emmanuel moulin urbact
Therefore, a project to build a site to host activities must be designed and implemented by incorporating planning (choice of site), social (training, employment measures) and economic (support to business) aspects. 11. I didn't received any e-mail (it was the same problem for another session). Do you know it please ? 2020, Mesta podnebne spremembe naslavljajo s sodelovanjem in izmenjavo znanj. Through cooperation between the Commission, the Member States and the cities, it aims for a better use of funding, improvement of the legal framework for cities' actions and their knowledge, in particular through discussion. Reinforcing local food ecosystems: a recipe for success? Večina županov in tehničnega osebja, ki sem jih spoznal, se je počutila zelo osamljeno pri soočanju z velikimi izzivi, kot je pomanjkanje socialnih stanovanj ali dostop do javnega prometa, degradirani večstanovanjski objekti, težave pri ponovni uporabi zapuščenih ali onesnaženih območij. Many of them have put the URBACT method into practice. From unique shopping experiences, distinctive local products and cultural events to community engagement and financial incentives, smaller cities are looking for ways to stay attractive – and convince enough business, talent and visitors to resist the pull of larger urban areas. These cities are scattered all around the continent and play a very important role to bring services in the closest way to citizens,” says Emmanuel Moulin, Director of the URBACT secretariat. These cities are scattered all around the continent and play a very important role to bring services in the closest way to citizens,” says Emmanuel Moulin, Director of the URBACT secretariat. Dr. Annett Steinführer. Their main activities are to: Below are the names of the 6 Programme Experts and links to their profile: Eddy ADAMS, Methods and Tools Programme Expert, Marcelline BONNEAU, Thematic Programme Expert, Sally KNEESHAW, Methods and Tools Programme Expert. Thank you Johannes for the ID Meeting. URBACT's summer universities are a central component of this training system. * označuje zahtevana polja, IPoP – Inštitut za politike prostora Tržaška 2 1000 Ljubljana Slovenija +386 590 63 683 ipop@ipop.si Matična številka: 2193981 ID za DDV: SI89408489 TRR: SI56 0201 0025 5711 948, IPoP © Copyright 2018. I similarly did not receive the Zoom link to this session. Rebuilding a trusted relationship between local stakeholders and citizens is essential and requires the elected representatives and administrators of cities to reinvent their role. (Translation of an article published in French in the magazine Urbanisme, issue n° 404, Spring 2017), By Emmanuel Moulin, Head of the URBACT secretariat, and Eddy Adams, URBACT Programme expert. Add your comments regarding to this session! Margit Noll. Please sign in with EU Login to add this session. ); • learning within the networks through transnational meetings, peer exchange, study visits; • national and transnational training courses (summer universities); • a network support expertise, 100% funded by the programme; • the application of an assessment method with impact and result objectives, indicators and a progress monitoring mechanism; • the capitalisation and dissemination of the knowledge and practices of the city networks through conferences, seminars and publications. But why are smaller towns and cities so important? Iskanje novih ukrepov, zamisli in konkretnih rešitev zunaj meja svoje občine za njih ni bilo enostavno. Just found it. Strengthening resiliency in small tourist-led cities amid Covid-19, Enter the ‘facilitar’: URBACT’s guide to online facilitation. Emmanuel Moulin se je kot direktor sekretariatu URBACT pridružil februarja. 2/ Cf. 10/ One of the twenty networks funded by URBACT III, which brings together ten cities from nine countries. The region is the place and the local stakeholders are the implementers of this integration. The event brought mayors, city officials, urban practitioners and researchers from 23 countries together to investigate how to create lively city centres, boost the marketability of local produce – and make smaller cities a priority. For fifteen years now, URBACT has been developing principles, methods and tools for learning by cities through transnational networks. Glede na moje pretekle izkušnje, če navedem primer, imajo prebivalci teh sosesk pogosto zelo slab dostop do storitev in služb v drugih delih mesta, zato je še zlasti težko izboljšati njihov položaj, ne da bi poskrbeli za dobro urejen javni promet na ravni mesta ali urbane regije. Larger, better-known cities can act as major focal points for urban economic development and innovation. URBACT is a key stakeholder, both through its coordination bodies and the twelve thematic partnerships that form this agenda. URBACT is a European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development.We enable CITIES to work together to develop solutions to major urban challenges, reaffirming the key role ther play in facing increasingly complex societal changes. Dr. Annett Steinführer. 