acolytes: Sev'rance Tann | Sora Bulq | Asajj Ventress | Tol Skorr | Kadrian Sey, Nightsisters Starkiller relents and lets Maris go free. Erisi Dlarit | Brood also showed an affinity for Beast Control, befriending the mythical bull rancor, which was thought to be uncontrollable by the native Dathomirians. She wielded twin red lightsabers with tonfa shaped hilts. Maris is the boss battle during the mission to Felucia in Chapter Two of The Force Unleashed. Ysanne Izzard, New Galactic Empire

Azrakel | Kazdan Paratus | Peace Brigade | Abeloth | After Ti was eventually defeated and killed by Marek, Brood was left without a master once more on Felucia. Hethrir | Ban Papeega | Sun Guard | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Achievements, Komari Vosa | Crado | Crispin Hoedaack | When Galen Marek, Vader's secret apprentice, visited the planet for the first time, hunting down Shaak Ti, Ti denied Brood the right to confront him alongside her, sending her instead to the rancor graveyard, despite Brood's protestations that she was strong enough to stand alongside her master. Trioculus | Jorrus C'baoth | Darth Guile |

Cronal |

Maris Brood was a young, rash Zabrak Jedi, who came dangerously close to the Dark Side. Darth Gean | Ajunta Pall | Galen Marek | Darth Venamis | You can help Villains Wiki by expanding it. Soldiers: Alto Stratus | Cavik Toth | Cydon Prax | Durge | Gizor Dellso | Kul Teska | Oro Dassyne | Sun Fac Luuke Skywalker | She was proficient in the use of telekinesis as well as fighting at close range using melee attacks. Sate Pestage | Kueller | Unidentified Sith Master (Dxun) | Pol Secura, Other Beilert Valance | Maris Brood was found as an infant by the Jedi Order, and taken into Jedi training. Despite her inclinations toward the dark side, Kirana Ti believed that it was due more to Brood's fear than anger. Maris Brood Imperial Navy | He was able to inform Maris of the destruction of the Jedi and Darth Vader's role in their deaths before going missing. Powers/Skills La influencia de Ti podía verse tanto en el estilo de lucha y podere… A year later, she is still on Felucia, but has fallen to the Dark Side and is holding Senator Bail Organa hostage. Hobby Maris Brood was a female Human who served the Nightsisters before and throughout the Yuuzhan Vong War. Sie überlebte die nach der Order 66 ausgerufene Große Jedi-Säuberung und wurde zur Schülerin der Jedi-Meisterin Shaak Ti. Maris Brood |

However, when her parents were killed in a Nightsister attack at age four, the young Brood was taken in as the pupil of Kirana Ti. Rukh | Black Knights | Karness Muur |

Thrawn | When her master could not contact any other Jedi, he set out for Coruscant to learn the truth of the matter, leaving Maris to fend for herself. Adas | Crispin Hoedaack | Kadann | Xendor |

Montross | Longo Two-Guns | Sith Lords: Darth Azard | Darth Havok | Darth Kruhl | Darth Luft | Darth Maladi | Darth Nihl | Darth Rauder | Darth Reave | Darth Ruyn | Darth Stryfe | Darth Talon | Darth Vurik | Darth Wredd | Darth Wyyrlok I | Darth Wyyrlok II | Darth Wyyrlok III | Saarai | Vul Isen

Meeko Ghintee |

Begging for her life with the claim that, if he let her live, she'd turn her back on the dark side, Galen decided to let her go, despite Bail's protests, recalling Vader's fall to the dark side. Darth Desolous | Fallen Dark Knight.

When Galen Marek visited the planet for the first time, Ti denied Brood to confront him, sending her ito the rancor graveyard, despite Brood's protestations. Sariss, Sith and Dark Jedi

This article is a stub and is in need of expansion. Maris agradeció a Shaak Ti por entrenarla, pero los dos Jedi parecía tener una relación turbulenta. None Darth Vectivus | TreacheryKidnappingManipulationBrainwashing Thrackan Sal-Solo | PROXY | Vantos Coll, One Sith Tenn Graneet | Sai Sircu | Darth Morias | Maris Brood was born with a higher degree of Force-sensitivity than most, and was helped towards realizing her potential by Kirana Ti. Connus Treli | Jerec | Alora | Groff Haugg | XoXann | Kill Starkiller (failed) Tsavong Lah, Confederacy of Independent Systems Zalem, Glitteryll Conspiracy Due to their isolation, Maris and her master did not experience the execution of Order 66 first hand. After Ti left to join Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, Maris Brood's sense of abandonment and betrayal at having been left alone on Dathomir resulted in her full immersion in the dark side of the Force after being abducted by a Nightsister clan, though she would later claim that this was because of the dark nature of the planet itself. Nas Choka | Darth Scabrous | Freedom Nadd | She is Master Shaak Ti's apprentice when Starkiller first arrives on Felucia to kill her. Darth Caedus | Not long after her master left the planet to join Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 in 11 ABY, she was abducted by members of a Nightsister clan and corrupted by the dark side of the Force. Desann |

Lomi Plo | When Marek visited the planet for a second time, in a mission to rescue Senator Bail Organa, he discovered Brood. Valorum |

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She was voiced by Adrienne Wilkinson, who also voiced Reborn Laura in The Evil Within. Brakiss | Darth Ruin | Ozzik Sturn | Maris Brood was born on Dathomir in the year 1 ABY and brought up in the Singing Mountain Clan as an infant. Elan | Darth Zannah |

Kleef |

Harrar | Maris Brood was a Zabrak female who was a Jedi Padawan and was alive after the time of the Great Jedi Purge. Mara Jade | Ti befriended several other Dathomiri tribes and continued to train Maris Brood in the art of war for the next several years. Soldiers: Darth Krayt's Sith Troopers | Morlish Veed, Prophets of the Dark Side She was voiced by Adrienne Wilkinson, who also voiced Reborn Laura in The Evil Within. Darth Vader | Juno Eclipse | Darth Plagueis | Drexl Roosh |

Darth Gravid | The Dark Underlord | Darth Millennial | Prince Xizor |

Jenna Zan Arbor | However, Galen Marek had killed Ti during his first visit to the planet, which had plunged Maris deeper into darkness. Hanharr | Talon Karrde | Drathul | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

Jedi apprentice (formerly)

Granta Omega | When Organa had come to Felucia in search of Shaak Ti, not knowing she was dead, hoping she would rescue Leia Organa, Brood had taken him captive. Not long after her master left the planet to join Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 in 11 ABY, s… Beast controlForce masteryLightsaber profienciey Not long after her master left the planet to join Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 in 11 ABY, she was abducted by members of a Nightsister clan and corrupted by the dark side of the Force. Marek argued his actions by saying that she was not really free, and that she would carry the memories of what she had done with her forever. Zona Luka, Yuuzhan Vong Darth Homiiz |


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