shaak ti mort

As Fisto helped Ti up, Yoda walked away from the other Jedi in disillusionment. When he told them that he had removed his own chip, Se claimed that Fives was a threat and should be terminated. So, in total, Shaak Ti has died four times in the Star Wars franchise. Elle participe à la bataille de Géonosis qui déclenche la terrible Guerre des clones. Later, Grievous and his droids cornered Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, which is when Grievous executed Shaak Ti. The Chancellor greeted Ti as Fives was put on an examination table. Waiting in meditation as the assassin drew closer, Ti stood to solemnly confront the boy, saddened by Vader's manipulation of him. Shaak Ti as a LEGO character, beside Kit Fisto. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Labyrinth of Evil and Star Wars: Clone Wars. During the onset of the Battle of Utapau, he used the saber during a brief bout with Kenobi, but it was lost when the hand wielding it was cut off by the Jedi. A communal species, Ti was highly independent and preferred to operate alone. In the only scene in Revenge of the Sith that features Ti, that being a short cameo at a Jedi Council meeting, she is portrayed by Maria Brill, a member of the Visual Effects department. Yoda later heard Jinn's voice again and was told to travel to Dagobah to find the answers he sought. She noted that the Separatist fleet was not large enough to defeat the blockade, and ordered Skywalker to lead the Republic's fighters in assaulting the enemy.

As he lectured the Jedi and his advisers on his symbolic importance to the Republic and his ensured safety because of his position, General Grievous and several MagnaGuards infiltrated the suite and attempted to capture the Republic's leader. Opening fire on the Jedi, the Kaleesh General cut down the clone escort and bypassed the unconscious Jedi. Le droïde médical AZI-3 suggéra un balayage atomique de phase 5 afin de trouver la source de son comportement étrange. [24], Fleeing the room with the Chancellor while clone troops and senate guards stalled Grievous, the Jedi descended through the Tower, reaching the lower level mag-train station where they joined up with Masters Windu and Kit Fisto.
Height Skywalker awoke in the Hutt's palace, where the Hutt showed him a holocron. Les années passèrent et ce ne fut que trois ans avant la Bataille de Yavin que les pires craintes de Shaak Ti se réalisèrent. She later saw Se quietly leaving the command center and followed her with a squad of clone troopers. Après la mort de Shaak Ti, le monde de Felucia fut à nouveau corrompu par le Côté Obscur et les actions bénéfiques de la Togruta pendant des années finirent par disparaitre les unes après les autres. Ventress was proven right in her belief that he was still under the influence of the dark side, but sacrificed herself at the hands of Dooku in order to redeem him. Affiliation(s)

A one-stop shop for all things video games. Indeed, while a member of the High Council, Ti was often quiet, reflecting on the words of her peers and occasionally interjecting a few soft words into the discussion. Elle est aussi décrite que un individu encourageant et attentionné, valorisant la vie des clones, non pas en tant qu’objets mais en tant que personnes. Shaak Ti utilisa ses talents de persuasion sur la tueuse afin qu'elle puisse se rendre dans le centre de commandement de la force de la Confédération, menée par le commandant Shogar Tok. Holding back the dark side for so long, the dam broke as she died, plunging the Felucians and their shamans into madness.

As the clones overthrew their droid captors, Shaak Ti engaged Artel Darc in battle, eventually striking him down and freeing the prisoners. Leurs débris échoués dans l'océan près de Tipoca City servait à rassembler une barge d’assaut sur la ville. Just as most of her fellow Jedi Masters and Knights, Shaak Ti fought the Separatists and their droid army during the Clone Wars, including taking part in the Battle of Geonosis in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Ti surmised that Fives and AZI-3 weren't planning to escape but were researching something.

As the Jedi spread across the galaxy were being massacred, the temple was attacked by Skywalker, newly christened Darth Vader, aided by the 501st clone legion. Interrupting her trance, Jedi Skywalker demanded that she let him pass into the hangars so that he could travel to the Chancellor's office.

Prior to her death Ti recorded a message of hope on a holocron, urging its finder to not let the fall of the Order be the end of the Jedi.

The team had attempted to negotiate peace without a standoff but were forced to engage a band of activists after hostages were taken.

The subsequent mission led to the crystal's destruction by the Jedi. Peu après, Shaak Ti fit partie de l'escouade de Jedi envoyé sur Hypori afin de détruire les fonderies de droïdes de la planète. While using her telekinetic abilities to distract Grievous, Ti was caught off guard by revealing his second pair of limbs, sending the Togruta Jedi hurtling into a pile of debris.