9/ Network of the URBACT II programme (2007-2013) which was managed by the Brussels region, on sustainable food. WATCH REMY SIETCHIPING'S. You will learn about the orientation of each of the four programmes and understand how you can benefit from their activities. Ljudje vseh starosti in zmožnosti bi živeli skupaj in si izmenjevali storitve. The recording of the session will be made available on the. In an interview, he tells us how, and shares his vision and ambitions. The European Commission presented the diffusion beyond Europe of the URBACT method for transnational learning as one of its three commitments to cities. Reinforcing local food ecosystems: a recipe for success? The city of Genoa (Italy) is currently managing the "Interactive Cities" network /10 which explores the impact digital tools have on governance. 16/ The first URBACT city festival took place in Riga (Latvia) and brought together 470 participants from all over Europe and beyond from 6th to 8th May 2015. V pričujočem intervjuju razloži svojo vizijo in ambicije. The URBACT programme Experts support the Secretariat in its capitalisation activities. Given the recent circumstances and to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the URBACT Joint Secretariat is currently giving preference to remote work. Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe. The European regional cooperation programme URBACT /6, co-funded by the European Union's 28 States, Switzerland, Norway and the European Commission, is working for the cities to strengthen their capacities and design and implement integrated policies. The lost art of play: a healthy solution for small cities in crisis? The pact calls on urban authorities to “cooperate within their functional areas and with their surrounding regions, connecting and reinforcing territorial and urban policies” as urban solutions can spark wide territorial benefits. The twelve thematic partnerships of the Urban Agenda /17 for the European Union that bring together each of the States, cities and organisations or programmes, including URBACT, to draw up, over a three-year period, an action plan for funding, regulation and exchange of knowledge, are the beginnings of a response. Razviti je treba področne iniciative, ki ne združujejo samo fizičnih investicij v gradnjo in infrastrukturo, temveč spodbujajo tudi gospodarski razvoj ter upoštevajo družbene in okoljske vidike. Njegove raznolike izkušnje na področju urbanih in okoljskih politik, ki jih je pridobival v Franciji in Nemčiji, so ga prepričale o prednostih pristopa programa URBACT. It also underlines the need to mobilise the competent higher level authorities and the State upstream to ensure they work together. In this position he contributes actively to the European dialogue on urban issues and he is a core participant in the Urban Agenda for the EU. the Barca report "Place based approach", available on the Internet. Emmanuel Moulin joined the URBACT Secretariat as director in February. How does urban development look through a territorial lens? The URBACT programme often encounters cities that want to work differently but that don't have the know-how or the tools to make the necessary changes. /11. Koncept celostnega urbanega razvoja, poudarjen v Leipziški listini iz leta 2007, je ključna tema projektov URBACT. 