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Décryptage des circuits de décision et des luttes d'influence dans la vie politique, les entreprises et les médias en France. Indeed, as Le Pen pursues an exit from the EU, the situation at home would be unlikely to remain stable. The result of the legislative election would define the first year of Le Pen’s presidency — determining whether she would rule or be condemned to kibitzing the government while signing executive decrees. After reinstating border controls and expelling dozens of so-called foreign suspected terrorists, she would turn to face her nemesis: Brussels. “These are all people who are close to our positions, who would represent openness,” said Chenu. A Le Pen victory would have severe repercussions for the EU | Alain Jocard/AFP via Getty Images. Ce service est entièrement gratuit et sans obligation d’achat. Jean Messiha est l'époux de Rania Messiha, collaboratrice parlementaire de Louis Aliot depuis 2017[20]. Né en 1970 au Caire[1],[2] d'un père diplomate égyptien chrétien copte[3] et d'une mère chimiste « élevée chez les sœurs du Caire »[4], Hossam Messiha grandit en Colombie, puis en France, où il arrive à l'âge de huit ans. Yet, said Jan, this too would prove nearly impossible, for two reasons: First, if the prime minister is still the Socialist holdover, he could simply refuse to propose the referendum (the motion must be submitted by the government); and second, the council of state, a constitutional court, would have to approve the referendum, and it could delay its verdict until after the legislative vote, defanging the effort. Among the biggest disagreements is the FN’s economic policy, and in particular its rejection of the euro, an idea which is unpopular with the majority of the electorate but appeals to the party’s core supporters. ), Important roles would be distributed among a group of some 150 senior civil servants who belong to a group known as the “Horatii” — Le Pen loyalists who are hedging their bets by not divulging their identities, and whose number is impossible to verify independently. “Most of the police already vote for Le Pen,” he said. Outrage over her election could boil for weeks and escalate; riots could spread to several cities with increasing violence, according to a contingency plan drawn up by a left-wing police union.

You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. Le Pen’s stance might seem to make any talks with the EU irrelevant, but Bertrand Dutheil de la Rochère, a senior party aide who is close to Philippot, said her desire to negotiate was “sincere.” The new president, he said, would seek to build a coalition of member countries that also wanted to reform, or unravel, the EU, among which he cited “Spain, Portugal, Italy, Finland and Austria” — countries that either have resurgent right-wing populist parties or reasons to resent German-led austerity in Europe. Rating agencies would issue warnings about the risk of Le Pen carrying out her plan to leave the EU. Newly-elected, President Marine Le Pen is walking up a red carpet to the door of the Elysée palace. Le Pen’s aides do provide hints as to the first cabinet’s orientation and possible contenders for top seats. Sophia Besch, a country expert at the Centre for European Reform, said that if Le Pen won, Germany “would be running out of options a bit. Aides are cagey about the exact composition of her cabinet for a few reasons, foremost among them the possibility that Socialist Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve could refuse to hand in his resignation at the end of Hollande’s term (he has denied intending to do so). Conservative candidate François Fillon, having already served under Nicolas Sarkozy for five years, might be reluctant to do so for another five. Jean Messiha, a graduate of the elite ENA school of public administration who is in charge of recruiting senior civil servants for a Le Pen government, brushed off the potential for clashes with intelligence agencies, arguing that the president would swiftly win over the loyalty of most key government ministries. Ascension to the presidency would be unlikely to change her custom of surrounding herself with faithful, longtime allies. “I’m not sure we would actually be in such a position of strength,” the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity. REUTERS/Charles Platiau/File Photo .

Outgoing President François Hollande greets the president-elect on the steps of her new home, the nexus of French power, before he is whisked away in a Citroën with tinted windows. Klaus Buchner, an MEP and member of the German Green Party, said the opposite was true: Berlin would likely fight France to save the EU. Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps.

Article 11 is clearly Le Pen’s preferred avenue. Additional reporting by Simon Carraud; Editing by Mike Collett-White.

Meanwhile, Le Pen would address rioting with promises of an immediate crackdown on “vandals” and “bandits,” invoking a “clear risk to national security.” This happens to be the only condition under which a member of the Schengen Agreement is allowed to suspend its participation in the free-travel zone, giving her reason to shut down most immigration to France just days after being sworn into office. If election night is given over to emotion, the morning of May 8 will be one of sober reckoning. PARIS (Reuters) - Top officials from France’s far-right National Front gather on Friday to find a way back from successive election failures, and senior members said everything from the party’s name to its vow to restore the franc currency were up for review.


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