When the ship that the clones and Ahsoka are on drop out of hyperspace, it begins crashing into the atmosphere of a mysterious moon that, later, is covered in snow similar to Hoth. envoyer des messages privés à d'autres membres. For now, play his game, we must.” – Yoda. Enregistrer mon nom, email et site web dans ce navigateur pour la prochaine fois que je commenterai. Our fall TV preview concludes with a comprehensive guide to the new and... 2013 Fall TV Preview: Our Comprehensive Guide to the Season's New and Returning Shows. Maul notices the impending chaos and makes a choice to guarantee his survival. While surprising, her decision to team up with Assaj Ventress illustrates her growth. La diffusion de cette série est actuellement terminée. Barriss Offee was initially supposed to die in "The Wrong Jedi," however, Dave Filoni had plans for the future of the character, plans that, as of yet, have never come to fruition. It lays the groundwork for why Ahsoka won’t be around for the events of The Revenge of Sith, illustrates how the Jedi are continually being manipulated, and leaves Anakin caught in the middle to further push him towards the Dark Side. Maul is great as always. Rebels show Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor living a quiet life on Seelos in … Parfois, je voulais plus de concentration, des plans rapprochés plus bien placés sur les personnages ou des mouvements plus créatifs pour donner un moment pour respirer au milieu de l'action. “You can kill me. This type of thinking was encouraged by the Jedi and embraced by the clones throughout the series. Does he even that she is alive and just isn't saying anything about it, or did he really fall for her ruse? “The Jedi Order is your life. Star Wars: The Clone Wars ran from October 3, 2008 until its final regular broadcast episode on March 2, 2013, following the show's cancellation at the end of its fifth season. Rebels show Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor living a quiet life on Seelos in their refurbished AT-TE together, but as got mentioned above, Wolffe and Gregor are nowhere to be seen in season seven, nevermind with Rex. Their lightsaber duel in the throne room with the war raging outside to the rafters of Mandalore is pure art. J'adore ceci. No. “It is time for the Death Watch to take action. It is weird to imagine them taking part in Order 66, considering they likely were not near any Jedi and may not have chips, but at the same time, it is hard to imagine Palpatine letting clones slip through without chips. There are a few theories on Barriss and whether she died, became an Inquisitor, or something different. }); "The Phantom Apprentice" saute un peu trop, creusant une partie de cette confiance qui a donné au premier épisode du siège l'impression d'être un film. Mais même si c'est le cas, elle remplit bien son rôle. But, his next moves are relatively unknown. Rex, Cody, and Clone Force 99 (an unorthodox, elite squad also known as the Bad Batch), look to recover the Republic's strategy algorithm from Admiral Trench, but a haunting truth awaits. "I see the Padawan needs one last lesson." It is a heartbreaking watch, but when Vader takes the saber, it makes fans wonder how he knew it was there (assuming he did) and what he does with it afterwards. You can’t just throw it away like this.” – Anakin Skywalker. Does Vader keep it as a Jedi souvenir, or did Anakin takes it to remember his believed to be fallen Padawan? Maul is a phenomenal character; his next steps will be must-see. A one-stop shop for all things video games. While Ahsoka helped Rex, Wolffe and Gregor were nowhere near those events, and it begs the question of how they did so? Actors performed the duel via motion capture. Dave Filoni's 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' is currently delivering a solid story focused on Ahsoka while also enriching the rest of the franchise's unvierse. Les dernières lignes de dialogue de Maul montrent clairement qu'il est plongé dans sa propre angoisse. Dark Maul aurait pu être bien moins. The final scene of this episode is one of the best moments in the series, and its emotional impact is completely earned. Star Wars: The Clone Wars saison 7 épisode 10 : The Phantom Apprentice - Vidéos, acteurs, résumé, notes, commentaires, audiences, courbe des moyennes, citations Fans are fascinated with how they managed to do so, or how they even knew to do it. Maul et Ahsoka s'affrontent deux fois dans "The Phantom Apprentice", et entre ces deux combats, Maul torture un clone pour plus d'informations à son sujet. There are so many ways this meeting could go, and so many questions it could answer, and it is something fans hope gets explored soon. Ahsoka’s former allies are now threats while her former threats are now her allies, a small-scale representation of the actual state of the galaxy. Ahsoka dire non à Maul est un modèle pour toute personne qui dit non à ses propres impulsions les plus amères et à ses pensées pessimistes. ajouter des acteurs/spectateurs (système d'amis) et suivre leur activité. noter plus facilement une liste d'épisodes (pour rattraper du retard sur une saison par exemple). Pourquoi créer un compte ? Get a detailed look at every new and returning show coming to broadcast... 