5/ Cf. Please contact members of the team using the e-mail accounts that are listed below, instead of calling. Note that Two-Factor Authentication is required. "Against divided cities", URBACT, 2013. Z vrsto izmenjav, primerjalnih del in študij povsod po Evropi sem se začel zavedati, da je potrebno posvetiti pozornost določenim svojevrstnim značilnostim evropskega modela urbanizma. How can we transfer knowledge stemming from a practice without being put in a position to put it into practice? For URBACT, the crux lies in finding out how the programme can also contribute to the wider transfer of knowledge and recommendations from its cities to an even wider audience of European Union Member States and other stakeholders. These activities are organised both at national level, taking the specific contexts (languages, urban policies) into account and in a transnational framework. Started in October 2015, it will end in May 2018. The lost art of play: a healthy solution for small cities in crisis? Faced with these issues, cities all over Europe are reinventing their mode of operation; faced with the weakness of representative democracy, especially among the young, in low-income districts, in many cities in the East of Europe, they are seeking to build and implement their policies in a different way /5. This is Your session – comment and interact! VIDEO PITCH. These various components that have been built over time constitute the "URBACT method" of working transnationally with the cities (see inset); in Quito, in October 2016 at Habitat III, the third United Nations conference on building and sustainable urban development. 1/ Cf. Kako lahko URBACT po Vašem mnenju koristi mestom po Evropi, tudi tistim, ki v projektih ne sodelujejo neposredno? It is managed for all Europe by a Secretariat of fifteen people located in France in Saint-Denis in the premises of its management authority, the General Commission for Territorial Equality (CGET). 6/ The URBACT III has a budget of 96 million Euros for the period 2014-2020. Emmanuel Moulin se je kot direktor sekretariatu URBACT pridružil februarja. Emmanuel Moulin. Lani avgusta sem sodeloval na poletni univerzi v Krakovu, kjer sem spoznal plodnost razprav in močno vpletenost ljudi, ki so imeli možnost sodelovati v projektih URBACT. The official publications of the European Union (EU) on the city in Europe (Cities of tomorrow, 2011, 6th cohesion report, 2014; The state of the European Cities, 2016) present a rather pessimistic panorama, nine years after the crisis of 2008. If so, please provide all details to the following anonymised email address: alert@urbact.eu so that all appropriate measures will be implemented starting with a thorough investigation of the fraud, and if applicable, apply all sanctions as described in the Programme's procedures. URBACT Secretariat – Spletna stran URBACT (ang), Vaš e-naslov ne bo objavljen. Yes, I didnt get links for this week's sessions (one email per week from what I understood) / today's session either. Ali lahko izpostavite kakšen primer, ki se sklada s katerim od izzivov, na katerega ste naleteli pri vašem dosedanjem delu? Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe. URBACT networks RetaiLink, Agri-Urban and City Centre Doctor shared a selection of such solutions at a Vitality of Smaller Cities conference in Barcelona (ES). The integrated action plan design networks and the networks to implement these plans are currently in progress. Thus a community of practice has gradually been built /13, now well established, which brings together several thousand practitioners from all Europe. Management: It manages the administrative and financial aspects of the programme. It needs horizontal preparation and the application of decisions, which cannot be taken for granted, even in the most advanced cities. “ Small cities are the backbone of the territorial equation of Europe. The PIN is not personalised and all registered should receive an email. And with the potential for agglomeration and significant infrastructure investment, they can have distinct advantages over small and medium cities. In Europe and beyond, local councils are looking for new approaches for working with citizens. V moji  prejšnji vlogi kot vodja “Val d’Oise”, vladne agencije na severu Pariza (gre za gosto poseljeno območje z 1,1 milijona prebivalcev in 185 občinami), ki je del francoskega ministrstva za okolje, trajnostni razvoj, transport in stanovanja, sem ugotovil, da je ključni dejavnik uspešnosti javnih politik vključevanje lokalne ravni in zmožnost le-te, da jih izvršuje. Emmanuel Moulin joined the URBACT Secretariat as director in February. Get to know what the next generation programmes have to offer you. Health & Greenspace - mental and physical health - thematic report, Programa Jornada URBACT Vivienda Vilafranca. 