star wars sith liste

However, while he had planned to attain immortality by possessing his apprentice, he eventually met his end at Darth Plagueis’ hands, showcasing once again the cycle of violence within the Sith Order. [18] A staunch adherent to Darth Bane's Rule of Two, Cognus found herself at philosophical odds with her own disciple. The Sith Worlds was a region of the Esstran sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Vurk Jedi Master who participates in the Battle of Geonosis and is killed by Jango Fett while attempting to kill Count Dooku. After being defeated, he attempts to escape using his ligthsaber to fly away, but it malfunctions, causing him to fall to his death. Clone trooper and member of Delta Squad. He has genetic mutations that give him enhanced senses, such as tracking and feeling electromagnetic signals. Darth Vitiate no longer exists in the official canon of Star Wars, but when he did, he was portrayed as an incredibly powerful figure. [26] A detachment of the Guard protected Plagueis during the many years he spent in near total isolation while studying the midi-chlorians. While still apprenticed to Plagueis, Sidious moved to eliminate certain loose ends in form of Sith-based cults that threatened the Grand Plan. Green Nikto employed as one of Jabba the Hutt's skiff guards in, A slug-like Trodatome mechanic who helps the Resistance in, Zabrak Jedi Master and member of the Jedi High Council, who wields a green lightsaber in, Kel Dor Jedi Master and Jedi Council member in the prequel trilogy. He sides with the Rebellion after his men were slaughtered by the Imperial Super Commandos and eventually joins Clan Wren in the Mandalorian Civil War.

Their loyalty, however, would ultimately belong to the Supreme Chancellor alone. [2], The Rule of Two also served to ensure the continued survival of the Sith by dictating that the Order should operate in secret.

Klicke in dieses Feld, um es in vollständiger Größe anzuzeigen. Plagueis' original goal was to create an army of Yinchorri clones, and thus he hired the cloners of Kamino to carry out his wishes. Mother of Lux Bonteri and Separatist senator in the Clone Wars.

Aurra Sing was yet another Jedi Padawan who turned to the Dark Side of the Force. His corruption showed him new gifts to explore, including many force abilities that had been off limits in the past.

Jedi librarian killed by Darth Vader during Order 66. However, Zannah had lied to Darovit, pledging to surrender to the Jedi for the sole purpose of convincing him and Caleb to repair Bane's injured body. Tyranus's choice fell on a bounty hunter named Jango Fett. The team had been sent by the Jedi Council arrived on but only found Darovit utterly consumed by madness. With Maul lost and apparently dead, Sidious traveled to his homeworld where he was welcomed by the victorious Naboo and Gungan forces. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Furthermore, Bane wanted the dark side to be concentrated into just two individuals, as he believed that its power was finite and had been diluted among the many members of the Brotherhood. [44], Without Sidious's presence, the Galactic Empire was fractured into various factions controlled by ambitious Moffs and Imperial officers who desired to seize opportunity in the wake of the massive power vacuum left behind by the fall of the Sith Lords. Female Aqualish in the service of the Empire, who was the headmaster of the Future Imperial Leaders Military Preparatory School on the planet, Member of the Imperial Ruling Council and one of Emperor Palpatine's advisors, he is with the Emperor on the second Death Star when it is destroyed over the forest moon of Endor in, Bardottan podracer whose large racer is sabotaged and destroyed by Sebulba in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace in, Neimoidian second-in-command to Nute Gunray and Settlement Officer of the Trade Federation. Despite having great strength and a short temper, they are described as an intelligent and scientific race. [10] On Tatooine, Dengar and Manaroo nurse Boba Fett back to health after his escape from the Sarlacc, forming a partnership between the two former rivals[10] which continues in The Bounty Hunter Wars. Wookiee youngling who was among the youngest to pass the Gathering. Like Darth Talon, Darth Gean was a Twi’lek Sith Lady; she was apprenticed to Darth Gravid. At some point before his death, Darth Sidious became obsessed with achieving immortality, much like his Master who also hoped to avoid the tradition of the Rule of Two. Les survivants se déchirèrent entre eux, à la fois à cause de la défaite, se rejetant mutuellement la faute, et de la guerre de succession au titre de Seigneur Noir des Sith, car le Seigneur Noir était mort à la guerre. His father is special forces soldier, Kes Dameron, and his mother is A-wing pilot, Shara Bey. She is confronted by Obi-Wan Kenobi when her starship is taken by Ziro and his girlfriend Sy Snootles. He became the future Emperor’s apprentice after Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated Darth Maul, but Darth Sidious simply used Dooku to get Anakin Skywalker to join him and turn to the Dark Side, conveniently disposing of the Count in the process. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence.

Darth Zannah, first apprentice and second Master of the Order. She was the one who ended him, as she was powerful enough to break through the shields he had installed around his fortress. Les générations suivantes de Sith s'approprièrent progressivement les préceptes et la doctrine des Jedi noirs et c'est ainsi que fut fondé l'Empire Sith, régenté par l'Ordre (qualifié d'Ordre Sith en distinction des Jedi). Date dissolved The fact that a clone was created beyond the natural process made it more vulnerable to the harmful effects of the dark side.


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