acteur qui gon jinn

[71], As he escaped from Manex's residence, Jinn realized that he was being followed and confronted the pursuer, who was revealed to be Eritha. Balog was aware of his pursuers and he left traps behind him, tricking the Jedi's droid by leaving a pile of clothes near a burning fire. Veda realized that Elan would not meet with her, but the Queen hoped that the Jedi would find a way to set up a meeting with her. The two Padawans soon run out of one of the tunnels, chased by a swarm of challat eaters. [89], Yoda suspected that Frexton had a more selfish motive, however. Jinn, however, also had to break the news that he had been unable to free Shmi as well, but he promised to look after the boy and try to convince the Jedi Council to accept him for Jedi training. Jinn realized that Xanatos had indeed kidnapped the boy and therefore decided to break the fight and rescue Kenobi. The final verdict regarding Skywalker's future was put on hold until the resolution of the conflict. Both Brun and Prammi had tried to court the hill people to sway them to their side in the election, but the hill people had refused to participate in the elections, just as they had not recognized Veda, and prior to her, Cana, as their ruler. Once inside the prison, Drenna would use it to shoot darts at the sensors, triggering the alarm. As they spent the night in Celia's safe house before embarking on a mission, Kenobi felt that they should contact the Council, but Jinn did not want them to know, having learned back from his training with Dooku that certain independence from the Council during a mission was sometimes necessary. When Jinn asked O-Vieve what would happen to the Padawans, she replied that they had been taken during the Truant Sweep and were held at the Learning Circle. This contradicted standard non-lethal programming, which meant that someone had reprogrammed them from the central command console. After that, the Jedi teams boarded their respective ships and embarked on the mission. They then proceeded to look for an entrance to the underground compound and, soon enough, found it. After a brief fight, the silan was dead. The girl informed Jinn that she had discovered that her sister, Alani, had been in league with Balog and was supplying him with information. The Wookiee Jedi Master then literally turned the tables on Stark and his men, and a fight ensued. Soon, Cohl returned to the hangar with some stolen cargo, boarded his pod and left the Revenue, with the Jedi on his tail. The members of the Council, especially Mace Windu, were not worried about Tahl, believing that her silence was necessitated by the secrecy of her mission and that she had run into some difficulties that had extended the mission. Having found a suitable blue Adegan crystal, Kenobi replaced his previous crystal—taken from a storage in the Jedi Temple—with it. Revue de presse | On the steps of the residence, however, they found the dead body of Roan. Leaving the factory building, Jinn emerged on the facility grounds and took one of the speeders parked there to reach the tower, having to jump away as the vessel lost control and crashed into the base of the tower. Realizing that he had no way of escape, Xanatos spoke to Jinn, saying that he was his biggest failure and Jinn would have to live with that. Qui-Gon Jinn passes away in Kenobi's arms. Sensing a disturbance in the Force on the planet, Jinn contacted Tahl, who was at the Jedi Temple, via comlink, asking her to provide any information on the planet. He and Gallia soon felt in the Force as Tyvokka had succumbed to his wounds and died. Xanatos once again got mad at Jinn, telling his Master that he never wanted to come back to Telos, and he asked Jinn to find Nason's killer, so that they could go back to Coruscant. Dooku was still a member of the Jedi Order, and the Jedi who had died during those conflicts, like Jinn, were still alive. Under the escort, the pilot landed their starship on a landing platform, where a detachment of battle droids awaited them. However, Jinn could only guide Yoda through his trials. Kenobi was deeply affected by Eerin's kidnapping, who was his closest friend, but Jinn consoled him and asked to behave like a Jedi if he wanted to become one once again. The younglings scaled a nearby cliff with cable launchers several times, learning to keep their balance. They found Didi and Astri in their residence, unharmed, but Jinn believed that the bounty hunter would strike soon. Meanwhile, Yoda and Kenobi took shelter with Senator Bail Organa, who was still sympathetic to the Jedi.

The two decided to wait, and soon workers returning from their shift crowded the streets. When Jinn and Tahl inspected the training rooms, among the torn tunics, they found an inscription written in red paint on a wall in a tone mocking Yoda's pattern of speech that stated the Jedi's time would come and that they should beware the intruder, who called himself "trouble." After the first round was over, Jinn and Kenobi asked Denetrus to direct them to UniFy offices and left him alone. Alaris Prime colonists[7]Jedi Order[3]Old GuardGalactic Republic[3] When she tried to access Rutin's computer containing the evidence he had collected, she found that the evidence had been erased and a message threatening to kill Lena unless she stopped the investigation appeared on the screen. Shortly after being taken as a Padawan by Dooku, Jinn received a present from his Master—a copy of the third edition of the book called The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, which served as a guide for Jedi trainees. Liam Neeson joue quant à lui Qui-Gon Jinn. Wehutti himself escorted Jinn and Kenobi to the Melida territory through the ravaged parts of Zehava. Hoping to protect the twins from the Sith, Kenobi and Yoda split them up. Jinn was not told about Dooku's discovery either and was even ordered to maintain comlink silence. The AgriCorps assisted in that task, replanting large areas with plants to form the so-called Enrichment Zones. Kenobi was imprisoned; he managed to escape, but he lost his lightsaber in the process. Jinn and Dooku rushed to the docking bay, only to find battle droids rolling from the pirate's craft. While Shmi was preparing a meal[3] from the food capsules given to her by Jinn,[14] the Jedi Master was contacted by Kenobi and was informed by his Padawan that the group on the Royal Starship had received a holographic transmission from Sio Bibble,[3] who claimed that the Trade Federation had severed all food supplies[110] and that the people of Naboo were taking heavy casualties.