17/ The European Agenda for the European Union was launched by the Member States of the Union and the European Commission in May 2016 by means of the Amsterdam Pact. 1 The Urban Development Network Inspire, innovate and exchange IMPLEMENTATION NETWORKS CALL OPEN FOR THE CREATION OF UP TO 15 NETWORKS ... implementation of this strategy/ action plan within the lifetime of the URBACT network. “Europe can do more for small cities. URBACT and public procurement: a wealth of knowledge to share, URBACT’s first e-University: event highlights and open resources. Dobra priložnost za izmenjavo in učenje bo tudi konferenca URBACT 2012, ki bo decembra potekala v Kopenhagnu. "How cities can rebuild trust in politics through meaningful public engagement", on the URBACT website. This learning first takes place in the transnational networks that presently take various forms /12 and that are strongly supported by targeted expertise and methods. VIDEO PITCH. Na vseh ravneh vladovanja je treba delovati od spodaj navzgor na celovit način. This concept called free-range civil servants by Lucas Bols, the mayor, has inspired many cities outside those involved in the URBACT programme. Nice work from the moderators and the speakers. Clear, objective and enlightening presentations, added by lot's of practional material. His wide-ranging experiences in urban and environmental policy, both in France and Germany, convinced him of the benefits of URBACT's approach. “ Europe can do more for small cities. May be if you search for the meeting id: 93043409453. Recently, new issues have taken centre stage, including the influx of migrants and the digital transformation of society. "Better cities, job generation for a jobless generation", URBACT, 2013; "Urban youth, more jobs", URBACT, 2015. The next edition is scheduled for the 4th and 5th October 2017 in Tallinn (Estonia) and will be the chance to present the "good practices" of cities in Europe, selected from an open URBACT call. In ko sem bil povabljen k vodenju URBACT pisarne, je bilo jasno, da bom pristal. This is the chance for the programme, through its representatives in these partnerships, field experts, local council managers involved in the URBACT networks, to broadcast the message of the cities and the local stakeholders they work with daily. The URBACT Secretariat implements and monitors URBACT’s main activities. Meeting ID: 93043409453 To view and review. Three types of network bring together five to twelve cities for two to three years. Politike, s katerimi sem se ukvarjal, sežejo od oživljanja starih industrijskih območij v Porurju do družbenega razvoja, stanovanjskih vprašanj in prostorske politike na severu Francije; od razvoja nepremičnin v Berlinu in Lyonu do varovanja obalnih območij, razvoja pristanišč in prometnih politik v Normandiji; in od prostorskega načrtovanja in zemljiške politike v Parizu do znanstvenih četrti v Marne La Vallée. A call for proposals for good practice transfer networks will be launched in September 2017 based on previously selected cities. Zbiramo zgodbe dreves in vabimo na okroglo mizo o skrbi za drevesa v mestih, Mesta >> mestom: Zbiramo dobre prakse slovenskih mest – do 20. Contact information:Tel: + 33 1 85 58 61 8720 Avenue de Ségur75007 ParisFrance, E-mail address: All Secretariat e-mails are composed by initial.lastname@urbact.eu. Sometimes the focus is only on big metropoles, based on the perception that they are the drivers of economic development. Password: 399217. Doseči želimo strokovnjake po vsej Evropi s kar se da doslednim prenašanjem vsebin v njihov jezik in kulturo. A central component of the network's activities is the use of digital tools to encourage residents to participate. The trust issue is again at the heart of this work, especially in this period in which it is so elusive. There again, URBACT plays the role of an urban laboratory for experimentation. Še zadnje vprašanje: če bi lahko izumili svoje sanjsko evropsko mesto prihodnosti, kakšno bi bilo? Thanks. Moje sanjsko mesto bi se previdno prilagajalo novim potrebam, bilo bi zgrajeno na zgodovinskih zametkih z značilnostmi, ki so vzdržale stoletja. Over 250 European experts are identified in the URBACT experts pool. Please can you send me the link in order to access to the virtual plateform ? Each of them brought together hundreds of participants involved in the URBACT networks from all over Europe, who worked together to draw up an integrated action plan to meet the challenges of a fictitious city created for the occasion. Zoom is required a "secret code" after I put the id number. But the Urban