2012 Fall TV Preview: Our Night-by-Night Guide. There are several standout moments, such as Barriss and Ahsoka’s discussion about emotions and attachment, as well as Anakin agreeing with Admiral Tarkin to foreshadow their relationship in A New Hope. “An attack on the Jedi is an attack on the Senate.” – Admiral Tarkin. Star Wars: The Clone Wars finally came to a close, but it left a lot of burning questions unanswered. Obi-Wan fakes his death, assumes the appearance of his supposed murderer, and attempts to infiltrate a plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. So what are their next moves? How do they manage to rise to such significant power in a relatively short period of time? Le grand bilan de l'année 2019 : séries, épisodes, membres ... Les meilleures séries en 2019 selon la rédaction de Spin-off. But you’ll never destroy me.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi. However, Anakin and Ahsoka have no idea Obi-Wan is alive. Maul notices the impending chaos and makes a choice to guarantee his survival. It will hopefully get some explanation and exploration soon as she is an interesting character given her play in Ahsoka's story. - Maul. The last scene of "Victory And Death" is unbelievably somber and emotional, as Darth Vader arrives on the moon to the graves of the clone, lifts Ahsoka's lightsaber, and ignites it. She’s smart enough to realize the two have a lot in common and have both been betrayed. S7:E12. This is some of Darth Maul at his best, manipulating his way to the top and then using his skills and Mandlorian culture to his advantage to seal the deal. On peut dire que cela est trop proche de L'Empire contre-attaque et la différence entre Ahsoka dans la saison sept et Ahsoka dans le reste de la série est simplement qu'elle est devenue une deuxième Luke Skywalker. Forgot your password? A fantastic start in the Bad Batch arc, a not a great middle story, and a perfect final four episodes built up to create a memorable last season for one of the best pieces of Star Wars content. It cannot really be considered a criticism that we do not know where Rex and Ahsoka go after "Victory And Death," however, it is something that needs some exploration. Season 7 Episodes 9.8. Cette Star Wars: The Clone Wars critique contient des spoilers. In returning to Kamino, and through picking back up with Echo and Fives, the audience receives an education of what life is like for a trooper. It would be good to know if they know. Mais il présente toujours La guerre des clones à son meilleur. In many ways, Ahsoka represents the best of Anakin and their final conversation as Master and Padawan is so richly layered and complex. Also, this episode deserves bonus points for the Boba Fett cameo. The show has followed a number of characters fans know and love, and has introduced new ones that had deepened the Star Wars lore of the prequel era. Instead of giving in to anger, Obi-Wan explains the Dark Side is weakness and manages to show compassion towards Maul. By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy Cette Star Wars: The Clone Wars critique contient des spoilers.. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Saison 7 Episode 10 . This climactic battle is intercut with another in Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7, Episode 10, as Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff) takes on Gar Saxon (Ray Stevenson), with the clone troopers bolstering the Mandalorian ranks. Despite a rocky end, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka had a good relationship, and Ahsoka would be happy had she known he survived, as would Obi-Wan if he knew she had survived. NEXT: The Clone Wars: 5 Ways It Improves The Canon (& 5 Ways It Doesn't), All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Le siège de Mandalore est ce que tous les fans espéraient. These are the most promising TV shows and streaming/VOD movies to watch... Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. Les duels au sabre laser doivent trouver un équilibre entre les couleurs virevoltantes et dramatiques et la menace de combat sur scène d'un Inigo Montoya ou d'un Errol Flynn, et les nombreux combats de cet épisode le livrent. Vous êtes nouveau ? It did a fantastic job of giving a fantastic show an emotional and satisfying ending for fans. S'il vous plaît entrez votre commentaire! RELATED: Star Wars The Clone Wars: 10 Things We Will Miss Now The Series Is Over. Mais je pouvais regarder vingt bonnes minutes de combats au sabre laser, et je le voulais. However, his decision to stay while she walks away says just as much about him as it does her and shows they are truly on separate paths from here on out. So, where did they come from? The only path – yes. consulter des recommandations pour débuter de nouvelles séries basées sur vos goûts. “So the Jedi aren’t that holy after all.” – Assaj Ventress. Instead of killing Maul, Darth Sidious opts to torture him with Force lightning instead since he may prove useful later on. Dark Maul aurait pu être bien moins. I’m a living being!” – Fives. It was never known if they had the same inhibitor chips as the rest of the clones, though, or if they did, and they were mutated. Copyright © 2020 The Direct Media Group LLC. «Courez», dit-il, résumant la théâtralité consciente de cette version. Make sure you put on a good show.” – Darth Maul. The tension is thick in this episode as Obi-Wan struggles to maintain his cover while evading Anakin who’s determined to avenge his master but has no idea Obi-Wan has taken on the appearance of his target. If you need a refresher on where we left off, here's our review for Season 7, Episode 9. Rex, Gregor, & Wolffe Meeting. Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances, All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer. Ce qui aurait pu être un solide combat de cinq minutes au sabre laser est à la place entrecoupé d'autres scènes à la mode classique Star Wars . Mais au moment où le combat culminant commence, le spectacle ne se concentre pas sur lui. Through his honorable death, he's finally able to prove he really is just like the rest of them; and it has nothing to do with appearance or physical strength. L’espoir d’Ahsoka face à l’adversité était une joie à regarder en partie parce qu’il était tellement ingrat et durement gagné. “I am not a piece of hardware! Les départs de Maul manquent surtout de drame. The final episodes of Clone Wars have left us with just as many questions as they have answers, and I'm all for it. In Rebels, we see that Obi-Wan has a hologram message for surviving Jedi but is never said whether or not Ahsoka ever knows of his survival, and the same goes for Master Yoda, who is obviously a bit more out of reach. La revue Star Wars: The Clone Wars Saison 7 Episode 10: The Phantom Apprentice est apparu en premier sur Den of Geek. The Fives’ effort to find out what the chip is, why it’s there, and his willingness to remove his own despite the risks is both admirable and compelling. Nous savons qu'il est canoniquement bon pour échapper à la mort, mais la façon dont il se précipite hors du cadre et se cache simplement d'Ashoka et des clones n'est pas aussi satisfaisant que l'aurait été une trappe ou une autre barrière physique. Rex, Cody, and Clone Force 99 (an unorthodox, elite squad also known as the Bad Batch), look to recover the Republic's strategy algorithm from Admiral Trench, but a haunting truth awaits. Sign up here. “Voyage of Temptation” (Season 2, Episode 13): Obi-Wan is often seen as a stickler for the rules, but this episode humanizes him and reveals so much more of his character. Does Maul get to them, or do they start making moves first? The Bad Batch, or Clone Force 99, was a squad with each member having a genetic mutation, making them unique from the rest of the clone army. Check box if your review contains spoilers. Ahsoka leads Republic clones to take on Maul's forces on Mandalore. This series falls between the events of The Attack of the Clones and The Revenge of Sith and strives to humanize the clones, and so Order 66 had to at least be addressed. Ahsoka is leaving because she’s been betrayed by the Jedi Council, her friend, and the Republic; but in doing so, she’s betraying her Master who believed in her. Where are they hiding and are they scattered or not? "I see the Padawan needs one last lesson." En termes de revenus de lancement, Genshin Impact a déjà dépassé ceux comme Fortnite et PUBG. Le jeu est un succès mondial...
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