yrica quell
Yrica Quell is an Imperial deserter with a complex inner life who shows us what it means to leave the Empire only after it has been functionally defeated. But time ran out for both Colonel Nuress and Major Keize. Second-in-command She told Quell to lead the squadron to Harkrova I to recover a Rebel Alliance supply cache. Human[3] Her anxiety is intertwined with her morally decrepit past and her desire to move forward. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Both philosophies sound pretty similar if you break them down to the platitude about being loyal to people. With instructions from Major Soran Keize, Captain Nosteen led his squadron of TIE fighters in escorting TIE bombers into the planet's atmosphere, while Keize's own squadron were to intercept the rebel defenders. However, she soon decided the Empire was not as bad as the propaganda made it out to be and didn't want to abandon her colleagues, and stopped planning to defect. Later, she went to Warren to try to "swap rumors" and try to get information about Caern Adan. After defecting, Quell was taken to Traitor's Remorse, along with twelve thousand other defectors who were processed at the base. Her Alphabet squadmates wouldn’t understand her decision, she thinks, and she’s right. General information She feels like a real person caught between the cruel authority of the Empire and the fledgling democracy of the New Republic, and that makes these books more memorable and adds to the moral questions of the new canon. So much more to say. More importantly, is it a statement about how platitudes in service of cruel causes aren’t inherently healthy?) Strength Biographical information Pursuer[1] While the New Republic was wary of her, she was deemed a low-value target, as she did not possess any classified or useful information; the New Republic was under the impression that she defected during Operation: Cinder, and tried to stop the attack. Smugglers in Legends almost always helped the Rebellion, while bounty hunters were their Imperial-adjacent equivalent. 18 BBY (Approximate date)[2] Alphabet Squadron suggests that even if the New Republic is ultimately more peaceful, the people within it are often opportunists and rebels in other areas as well as politically. Species Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture. The Empire is still evil, after all, and chasing what little mental peace she ever had leads Quell right back to them. This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Zin Graw, member of Squadron Five, had broken off from her squadron was busy taking out enemy A-Wing fighters, when one of them snuck up behind her fighter and almost took her out. After Tensent's arrival, Adan tasked Quell with listening to recordings of Imperials that New Republic Intelligence had assembled to help gather information on Shadow Wing. Female[3] Star Wars Squadrons: Who are Vanguard Squadron? She had discovered that Shadow Wing had attacked a New Republic ship, the Hellion's Dare, and killed almost all of the squadron pilots defending it except the two that escaped, Wyl Lark and Chass na Chadic. Quell’s interior life is rich, but not in the way one might expect: her lack of self-awareness and unwillingness to examine her own behavior is key to her characterization. (At one point Keize “agreed for reasons he couldn’t entirely justify.”) Like Quell, he doesn’t believe in the institution of the Empire, but rather finds meaning from the people within it. This might be because the Empire gave her such conflicting ideas about what constitutes a good motivation. Her father drank brandy, which Quell developed a taste for with help from her brother. Feeling guilt for what Shadow Wing had just done, and subsequently talking to Keize, who had also landed nearby and felt sympathy for Quell, it was at this moment that became the turning point for her defection to the New Republic.[1]. Yrica Quell's squadron Quell carried out her orders and destroyed the planet, but felt tremendous guilt afterwards. Homeworld Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. He stated that he would approach her again when he decided if he would like her on the team or not and that she should have an answer ready. Was it influencing her through the Force the whole time in a way she couldn’t sense? The squadron planned to hike down the mountain to reach the temple. [Source]. [1], When they returned to the Lodestar, Adan grew frustrated with her. I thought this would be a simple, focused take on Imperial defectors. She had an extremely good memory. [1], During Operation: Cinder, Shadow Wing received orders from one of the Emperor's messenger droids to destroy the planet Nacronis. However, when Quell and the freighter made it into orbit, she found Tensent, Lark, and the others being attacked by TIE/sa bombers. Lieutenant Yrica Quell[1] Formation type Tonas died first, protecting a bomber, by positioning his ship between the bomber and an X-wing, which Yrica Quell subsequently destroyed. Sometimes people need to know that good can triumph over evil, though, or that the people on one side of the conflict are inherently less evil than the other. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Of her commanding officer in the TIE Fighter corps, she thinks: “Of course, she could also be shot if she ejected. Yrica Quell was a human female X-wing starfighter pilot who, during the final months of the Galactic Civil War, served in the New Republic Starfighter Corps as leader of Alphabet Squadron. Nor is this the story of an anxious student trying to live up to a difficult workload, or similar challenges that might make an average person into a similar brittle shell. Vehicles Quell then mentioned her observation that the A-Wing pilot she'd shot down had been trained at the Imperial Academy. She’s described as guilty and ashamed, although not of the actual atrocities she’s committed, and “she always scratched her wounds.” She’s disconnected from her perceptions of herself: “She wondered how sincere she sounded — she’d never been good at conveying empathy, no matter how real.” Even if she is lying to others, she has a complex relationship with whether she’s lying to herself. Barath died next, destroyed by an undetected surface-to-air missile. Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on other articles. She says, “Some people — they won’t act, no matter how much they want to, unless some outside force insists.” She isn’t talking about herself, but it’s clear that the droid she’s talking to senses the irony. Gray[3] Quell later saw the mysterious Kairos share stories through drawings, but still did not open up. Knowing the non-combat mission was a sort of punishment, Quell knew her squadron needed to succeed on this mission, and Syndulla told her that their performance on the mission would dictate if there was another mission for them. Galactic Empire[1]204th Imperial Fighter Wing[1] While Tensent was somewhat annoyed by the surprise, the squadron was happy with the result and Quell's show of support. Is it doing day-to-day work while waiting for the rest of her life to begin? As gales buffeted each TIE, Nosteen died when he was hit by a lightning bolt, leaving Quell in charge of the remaining pilots in the squadron. Quell then started to air her doubts but then promptly cut herself off and excused it as a stupid joke. Twitter: @blogfullofwords, Star Wars: The High Republic – 5 Facts We Learned from Light of the Jedi Chapter 1, Star Wars Squadrons Ships: The Origin and Specs of Every Starfighter, Star Trek Needs Its Own Version of Star Wars' The Clone Wars, What Star Wars: The Clone Wars Says About Maul and Ahsoka's Connection, Star Wars: The High Republic Era Explained. Yrica Quell Quell decides to go back to the Empire. Physical description Den of Geek Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [1], Quell enlisted with the Imperial Starfighter Corps intending to defect to the Rebel Alliance after graduation until she decided that she wanted to learn more and changed her plans, telling herself she would defect after a few missions. When they spotted pirates potentially attempting to steal supplies from the cache, Quell hiked back up to the ships alone to keep watch over them. The new EU has generally portrayed both sides of the fight as morally complex, or at least more so than the Original Trilogy did. Alphabet Squadron, Star Wars: Squadrons, Shadow Fall–class. When the squadron was not flying together, Quell began to assemble a program to simulate combat against Shadow Wing and also creating personnel files for the pilots of her old unit. When they made camp, Quell listened to Lark tell stories, but denied a request to share stories of her own. When she was sixteen years old, Quell and her friend Nette saw one of Mon Mothma's transmissions speaking out against the Empire. Quell made a deal for the Verpine to fly the 690 light freighter with the prisoners back to the Lodestar. During a practice in the Gobreton minefield, Lark's ship was heavily damaged, and Adan demoted the squadron to only practicing in the Lodestar's Flight simulators. Several days later, Quell decided to steal a T-65B X-wing starfighter, and, with the help of D6-L, went on her own scouting mission to gather information about Shadow Wing. Affiliation She’s a loner or a person who has trouble making connections after her trauma. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Unidentified elite squadron (TIE Advanced x1), https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Yrica_Quell%27s_squadron?oldid=9272938, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. [1], Adan approached Quell to discuss the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing with her, and to share with her that he was beginning a task force to neutralize the group. Hair color Members She was highly familiar with flying a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter, thanks her training at the Imperial Academy and combat experience with the Imperial Navy. The squadron was led by Captain Nosteen, with Lieutenant Yrica Quell, after only fourteen weeks of her joining the squadron, was his second in command. While she was there, a bomb exploded, and she rescued a brand new defector, who she thought was "a bastard" because he arrived with a group of defectors that took too long to defect in her eyes. Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Yrica_Quell?oldid=9432995, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. Affiliation(s) Megan Crouse writes for Star Wars Insider and Star Wars.com and is a co-host on Den of Geek's Star Wars podcast, Blaster Canon. [3], As Operation: Cinder began two weeks after the Battle of Endor, Shadow Wing was ordered to destroy the planet of Nacronis. During one of the psychological sessions that Quell attends as part of her probationary period in the New Republic, she is asked whether she knows why another member of the squad refused to join at first. Quell came in and destroyed the fighter just in time, saving Graw's life. Military unit type Born around 18 BBY[2] in the early years of the Galactic Empire, Yrica Quell was raised on a space station, the Gavana Orbital, prior to her military service under the Empire. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, without any sort of training, Quell decided to join the Empire first and then defect to the Rebellion after training at the Imperial Academy. She and Chadic made contact with a Verpine smuggler, who showed her a group of Imperial prisoners. This squadron was one of six squadrons that formed the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, a fighter wing commanded by Colonel Shakara Nuress of the Galactic Empire. Quell was frustrated by this task and also was traumatized by having to listen to hours of recordings regarding Operation: Cinder, which she had participated in and helped the Empire commit terrible crimes against innocent worlds. Raised aboard the Gavana Orbital space station, Quell joined the Imperial Military as a member of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during the reign of the Galactic Empire. The leader of the titular New Republic fighter team Alphabet Squadron, Quell is mentally and physically scarred, and unsure of herself. The mission was ultimately successful, though Tensent didn't agree to join until Adan quietly bribed him. Prior to the Battle of Jakku, General Hera Syndulla ordered Quell to hunt down and destroy the 204th. They participated in the destruction of Nacronis as part of Operation: Cinder. [1], Yrica Quell appeared in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, written by Alexander Freed. [1], Expecting retribution for their failed mission, Quell was surprised when General Syndulla assigned them a new mission. Gavana Orbital[1] Upon returning to the Lodestar, Quell asked the mechanic Ragnell for a favor, and got her to paint the Alphabet Squadron insignia on their ships as a surprise to the squadron. Quell led the newly minted Alphabet Squadron in a series of practice maneuvers to help the group learn to fly together. Headquarters 12 TIE fighter pilots[1] She returned and faced minor discipline from Adan, but he was more concerned about Quell's findings. Light[3] Perhaps this skewing is why Quell doesn’t always know why she does what she does. The title of this article is conjectural. In one version, she only joined the Empire to fight it from the inside. Eye color Not long after its formation, Quell had the Alphabet Squadron crest tattooed on her biceps. Adan reluctantly assigned Quell to be the leader of the new squadron.[1]. Other characters in Alphabet Squadron are morally questionable compared to Luke Skywalker too: Nath Tensent is there for revenge, Kairos is intimidating and mysterious, Wyl Lake and Chass na Chadic are the only ones there purely to fight the Empire (and also because they lost the rest of their squads). She’s a soldier, willing to kill but of the belief that the killing needs to have a purpose greater than just slaughter. [1], Quell was a human female[3] who, along with the rest of Alphabet Squadron, was attempting to find their place in the galaxy. First, what is that personality exactly? [1], Quell was a skilled pilot, as she flew for the elite 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. [1], Sometime after the Battle of Hoth, Quell and the rest of the 204th were engaged in combat against Rebel forces. Later, Quell led the squadron on a Mission to Abednedo. Remove this message when finished. Gender But because the book is about moving forward one step at a time — and lacks the metaphorical cosmic moral weight of the Force — that particular story is different than it has been elsewhere in Star Wars. Of course, Han Solo and his smuggler cohort were always present in Legends, and Nath and perhaps Chass and Kairos could fit into that group well. But it also allows for less blind ambition, questions the idea that all Rebels are heroes, and prevents a squeaky-clean fantasy about war. Historical information Notable battles Quell had her squadron simulate the Battle of Endor. It’s hard to tell exactly what her core is, but one possibility is ambition: even if she doesn’t believe in her cause, she believes in the impetus to do something. The Disney era Expanded Universe handles moral conundrums like