structure d'un manifeste
In the case of a K8s Deployment, you’re creating a set of resources to be managed. o manque d’informations sur les dispositifs existants. Finally, we get into the spec. You can see that if you ask for a list of the pods: If you check early enough, while K8s is still deploying, you can see that the workload is still being created. Finally, we get into the spec. Fortunately, there are only two types of structures you need to know about in YAML: That’s it. We can also specify any other metadata we want, but let’s keep things simple for now. Each list item under, maps, which are groups of name-value pairs, If you haven’t set up your cluster and kubectl, go ahead and check out this, In our previous example, we described a simple Pod using YAML, Finally, we’ll configure the actual objects that make up the pod. Just as the technology of printing altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and of government interference in economic transactions. On the other hand, that’s not very likely, unfortunately. Il s’agit d’un récit singulatif, puisque toute l’histoire n’est pas répétée dans le roman. Watch a recording of author Nick Chase in a webinar on YAML. Still, there may be situations where the JSON format is more convenient, so it’s good to know that it’s available to you. After a few seconds, you should see the pods running: From here, you can test out the Pod (just as we did in the previous article), but ultimately we want to create a Kubernetes Deployment example, so let’s go ahead and delete it so there aren’t any name conflicts: Sometimes, of course, things don’t go as you expect. 43s           43s             1       {kubelet}     spec.containers{front-end}      Normal          Pulled                  Successfully pulled image "nginx", 43s           43s             1       {kubelet}     spec.containers{front-end}      Normal          Created                 Created container with docker id a42edaa6dfbf, 43s           43s             1       {kubelet}     spec.containers{front-end}      Normal          Started                 Started container with docker id a42edaa6dfbf, As you can see, there’s a lot of information here, but we’re most interested in the, — specifically, once the warnings and errors start showing up. OK, so now that we’ve got the basics out of the way, let’s look at putting this to use. In the Pod spec, we gave information about what actually went into the Pod; we’ll do the same thing here with the Deployment. OK, so now that we know we want 2 replicas, we need to answer the question: “Replicas of what?”  They’re defined by templates: Look familiar? In this example I’ve used 2 spaces for readability, but the number of spaces doesn’t matter — as long as it’s at least 1, and as long as you’re CONSISTENT. Falling back to DNSDefault policy. (When we get to deployments, we’ll have to specify a different version because Deployments don’t exist in v1.). Comme si le cours tout entier de l'histoire dépendait de la structure d'un parti ! From here I was able to quickly see that I’d forgotten to add the :v1 tag to my image, so it was looking for the :latest tag, which didn’t exist. In this article, we’ll look at how YAML works and use it to define first a Kubernetes Pod, and then a Kubernetes Deployment. Header − Contains any optional attributes of the message used in processing the message, either at an intermediary point or at the ultimate end-point. Back already? In previous articles, we’ve been talking about how to use. The difference here is that we’re specifying how we know what objects are part of this deployment; notice that the Deployment and the template both specify labels of app: web, and that the selector specifies that as the matchLabels. ), but ultimately we want to create a Kubernetes Deployment example, so let’s go ahead and delete it so there aren’t any name conflicts: NAME       READY     STATUS         RESTARTS   AGE, Start Time:     Sun, 08 Jan 2017 08:36:47 +0000, Container ID:               docker://a42edaa6dfbfdf161f3df5bc6af05e740b97fd9ac3d35317a6dcda77b0310759, Image ID:                   docker://sha256:01f818af747d88b4ebca7cdabd0c581e406e0e790be72678d257735fad84a15f, Started:                  Sun, 08 Jan 2017 08:36:49 +0000, Image:                      nickchase/rss-php-nginx, FirstSeen     LastSeen        Count   From                    SubobjectPath  Type             Reason                  Message, ---------     --------        -----   ----                    -------------  -------- ------                  -------, 45s           45s             1       {default-scheduler }                   Normal           Scheduled               Successfully assigned rss-site to, 44s           44s             1       {kubelet}     spec.containers{front-end}      Normal          Pulling                 pulling image "nginx". We’re going to be tackling a great deal of Kubernetes-related content in the coming months, so if there’s something specific you want to hear about, let us know in the comments, or tweet us at @MirantisIT. You can check the event log by describing the Deployment, as before: As you can see here, there’s no problem, it just hasn’t finished scaling up yet. Basically, whatever structure you want to put together, you can do it with those two structures. Of these, only the name is really required, but in general, if you want it to do anything useful, you’ll need more information. So on the one hand, if you know JSON and you’re only ever going to write your own YAML (as opposed to reading other people’s) you’re all set. Here we’re specifying the name of the Pod, as well as the label we’ll use to identify the pod to Kubernetes. Envelope − Defines the start and the end of the message. So in JSON, this would be: And of course, members of the list can also be maps: So as you can see here, we have a list of container “objects”, each of which consists of a name, an image, and a list of ports (It might also include network information). A SOAP message is an ordinary XML document containing the following elements −. Call it pod.yaml and add the following text, just as we specified it earlier: Save the file, and tell Kubernetes to create its contents using the CLI: As you can see, K8s references the name we gave the Pod. So if we were to translate this to JSON, it would look like this: YAML lists are literally a sequence of objects. Maybe you’ve got a networking issue, or you’ve mistyped something in your YAML file. For completeness, let’s quickly look at the JSON equivalent: { “apiVersion”: “v1”, “kind”: “Pod”, “metadata”: { “name”: “rss-site”, “labels”: { “app”: “web” } }, “spec”: { “containers”: [{ “name”: “front-end”, “image”: “nginx”, “ports”: [{ “containerPort”: “80” }] }, { “name”: “rss-reader”, “image”: “nickchase/rss-php-nginx:v1”, “ports”: [{ “containerPort”: “88” }] }] } }. Le scénario-cadre ne dure pas plus long que deux pages quand le récit encadré commence. Templates are simply definitions of objects to be replicated — objects that might, in other circumstances, by created on their own. We’re going to first create a Pod, then a Deployment, using YAML.      ports: In the Pod spec, we gave information about what actually went into the Pod; we’ll do the same thing here with the Deployment. It is an optional element. So keep updating yourself with the latest specifications available on the W3 website. In this example I’ve used 2 spaces for readability, but the number of spaces doesn’t matter — as long as it’s at least 1, and as long as you’re CONSISTENT.      ports: In our previous example, we described a simple Pod using YAML which we can save locally: — This kind of thing is pretty simple, of course, and you can think of it in terms of its JSON equivalent: Notice that in our YAML version, the quotation marks are optional; the processor can tell that you’re looking at a string based on the formatting. apiVersion: v1 You can also specify more complex properties, such as a command to run when the container starts, arguments it should use, a working directory, or whether to pull a new copy of the image every time it’s instantiated. You can set this number however you like, of course, and you can also set properties such as the selector that defines the Pods affected by this Deployment, or the minimum number of seconds a pod must be up without any errors before it’s considered “ready”. Fortunately, there are only two types of structures you need to know about in YAML: Lists; Maps; That’s it. Next, we’re specifying that we want to create a Pod; we might specify instead a Deployment, Job, Service, and so on, depending on what we’re trying to achieve. The following block depicts the general structure of a SOAP message −. YAML is a human-readable text-based format that lets you easily specify configuration-type information by using a combination of maps of name-value pairs and lists of items (and nested versions of each). So far, we’ve been working exclusively with the CLI, but there’s an easier and more useful way to do it: creating configuration files using kubernetes YAML.


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