When asked his opinion during the meeting, Yoda told them that he was deep in thought and had not been listening. Line: 68 Shaak Ti est une Togruta à peau rouge[5]. Ti welcomed the pair to Kamino while Su expressed doubt that an attack would take place, as he believed that the Republic blockade was far too strong. Copyright - Licence d'utilisation du contenu de l'encyclopédie Star Wars HoloNet, Attack of the Clones : The Visual Dictionary, Star Wars Episode II : L'Attaque des Clones, Cliquez ici pour consulter notre article détaillé sur les continuités et notre manière de les appréhender sur l'encyclopédie. Cette maître Jedi Togruta est, durant la Guerre des Clones, membre du Haut Conseil Jedi et est considérée comme la femme Jedi la plus puissante de sa génération. [19] Ti attended the Council meeting in which Tarkin accused Tano of masterminding the attack, causing Ti to exchange a shocked look with Kit Fisto. During the tests, Tup began shaking violently, which a concerned Fives noticed from the neighboring examination room. Fives insisted to the Chancellor that the Kaminoans were covering something up about the chips and that if not, he and Tup were victims of a Separatist plot. Sometime later Yoda called a meeting to tell the Council what had been troubling him and requested that they join him in meditating to see if they could hear the voice as well. Shaak Ti entered the arena alongside her close friend Luminara Unduli and they remained close together for the remainder of the battle. Ti had a tenuous relationship with the Kaminoan leadership during this time, finding difficulty in working with their emotionless demeanor and struggling to balance her compassion for the clones with the demand of producing capable soldiers for war. Both Shoshan and Brill were uncredited for their roles in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, respectively. Entre temps, Fives, aidé par le droïde médical AZI-3, retira une puce présente dans le cerveau de Tup.

Ti a enregistré un message dans un holocron jedi, invitant quiconque à le trouver à continuer l'héritage de la Force et à ne pas laisser la Purge être la fin du Jedi[4]. Starkiller and Shaak Ti engaged in a vicious duel, ending when an injured Ti toppled into the Ancient Abyss. The scene exists as "Anakin kills Shaak Ti" animatic and is part of the deleted scenes released on the Blu-ray in 2011. Afficher le sommaire. [10], With a blaster pointed at her head, Nala Se tries to convince Ti that the inhibitor chips are harmless, Before she could leave, Ti was alerted that Fives and AZI-3 were attempting to escape. Shoshan was offered the part while living in Sydney, Australia. Line: 107 Despite Bric's efforts, the squad managed to overcome their disability and complete the test by scaling the tower using the wall-mounted turrets. The character was voiced by Grey DeLisle in the Star Wars: Clone Wars 2D-animated series, by Tasia Valenza in the 2008 Clone Wars TV series (as "very calm" and "subdued" with a "Spanish flavor, maybe something on the Brazilian side"[31]), and by Susan Eisenberg in the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed while model Mia Kelly was used to form the character's game model. After the attempted assassination of Naboo's Senator Padmé Amidala, Ti and the other members of the Jedi Council assigned Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate the assassination attempts while his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, protected the senator. Cette maître Jedi Togruta est, durant la Guerre des Clones, membre du Haut Conseil Jedi et est considérée comme la femme Jedi la plus puissante de sa génération. Though the real culprit was later revealed, Tano chose not to return to the Order and left the Temple. Several Munificent-class star frigates were destroyed protecting Grievous' flagship, with their debris crashing in the ocean near Tipoca City. In various forms of this scene, General Grievous ignited a lightsaber through her heart on the Invisible Hand with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi looking on. Peu après l'Ordre 66, Shaak Ti s'exile sur Felucia et prend une nouvelle apprentie nommée Maris Brood.

Ti, ainsi que Skywalker, Windu et Yoda, ont rencontré le chancelier plus tard, au cours duquel il a lui-même expliqué la dégradation de leurs puces. 3 BBY (32), Felucia[2] Mais, tout au long de son existence, la République est secouée par des sécessions et des guerres. [4][10][22] Ti was a recurring minor character throughout the show following the third season, appearing in silent cameos in Seasons Four and Five with a slightly more substantial role in Season Six. [25], Ti and several Jedi appeared throughout Yoda's visions, Ti, alongside many Jedi both dead and alive, later appeared in another of Yoda's visions as he walked through the Valley of Extinction in the mysterious Wellspring of Life. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Kolar falsely informed the Count that Ti had in fact perished in the fighting; however the Sith Lord did not believe these claims and ordered Tok to find the Togruta's body.

It seems that the first of many Shaak Ti deaths was supposed to happen towards the beginning of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, when General Grievous had captured Shaak Ti and taken her aboard the Invisible Hand.


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