mathieu lefèvre more in common
She completed this experience with SINGA, a grassroots non-profit, working to match refugees and locals, as a community manager. Tim Dixon is a co-founder of More in Common, an international non-profit that works to make societies more resilient to the threats of polarization and social division. JD is experienced navigating complex statutory requirements and appreciates working in a dynamic global environment. More in Common ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die von Purpose Europe entwickelt wurde. Reader's Digest and More in Common American Unity Survey. Since 2016, Stephen has led More in Common’s studies on polarization and division in the United States and across Europe. Dr Yudkin is a postdoctoral researcher in social decision-making at Yale University, investigating how transformative experiences change people's values and behaviors. We are losing trust in each other and in the future. Sarah holds an MA in sociology, political science, and media sciences from the University of Trier and studied in Prague. required. And we help build the larger field of efforts to strengthen democratic societies against the threats of polarization and division. Close. %%EOF All rights reserved. More in Common’s mission is to understand the forces driving us apart, to find common ground and help to bring people together to tackle our shared challenges. His research explores the intersections between political disagreement, the media and rhetoric. >> /MarkInfo << /Marked true >> Mathieu Lefevre Combatant of Polarization CEO and Co-founder, More in Common Paris, France. As a subscriber, you will enjoy unlimited access to our On Point suite of long reads and book reviews, Say More contributor interviews, The Year Ahead magazine, the full PS archive, and much more. xref CEO, MORE IN COMMON. Please be civil and avoid name-calling and ad hominem remarks. Als Sparmaßnahmen und die Automatisierung die Aussichten auf ein besseres Leben in nichtstädtischen Gemeinden schwinden ließen, stellte sich ein Gefühl der Ungerechtigkeit ein. You should receive an activation email shortly. Stephen has a background in measuring and advising on public opinion for political candidates, Fortune 100 companies such as Microsoft and Ford, and public sector organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and UNHCR. They voted for both Obama and for Trump. Prior to joining More in Common, Dan worked on education policy and innovation at the state and national level. If you are in a position to support us, please subscribe now. Prior to helping launch More in Common, Mathieu was a co-founder of, one of the largest new civic tech companies in Europe, and the executive director of NewCities, a think tank he helped launch on the future of global cities. THE BUSINESS ROMANTIC SOCIETY VERWALTUNGS GMBH, COLLABORATE@THEBUSINESSROMANTICSOCIETY.COM, Created by the House of Beautiful Business. /ViewerPreferences << /Direction /L2R >> JD is a Chartered Certified Accountant with over 20 years’ experience in large global organisations, working across four continents and interacting regularly with public sector organisations such as DFID, UNHCR, CDC, EU, NORAD and private foundations. >> "Many people want to use the COVID crisis as an excuse to change the system," said Mathieu Lefèvre, CEO of More in Common. Log in. Mathieu Lefevre, More in Common Tim Dixon, More in Common Stephen Hawkins, Purpose Míriam Juan-Torres, More in Common Vincent Wolff, Purpose Remerciements Purpose Europe et More in Common remercient la Social Change Initiative pour son soutien à ce travail de recherche. Around half of French and German respondents said they were worried that the "commitment to protecting the environment will slow down or stop," a concern shared by 75 percent of Italians. He is a dual US-French citizen and lives in Paris with his family. POLITICO was given access to polling by the NGO More in Common, which was carried out across six European countries — France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and the U.K. — between June 19 and July 8. Reset Password To find out more, read our updated Cookie policy, Privacy policy and Terms & Conditions. By proceeding, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. A strong majority of Americans are proud of the way their local communities have handled the challenges of 2020, even as they remain deeply divided about response on a national level, a new survey from Reader’s Digest and More in Common shows. Wir haben einfach keinen Präzedenzfall dafür, dass so weite Teile so vieler Volkswirtschaften plötzlich und gleichzeitig zum Erliegen kommen. It is a fair point you make, that there is a large demographic who just feel excluded from the benefits of society. 1 Commentary. 