He also expressed his appreciation for his Master deeming him ready for the Trials. Qui-Gon Jinn est un personnage fictif de la saga Star Wars, interprété par l'acteur Liam Neeson. Xanatos then attacked them himself, jumping onto the catwalk and clashing his lightsaber with Jinn's. The captain had been the one responsible for the course change all that time, as he was in league with Clode Rhoden. Returning to the docking bay, they saw Annon in shackles, being pushed into the enemy ship by the pirate, whose face was hidden behind a helmet. According to the briefing provided by Master Nu, the native Vorzydiaks of Vorzyd IV were a very work-centric species. Irini also revealed that no Absolutes had been arrested in the wake of the government changes. Qui-Gon Jinn was a Human male[4] born in 92 BBY[2] on a terrestrial planet. Jinn and Kenobi brought a cargo of the much-needed bacta from Phindar to Gala.
Jinn and Kenobi tried to lure Xanatos back into the water, so that his own lightsaber shorted out, but then the time came for the water to come through the tunnels, and Xanatos allowed himself to be taken away by the torrent. There, they were recognized as wanted criminals and were thrown into prison, although the security guards did not find their lightsabers. Jinn and Kenobi reflected on the friends they were leaving on Bandomeer, namely Si Treemba, Clat'Ha, and Guerra, but the Phindian pilot, irritated by their conversation, purposefully shook the ship, and the Jedi opted to remain quiet for the rest of the journey. Kenobi expressed his desire to start an investigation to find out who had sabotaged the machinery, but Jinn strongly forbade him to do so and left for his quarters.

Tahl would remain undercover for one more week, while Jinn and Kenobi would investigate the murder of Ewane. Le réalisateur le décrit comme étant : « un maître parmi les acteurs, que les autres l'admireront, et qu'il possède les qualités de force requises par le personnage[a 2],[Note 2]. [73], After the fight, Jinn suggested Kenobi speak directly to Grath, the leader of the Freelies, offering him to start negotiations with the adults. The game outright contradicts the movie scene during the mission Otoh Gunga. [96], Calling in every favor owned to him in the last five years and making significant concessions to a number of Senators, the Chancellor convinced enough of them to vote for an embargo act,[96] assembling local paramilitary forces to enforce a technological blockade of the Yinchorri system, preventing them from rearming and resuming their conquests,[20] and convincing the Senate to immediately send a strike force to assist the Jedi at Uhanayih. However, even with the replacement power plug,[119] the race started badly for Skywalker, as his podracer failed to start due to sabotage by Sebulba, but he soon fixed the problem and joined the race. A distinguished and adept Jedi warrior, Qui-Gon Jinn reflected strength and wisdom.[3]. [3] However, when Jinn went outside the Temple, he found that Skywalker was missing. [3] Jinn was surprised to face a Dathomirian Zabrak trained in dark arts and wielding a red-bladed lightsaber all the way on Tatooine, yet he displayed shrewd readiness and parried Maul's attacks. However, Rutin's package only contained a seemingly random assortment of items: a pair of waterproof boots, a small light, a beam drill and a vial of dirt. [83], In 38 BBY, a luxury cloud cruiser called the Aurorient Express slipped out of control and began sinking into the thick atmosphere of the planet Yorn Skot, endangered to be crushed by the planet's tibanisphere in a matter of hours. In an attempt to ease his Padawan's mind, Jinn offered him to go help Tahl on Centax 2, much to Kenobi's delight, as he was excited at the prospect of meeting his friend Garen Muln, who had been a member of Rhara's program.[16]. Inspecting Sundown's crashed airspeeder, they found that the man had snapped his neck and had died. Fortunately for them, Denetrus had forgotten to return several ID badges when he had been working for UniFy, so he had access to the offices, and he offered his help in browsing through the company's files. A sensor trained onto the Trade Federation's booth detected them raising the security field, and the holocamera sent a signal to the assassin droid among the Federation's escort. Tu veux un feat, belek au taro, Zuukou sort l'arbalète et les gros carreaux [50], Denetrus led Jinn and Kenobi to the residence of Andra, the leader of Preserve Our Wild Endangered Resources Party or POWER Party. Jinn interrogated one of the captured officers, who revealed that the tanks had been sent by Giba, who had claimed that the hill people were savages who planned to sabotage the elections. Moreover, one of the pirate ships opened fire, breaching a hole in the Monument's hull near the site where Jinn fought the pirate. As Dooku's Padawan, Jinn was extensively mentioned in the work. Telling Guerra to hide in the mine and promising to deactivate his collar, Jinn and Kenobi left on the boat.


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