poe dameron yavin 4

He knew what to do, of that he had no doubt. Poe ignored the comment. The response from the opposing ship was brief, but it took all their willpower to not whoop and holler with victory as the words filtered through. Felt himself push past his doubt and keep going, because the only other option was untenable. Flore

Poe ignored them. “We’ll drop him somewhere in the Sawaya system,” she said, her words coming across casually, as if she was asking for an extra portion at dinner. We’re going to hit something.”, “Just trust me,” Poe said as the ship careened past the firing NRSB officers, seeming to shrug off their blaster fire, and wove around a few smaller ships in mid-transit. Alors que Finn part dans sa propre aventure, Poe part de son côté, déterminé à retrouver son droïde et rentrer à la base. “Get us out of here, Dameron. C’est ainsi qu’il gravit très vite les échelons jusqu’au grade de commandant de la Flotte de la Résistance.

Continue your aggression and we will be forced to eliminate the boy, and will do it without hesitation.”. They were out of luck.

Perhaps they did, Poe mused.

Son agilité et ses talents de pilotes lui viennent de sa mère qui lui a apprit lorsqu’il n’avait que six ans.

Poe thought he was fairly tough for his age — having dealt with his share of tragedy and knowing his own parents had fought valiantly for the New Republic.

That’s our only chance of escape.”, “We’re outgunned, severely,” Marinda Gan said, turning her head quickly to face their leader. Lors d'une mission sur Jakku, il rencontre Lor San Tekka, qui lui remet une partie d'une carte permettant de localiser Luke Skywalker, le dernier des Jedi, parti en exil depuis des années. Pilote de chasse et leader d’un escadron de la Flotte de Défense de la Nouvelle République, Poe est recruté par la Résistance lorsqu’il n’était qu’un jeune homme. Population So it was time to turn on the heat.

Before she could continue, the ship lurched forward again — this time with more purpose, and it wasn’t stopping.

He slowly steered the Claw out of orbit and away from Yavin 4.

“On it,” Zorii said, swiveling her seat to scan the weapons terminal. It was as if his entire being was making a decision — to leave Yavin 4, to repudiate what came before and carve a new path for himself, and deal with the consequences later. Atmosphère

He was a spice runner? Star Wars Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma. Il réapparaît finalement sur la planète Takodana avec son escadron où il sauve ainsi Han Solo, le wookie, Rey et Finn. “Is it worth getting the first shot off if you’re just going to be overwhelmed after? ⇒ Fils de Kes Dameron et de son épouse Shara Bey-Dameron , de la planète Yavin 4. Poe nodded to himself.

“Tricking them into thinking you’d been kidnapped — that was sharp. It was from this base that Operation Fracture was dispatched to Jedha.

He might be able to trust the woman named Zorii Wynn. He wove the ship — which was pushing speeds not meant for ground-level travel — around the docking area, scraping and bumping the freighter toward open air in less than a minute. “Orbital jumpers don’t have hyperdrives — once we get clear, we’re golden,” Poe said, pulling up on the ship’s throttle. “Shoot to harm, not to kill,” Poe interjected. “This is the New Republic Security Bureau. Gen Tri shot Marinda an uncharacteristically sharp glance. Diamètre Poe Dameron: Free Fall Takes us Back to Yavin 4 – Exclusive Excerpt For better or worse, a young Poe Dameron finds himself on the wrong side in a sneak peek from the upcoming novel. “We’re still in a pretty dense gravity shadow — we couldn’t jump to lightspeed if we wanted to, unless we override the system.”. “You have a lot to learn about being a Spice Runner, Poe Dameron,” Zorii said.

Il parvient cependant à s'échapper, avec l'aide du Stormtrooper FN-2187, qui a refusé de tuer les villageois sur Jakku. Being enslaved by the Sith, the Massassi species would be extinct by the time the Alliance to Restore the Republic would utilize the temple during the Galactic Civil War as a base of operations against the then-dominant Galactic Empire. “Laser cannons are locked. The message sliced through the static of space, crackling to life on Poe’s terminal. “Zorii, handle the weapons while our pilot tries to get us out of here,” Vigilch barked. It could take—”, Zorii didn’t back down. L'annonce du casting d'Oscar Isaac eut lieu le 29 avril 2014 et le personnage fut révélé dans le premier trailer du film le 28 novembre 2014. The blaster fire was sudden. “Where can we retrieve Dameron?” the NRSB officer said, each word slow and pained as it came through the speaker. Poe swallowed hard and mentally walked through the steps to launch. And you performed some fancy footwork getting us off the surface. It would have to.

Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure[1]

Read on for more…. Colonie de Yavin 4[6]Plateau de Yavin[7]Site Massassi[8]Grand Temple[2]Starloft[8]Wetyin[8] Yavin 4 He’d need a few allies. Flying an A-wing was one thing — especially one he’d sat in and tinkered with since as far back as he could remember. He had to focus. Poe caught sight of the jumpers, firing indiscriminately. Oiseaux-murmure[1]Runyips[1]Scarabées piranha[1]Stintarils[1]Woolamandres[1] “There are good people on those ships.”.

Looks like you are a good pilot, after all.”, “Could use a copilot,” Poe said, nodding toward her seat. He wanted to focus on what was in front of him — piloting the ship off Yavin 4 — but he couldn’t help thinking about the bigger picture. Zorii was true to his request, sending firepower in or around the essential areas — just enough to disable them, not enough to destroy them — making sure to spare whoever was piloting the ships. Déclaré comme le meilleur pilote de la Résistance, il combat le Premier Ordre à bord de son X-Wing en compagnie de son droïde BB-8, qui est rond, blanc et orange et qu’il considère comme son meilleur ami. “There are almost a dozen inhabitable planets. Marinda Gan was behind him, her arm outstretched — pointing at a larger, more present problem. All Star Wars, all the time. ⇒ Âgé de trente ans. Caractéristiques physiques

Poe told himself it couldn’t be true, but nonetheless a long shadow had fallen over the group and their small battered ship. He flipped the switch that engaged the ship’s thrusters, feeling the hum of the Ragged Claw’s deceptively powerful engines. Poe le nomme alors Finn, en reprenant les deux lettres de son matricule.

4 818 jours[4]

“You have our word.”, “The Sawaya system?” The NRSB officer sounded incredulous.

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Arbres Massassi[1]Koyos[9]

TAGS: Poe Dameron (Star Wars), Poe Dameron: Free Fall, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Lune de Yavin[2] Or else.”.

Ils s'échappent ensemble à bord d'un chasseur TIE. Caractéristiques cartographiques Tempéré[5] Born in 2 ABY, Poe Dameron was the son of Shara Bey and Kes Dameron, who both served the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the fight against the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

Sur le vaisseau du Premier Ordre, il est torturé dans le but de trouver la carte tant recherchée.

“We’re moving too fast for port traffic. StarWars.com.

For better or worse, he was on the wrong side. Poe took a quick breath.


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