Agenda for the EU recognises that urban areas of all sizes can boost growth, create jobs for citizens and enhance Europe’s competitiveness in a globalised economy. Christian Strauß. By adapting the classic project development cycle, the cities involved in the URBACT network are encouraged to design new solutions to their problems. UN HABITAT. Z več kot 25 leti izkušenj na področju urbanih in okoljskih politik v Franciji in Nemčiji ste nazadnje delali kot vodja francoske vladne agencije, kjer ste se ukvarjali s problemi kot je stanovanjska politika, urbana prenova, načrtovanje rabe zemljišč in okolje. Svoje partnerje bomo spodbujali tudi k uporabi spletnih socialnih omrežij. Moje sanjsko mesto bi imelo, po besedah urbanista Kevina Lyncha, »dobro mestno obliko«, kjer bi se ljudje dobro počutili: sestavljeno bi bilo iz živih javnih prostorov in mešane rabe prostora, vrstne hiše bi imele prednost pred samostoječimi, struktura pa bi se z lahkoto prilagajala prihodnjim gospodarskim in družbenim spremembam. Establishing the EU Urban Agenda in 2016, the Pact of Amsterdam states that although urban challenges are of an increasingly local nature, they require “a wider territorial solution (including urban-rural linkages) and cooperation within functional urban areas”. Capitalisation and communication: It builds knowledge at the programme level, sharing it to people involved in city policy throughout Europe. Namen programa je med drugim tudi spodbujati celosten pristop k urbanemu razvoju z vključevanjem ljudi iz vseh sektorjev. URBACT, another paradigm for European cities. The programme's various capitalisation tools could furthermore be mobilised in a targeted fashion to encourage and support the wider adoption of practices in integrated sustainable urban development. Submitted by Emmanuel Moulin on 23 May 2017. The networked activity hinges on ad hoc capacity building activities aimed at local practitioners and stakeholders of the cities involved, centring on the design and implementation of integrated strategies and action plans. The zoom link has not arrived yet. Furthermore, national URBACT points /14 provide the chance to link up in the national language with the country's cities and stakeholders in the 24 countries of the European Union. In this sense, it reveals a very strong democratic requirement; it is therefore hardly surprising that URBACT primarily mobilises stakeholders in innovation and social transformation in its networks. Dr. Remy Sietchiping. Emmanuel Moulin, Head of Secretariat, URBACT programme, France. How can small towns thrive today? Moje poklicno življenje je bilo posvečeno urbanemu razvoju, oblikovanju in izvajanju politik na državni, regionalni in na ravni lokalne skupnosti. By Emmanuel Moulin, Head of the URBACT secretariat, and Eddy Adams, URBACT Programme expert. Glavni poudarek projekta RegGov je bil, da mora biti lokalni projekt za degradirano sosesko vključen v splošno mestno strategijo. URBACT and public procurement: a wealth of knowledge to share, URBACT’s first e-University: event highlights and open resources. Most of the time, changes in attitude and ways of doing things appear in organisations little by little. Dr.-Ing. This is a new contract the municipal authorities are having to sign with inhabitants and local stakeholders. The main components of this method are as follows: • the production and implementation by the cities of action plans integrated in the context of local groups that bring together all the stakeholders concerned (residents, associations, public and private partners, etc. URBACT has nevertheless taken it on and will draw increasingly in the future on its website urbact.eu as a platform for exchange of knowledge on urban development, with articles, blogs and thematic publications that summarise acquisitions of emerging knowledge. Imelo bi lahko dostopen javni prevoz, načrtovano bi bilo za hojo in se izogibalo zelo velikim zgradbam. URBACT is a European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development.We enable CITIES to work together to develop solutions to major urban challenges, reaffirming the key role ther play in facing increasingly complex societal changes. Emmanuel Moulin. Thus the city of Amersfoort (Netherlands) has shared "Sustainable food for Cities" among the network /9 in which its shared governance model and its experience were involved in helping inhabitants design and shape urban regeneration initiatives. Emmanuel Moulin se je kot direktor sekretariatu URBACT pridružil februarja. It was a great session. V pričujočem intervjuju razloži svojo vizijo in ambicije. It is therefore in its implementation that integrated urban development reveals its true nature. 