63 0 obj Writing for PS since 2020 Majority of respondents in six European countries want to clamp down on tax evaders and polluters post-pandemic. /Length 267 The coronavirus crisis has made many European citizens more aware of the plight of others and made them want to change society, according to a new poll. Paul is a doctoral candidate in government at the University of Texas at Austin. Instead we are entering the 2020s with many of the most established democracies feeling weakened, unstable and under increasing threat. By helping us to build a truly open world of ideas, every PS subscriber makes a real difference. Laura holds a Master’s Degree from the Free University of Berlin and was a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Washington. new comments have been posted. A Green New Deal "that makes large-scale government investments to make our economy more environmentally friendly," for example, resonated positively with 59 percent of German respondents, 71 percent in Poland, and 77 percent in Italy. The desire for a fresh start was particularly manifest with regard to questions about the environment. ‘Britain’s Choice’: More in Common UK releases new report on Britain in 2020 Britain’s Choice is the result of an 18-months engagement with more than 10,000 people through surveys, conversations and interviews, to examine the hopes and fears, values and core beliefs of people in Britain. Dan lives in New York City. /Size 64 Jérémie is a political researcher with expertise in conducting quantitative and qualitative surveys for political parties, foundations, and trade unions in Germany. Wir veröffentlichen richtungsweisende Forschung und erproben neue Ansätze für gesamtgesellschaftliche Arbeit. /Lang (en-GB) From 2004 to 2010 he worked in senior political roles, including as economic adviser and chief speechwriter for two Prime Ministers. Co-Founder, More In Common. /L 477735 More in Common has already conducted detailed mapping of polarization and the landscape of public attitudes in the U.S. and Western Europe. He studied political science at the Free University of Berlin and European Affairs at Sciences Po Paris. She is a qualified lawyer in Spain, where she worked in public law for the firm Baker & McKenzie and obtained a Master’s Degree in international relations from Yale University. Set up in 2017, the initiative focuses on building communities and societies that grow more resilient to the increasing threats of polarization and social division. He obtained his PhD from New York University and was a Fellow at Harvard University. According to the poll, a majority of respondents across all six countries said the COVID-19 pandemic has made them "more aware of the living conditions of other people" in their country, ranging from 56 percent in Poland and France to 73 percent in Italy. Writing for PS since 2020 1 Commentary. At More in Common, Naureen is driving the organization's efforts to become a world-class learning organization. Mathieu Lefevre. Mathieu is a graduate of the Kennedy School at Harvard and of the LSE. Mathieu tells a new story of “us.” Mathieu is the CEO and co-founder of More in Common, a non-profit organization working to strengthen the forces that help bring us together. He also worked in the area of governance at the World Bank and has advised a number of political campaigns in France and the U.S. | Andrew Matthews/PA via AP. A generation ago, experts claimed the forces of democracy, freedom and progress were unstoppable. Die Mission von More in Common besteht darin, besser zu verstehen, welche Kräfte uns auseinandertreiben, Gemeinsamkeiten zu identifizieren und einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten, Menschen einander wieder näher zu bringen. Having worked for the Bertelsmann Foundation, he most recently was head of political analysis at Policy Matters, a polling firm based in Berlin. To receive email updates regarding this {entity_type}, please enter your email below. He also worked in the area of governance at the World Bank and has advised a number of political campaigns in France and the US. Remember me? Mathieu Lefevre. They are supported by directors with global responsibilities for learning, research and initiatives as well as support functions such as administration and finance. For more than 25 years, Project Syndicate has been guided by a simple credo: All people deserve access to a broad range of views by the world's foremost leaders and thinkers on the issues, events, and forces shaping their lives. She has also travelled extensively in North America. Before posting a comment, please confirm your account. Please enter your email address and click on the reset-password button. Arisa joined More in Common having recently completed a Master’s Degree in Transnational Studies at UCL, with her dissertation focusing on the relationship between right-wing populism and gender in the UK and France. 0000001450 00000 n At the German federal election campaign 2017 he was employed as an event manager at the social democrats. His research centers on how people assess and influence their surroundings, including how group membership influences moral judgement. © 2020 More in Common. Previously, Dan served six years active duty as an Army infantry officer, with one tour in Afghanistan. /T 476468 He has previously worked in political polling on local, statewide and presidential campaigns, focusing primarily on the Southern Unites States. /Root 58 0 R Register for FREE to access two premium articles per month. Prior to joining More in Common, Anaïz has spent over a decade bringing great people with different skills and backgrounds together to manage online and offline campaigns, communication strategies, build large scale grassroots movements and design eye-catching public interventions for non-profits and start-ups. Prior to helping launch More in Common, Mathieu was a co-founder of, one of the largest new civic tech companies in Europe and for several years