Quell’s a bit differently than the classic Legends continuity usually did. Despite her “machinelike determination,” she doesn’t always understand her squadmates. Yrica Quell is an Imperial deserter with a complex inner life who shows us what it means to leave the Empire only after it has been functionally defeated. Barath[1]Hastun[1]Tonas[1]Xion[1] Born The person she joined to rebel with lost touch with her and Quell coasted onward in the Empire. Content approaching. She became completely loyal to the Empire, despite her earlier desires to join the Rebellion. Yrica Quell has appeared in the following books: Alphabet Squadron (Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron, #1) and Star Wars: Tie Fighter Chronological and political information Get the best of Den of Geek delivered right to your inbox! Her Imperial past also automatically makes her a villain in need of redemption. Blonde[3] When she witnessed their surprised reactions, she rolled up her sleeve to show them her new tattoo of the insignia on her bicep, trying to show her commitment to her team. She sent the first prisoner back to Kairos and the U-wing with Chadic and followed the Verpine, finding over a dozen more prisoners. She was known to be temperamental, withdrawn, and a superlative flyer. She learns to just keep moving forward, but that doesn’t translate to a morally upright decision. When the storms subsided, she took a closer look and even landed to climb out of her TIE, claiming repairs were needed. The escorted bombers successfully delivered payloads of vortex detonators, which were customized explosives programmed to increase the fury of the siltstorm forming in Nacronis's atmosphere. Her decision in Shadow Fall expertly builds on her characterization in Alphabet Squadron. Galactic Empire[3]Imperial Academy[1]Yrica Quell's squadron[1]New Republic[1]Alphabet Squadron[1] Alphabet Squadron shows several different versions of her defection from the Empire, each featuring a different lie about why she joined in the first place. Only time will tell. Squadron[1] TIE/ln space superiority starfighters[1] Yrica Quell, late half-hearted defector to the New Republic, may yet find redemption and absolution for herself. Quell had the Alphabet Squadron crest tatooed on her biceps. [1] She was first revealed by Del Rey on Twitter when they released the official cover of the novel with some story details.[4]. The intersection between her personality and her history is the crux of the books and allows readers to learn more about the Empire in the days after the Battle of Endor. Quell’s psychology is slowly revealed through interview scenes like this: she’s a person who deeply wants order, now forced into the relative chaos of the New Republic. [Source], This squadron was one of six squadrons that formed the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, a fighter wing commanded by Colonel Shakara Nuress of the Galactic Empire. The squadron was led by Captain Nosteen, with Lieutenant Yrica Quell, after only fourteen weeks of her joining the squadron, was his second in command. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Throughout the book, she’s trying to live up to Keize, who believes in the ability of the Empire to bring order and stop the slaughter of people he considered good soldiers. She told Graw to tell Ganem Kahi that he owed Quell one, before Quell stalked off, leaving Graw to herself. Nette convinced Quell that she should join the Rebellion. Various elements are scattered throughout the books. Commanding officer(s) Even if the Sith temple was influenced her decision to defect from the New Republic, it preyed on existing problems. This can be a problem sometimes: it makes it difficult to root for the characters. This means without the framework of the Empire she obsesses over how she appears to others. The reprogrammed Imperial IT-O droid used by New Republic Intelligence Agent Caern Adan was convinced that Quell was lying about something. Quell’s morality has been skewed since her days with the Empire in the first book. Yrica Quell was a human female X-wing starfighter pilot who, during the final months of the Galactic Civil War, served in the New Republic Starfighter Corps as leader of Alphabet Squadron. Quell then lashed out at him, saying it was his fault for not giving them anything to work with and had unrealistic expectations from them. Raised aboard the Gavana Orbital space station, Quell joined the Imperial Military as a member of the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Major Soran Keize was a good man, an admirable man, but she knew there would be no court martial.” She sees no contradiction in the idea of a good man executing his own soldiers. Quell soon graduated from the Academy, became a TIE fighter pilot in the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Quell had a strong sense of duty that kept her from defecting from the Empire despite her intentions to do so after graduating from Academy. [1], Quell accepted the job with Caern Adan to join the task force. When the squadron finished their mission, Quell was relieved to see them more friendly with each other and held some reservations about her lack of an attempt to bond with her new wingmen. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. .cls-2{mix-blend-mode:screen}.cls-3{fill:none;stroke:red;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:4px}.cls-4{fill:red}. Arriving back at the hangar, Graw thanked Quell for saving her life. Both pilots joined Adan's working group, and after a couple weeks, the five of them were invited onto the Lodestar, where General Hera Syndulla agreed to let them search for Shadow Wing. As Shadow Fall shows, Quell’s life was at its most stable under the Empire. She originally planned to join the Rebellion, but slowly got lost in the details of her work in the Imperial fleet, and eventually stayed because she did not want to leave her teammates. Her first task was to recruit Nath Tensent, who had defected along with his entire squadron before the destruction of Alderaan after getting caught accepting bribes from pirates, from the trading outpost known as the Entropian Hive to join the task force. Instead of characters almost always deciding to be good, evil, or in between and sticking to those roles, Quell almost haphazardly falls into evil, and then good, and then back again. (Perhaps this isn’t surprising, because the way she learned this lesson is through a Sith Temple. Why Pirates of the Caribbean: Tides of War Is the Perfect Mobile Game for Halloween, Horror Movie Origin Stories: Directors, Actors, and Writers on How They Fell in Love With the Genre, How Hunt A Killer Expands the Blair Witch Universe with New Horror Game, Best Horror Movies on Netflix: Scariest Films to Stream, What Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron and Shadow Fall’s Yrica Quell Reveals About the Empire. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Is it duty? Alphabet Squadron doesn’t directly question whether there is such a purpose that is justified, but its placement after the Empire’s Operation Cinder allows it to ask in stark terms since Cinder was so ruthless and random. Quell was also able to pilot an X-wing starfighter but the controls and idiosyncrasies of the X-wing were less familiar to her and flying one was not as comfortable as a TIE fighter. Captain Nosteen[1] In Shadow Fall, Quell is pushed to her limit and has lost everything. Skin color The Alphabet Squadron novel series by Alexander Freed introduces a new cast of Star Wars characters, including a protagonist who offers a new look into the minds of the classic enemy. It’s rare in Star Wars to have a main character so divided, and especially so for a female character to be so morally thorny and complex. She defected to the New Republic after initially participating in Operation: Cinder, and was granted command of a mixed starfighter squadron. Later vomited in the bathroom when she thought about her failure and the bodies she had witnessed floating in the vacuum of space. But she doesn’t fall into any particular trope this might push her toward: she’s neither frail and indecisive nor heartless and evil. Special forces[1] Yrica Quell is a morally gray character in the Star Wars universe. Her mentor, Soran Keize, knew this and made her keep it a secret. Operation: Cinder[1]Destruction of Nacronis[1] Other information Helping Quell from the other direction is New Republic General Hera Syndulla, who tells her she needs to rely on her squad and make sure they know they can rely on her. But this can’t just be read as a story about a dutiful person looking for a cause to join, because in Quell’s case, the cause she chose was the Empire. After the bombers returned to the Star Destroyer Pursuer, Quell remained to observe the devastation from above, unchallenged by any of her superiors for this strange behaviour. Star Wars doesn’t often see protagonists like this: shell-shocked, tossed on the wind like a leaf. Yrica Quell is somewhere between a gritty killer and a traumatized kid who never grew up, trying to please the people around her while never being quite sure that she even knows how to express her emotions. Here's why. This one turns out to be true, but the noblest intentions lead to little. Organizational information Alphabet Squadron landed on a mountaintop near the temple where the cache was located. At times, Alphabet Squadron and Shadow Fall were difficult to read because it cut too close, its insights into Quell too unflinching. Keize found her, and told her to finally defect to the Rebellion. [1], By the time their mission was complete, all the planet's storms had merged and the enemy finally stopped attacking. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Adan roared at her, Quell struck him in the stomach. Her early relationships were cold or ended abruptly. This Star Wars article contains spoilers. Quell dived at the last bomber as it attempted to destroy the freighter, but missed her shot and watched with horror as the bomber rammed into the freighter, killing everyone onboard. Her mother was a pilot who operated a YT-2400 light freighter.


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