8/ Cf. Erwin Siweris, Programme Director, Interreg Europe, France. Reinforcing local food ecosystems: a recipe for success? As the Netherlands’ Urban Envoy Nicolas Beets says, “the European Union is for its citizens and there are at least 40% who live in small and medium sized cities”. Zdaj veliko časa vlagamo v razširjanje teh izkušenj. And it is precisely at this juncture that URBACT, supporting integrated urban development, comes in. Emmanuel indique 1 poste sur son profil. Editorial Advisory group: Emmanuel Moulin, Melody Houk, Jenny Koutsomarkou, Paul Soto Editing: Toby Johnson graphic design and artwork: Phoenix Design Aid, Denmark Printing: bialec, Nancy (France) Acknowledgements: Antonio Borghi, Lead Expert of the URBACT LINKS Thematic Network and coordinator of the URBACT workstream Please if someone can just post the link, so we can access to the session... Agathe, check your e-mails. The official publications of the European Union (EU) on the city in Europe (Cities of tomorrow, 2011, 6th cohesion report, 2014; The state of the European Cities, 2016) present a rather pessimistic panorama, nine years after the crisis of 2008. In this position he contributes actively to the … 14/ 500 European cities, 10,000 local stakeholders have participated in URBACT's activities since it was created. 1 The Urban Development Network Inspire, innovate and exchange IMPLEMENTATION NETWORKS CALL OPEN FOR THE CREATION OF UP TO 15 NETWORKS Main purpose To support cities with the implementation of integrated sustainable urban strategies/ action plan Who?-Cities implementing integrated strategies and action plans having secured different types of funding … The Data by software login is: Learning by doing is one of the programme's fundamental principles. 13/ The URBACT programme has organised three summer universities, in Krakow in 2011, in Dublin in 2013 and in Rotterdam in 2016. Njegove raznolike izkušnje na področju urbanih in okoljskih politik, ki jih je pridobival v Franciji in Nemčiji, so ga prepričale o prednostih pristopa programa URBACT. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et découvrez les relations de Emmanuel, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. The transmission of the knowledge acquired within the URBACT community of practice towards a much larger circle of urban stakeholders not involved in its networks (other cities, States, Regions, public and private stakeholders, research) is a particularly complex challenge. Mislim, da jim lahko URBACT  nudi točno ta model učenja in izmenjave na mednarodni ravni. Elected representatives and local councils are busy redefining their functions and the way they act. “Europe can do more for small cities. V vseh teh primerih sem se zavzemal za dvoje: prvič, da so bili ukrepi razviti skupaj z uporabniki, kar zagotavlja dolgoročni uspeh; in drugič, da so bile vključene vse administrativne enote in vsi deležniki, s čimer smo upoštevali vse njihove pomisleke na celovit in trajnosten način. The vertical integration of policies within a city requires the various municipal services and local agencies to work together closely. Could you please assist and make sure we receive the link? Emmanuel Moulin. an article published in French in the magazine Urbanisme. When the European Union /16, launched its Urban Agenda with the aim to secure better sharing of knowledge between cities, European Union Member States and the Commission, they already had, in URBACT, a key tool with which to both promote city practices and make their know-how available to all levels of governance. URBACT and public procurement: a wealth of knowledge to share, URBACT’s first e-University: event highlights and open resources. 15/ For France, the national URBACT point http://urbact.eu/france is held by the General Commission for Territorial Equality. Vxe pravice pridržane, Za prikaz rezultatov pritisni Enter tipko na tipkovnici. Here are just a few URBACT-inspired resources for cities of all shapes and sizes, “URBACT is a unique programme open to all European cities, irrespective of size or geography,” says Nuala Morgan, head of URBACT’s Capitalisation and Communication unit.


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