was the Executive Director of New Cities, a think tank he helped launch on the future of global cities. Mathieu served as a Political Officer in the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations for five years based in Southern Afghanistan, Lebanon and at the UN Security Council in New York. To receive another confirmation email, please click here. If you would like to update your name, please do so here. If your email exists in our system, we'll send you an email with a link to reset your password. /Prev 476457 /Type /Catalog Who Will Win the US Presidential Election? show why Joe Biden is in a far better position – at least in opinion polls – than Hillary Clinton was in 2016. It appears that you have not yet updated your first and last name. 0 Jazmin is an attorney with experience working with private, nonprofit, government, and multilateral organizations on humanitarian, civil rights, and human rights issues. Social media is magnifying the loudest and most extreme voices. She has provided executive support to Directors at Crisis Action, Save the Children UK and Cancer Research UK. Mathieu Lefèvre is a co-founder of More in Common, an international non-profit that works to make societies more resilient to the threats of polarization and social division. Christiana brings experience from six countries within ground and headquarters level positions through agencies including the Peace Corps and the United Nations. Britain’s Choice is the result of an 18-months engagement with more than 10,000 people through surveys, conversations and interviews, to examine the hopes and fears, values and core beliefs of people in Britain. We process your data according to our data privacy policy. /E 326148 0000000752 00000 n 57 7 Previously, Sarah worked as Project Coordinator at the Political Platform of the Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance and was as Program Officer responsible for the Diplomatenkolleg, a private-public partnership project in the German Federal Foreign Office aiming to provide foreign diplomats with insights into German culture, history and society. stream Rubeena comes to More in Common from sharedserviceslink, a small events company, from which she brings 5 years of operations experience working in a startup environment. There was also widespread agreement in all six countries that life cannot go on as it was before the coronavirus struck. Our organization’s name reflects our vision: to build more united, inclusive and resilient societies in which people believe that what they have in common is stronger than what divides them. You will also directly support our mission of delivering the highest-quality commentary on the world's most pressing issues to as wide an audience as possible. A new reply to this comment has been posted. He gained practical experience in political foundations, a strategy consultancy and in the German Bundestag. All rights reserved. She was previously a research fellow for the Vera Institute of Justice and the Girl Scouts Research Institute. We draw from groundbreaking research to test and find solutions, working with partners that have the capacity to make a real difference at scale. At the same time, the need to shore up economies could also lead to less environmental vigor, some fear. He trained as an economist, worked as a tech sector lawyer for law firm Baker & McKenzie from 1999 to 2004 and built a leading educational publishing business that was acquired by Pearson Australia in 2004. Mathieu served as a political officer in the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations for five years, based in Southern Afghanistan, Lebanon, and at the UN Security Council in New York. Finanzinstitutionen und städtische Zentren wurden durch Rettungsaktionen stabilisiert, während in ländlichen und semi-ruralen Regionen Millionen von Menschen auf der Strecke blieben. The desire for … /H [ 752 357 ] Gemma is an award-winning social entrepreneur and a thinker and practitioner in how to bring about transformative, systemic change. After posting your comment, you’ll have a ten-minute window to make any edits. Please provide more details about your request. Sarah joined More in Common after working with the German Council on Foreign Relations’ Center for European Policy Studies on a civil society capacity-building project in the Western Balkans. A multidisciplinary researcher, Míriam has conducted field studies in West Africa and worked for UNHCR in Ghana and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Colombia. People exercise along the seafront at Boscombe beach in England on April 4, 2020, amid the coronavirus lockdown. We hope you're enjoying Project Syndicate. Jérémie has specialized in issues of political participation, voter disaffection and right-wing populism. Populisten nutzten diese Missstände aus und brachten Bürgerinnen und Bürger gegen Migranten, Flüchtlinge, die Medien, das „Establishment“ und Experten aller Art auf. 0000001109 00000 n 0000001587 00000 n More in Common has teams in four of the largest western democracies: France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Lefèvre said Italy was a good example of how the crisis has fostered an appetite for change. %���� Deeply convinced about the need of a fairer society, Anaïz has devoted her career to social and environmental change. Cancel. new comment has been posted. Il … Helen is an organizer and is passionate about good process that enables efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace. "Many people want to use the COVID crisis as an excuse to change the system," said Mathieu Lefèvre, CEO of More in Common. Please log in or register to continue. She is currently working on The New Constellation project; a quest to find bold dreams of our future. She specializes in US immigration history, with her research focusing on Chinese immigrants in the US. /ID [] She previously worked as a researcher and writer at Asia Society. Während die Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20 diese Woche online zusammenkommen, um eine Reaktion auf Covid-19 zu koordinieren, wird damit gerechnet, dass der für die kommenden Monate erwartete Rückgang des globalen BIP die Schrumpfung während der Großen Rezession in der Zeit nach 2008 übertreffen wird. endobj Christiana is based in Washington D.C. << Mathieu Lefèvre. Paul lives in Austin, Texas. These are the new swing voter. Mathieu tells a new story of “us.” Mathieu is the CEO and co-founder of More in Common, a non-profit organization working to strengthen the forces that help bring us together. Beyond national borders, the crisis has triggered similar reactions, with about three-quarters of all respondents agreeing that "no matter where we are from, as humans we are fundamentally the same.". endobj Prior to helping launch More in Common, Mathieu was a co-founder of, one of the largest new civic tech companies in Europe and for several years was the Executive Director of New Cities, a think tank he helped launch on the future of global cities. Mathieu Lefèvre 1 commentaries Mathieu Lefèvre is a co-founder of More in Common, an international non-profit that works to make societies more resilient to the threats of polarization and social division. Laura has twice been named one of “40 under 40” in Germany and took part in the 2018 negotiations to form the German coalition government. Email /Filter /FlateDecode Tim serves on the boards of organizations in the US, UK and Australia. Solidarity is not confined to national borders, however, with 48 percent of Dutch respondents supporting the idea of a European Reconstruction Fund and common debt, even though the government of the Netherlands is one of the so-called frugal four countries. Die Gründer von More in Common sind Brendan Cox, Tim Dixon, Mathieu Lefevre und Gemma Mortensen. Prior to this, he co-founded, a leading European civic tech company. 0000000608 00000 n /Linearized 1 We also have a small global team who work across those four countries on priority projects. Please note that we moderate comments to ensure the conversation remains topically relevant. Mathieu est le co-fondateur de More in Common, un nouveau mouvement en faveur de la diversité qui va prendre vie en France, aux Etats-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et en Allemagne. required Mathieu est le co-fondateur de More in Common, un nouveau mouvement en faveur de la diversité qui va prendre vie en France, aux Etats-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et en Allemagne. LONDON/PARIS – Als die Covid-19-Pandemie begann, war das Vertrauen in die Institutionen an einem absoluten Tiefpunkt angelangt. He has lived and worked between New York and London for the past decade, co-founding social change agency Purpose Europe in 2013 and helping to start social movement organizations around the issue of modern day slavery, the Syrian crisis, the Colombian peace process, economic inequality, gun control and civic participation. © 2020 More in Common. << She is also in charge of More in Common's team development and culture. She is a co-founder and board member of More In Common and a Non-Exec Director of Bite Back 2030 and The HALO Trust. Our team is deeply committed to our mission and brings insights from a diverse range of life experiences, professional backgrounds and interests. Noelle holds a masters degree in psychology from New York University and a PhD in applied social psychology from the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. Antitrust Alone Won’t Fix the Innovation Problem, Jesscia Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images, The Green Recovery Virtual Event – Highlights, Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images. From understanding what can bring America back together to the creation of an annual community street party. Purpose schafft und unterstützt Bewegungen, die für eine offene, gerechte und bewohnbare Welt eintreten und kämpfen. Meanwhile, a third of Italian respondents said they were willing to pay higher income tax to help finance the economic recovery — a score exceeded only by the U.K. where 44 percent said they would make such a sacrifice. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. After overseeing the organization's global operations, including its finances, fundraising, and HR policies, Anaïz now lAnaïz monitors the strategic direction and team of Destin Commun (More in Common France). Die Politik war polarisiert und der soziale Zusammenhalt war geschwächt. x�c```��. Dan graduated from West Point and earned an MA in Contemporary China from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore on a Fulbright Scholarship and an MBA from Harvard Business School.


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