poe dameron passeur d'epice

He also said that L'ampar was his uncle who raised him since he was a child. Poe bood moedig weerstand, maar uiteindelijk verklapte hij dat BB-8 de kaart had. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. He then proceed to tell her about his initial thoughts about Starkiller Base and his mission to drop Wexley inside a recon pod in order to let him scan the base, setting stage for the destruction of the base. Despite Black Squadron's objection, Dameron decided to continue with the mission. Tan[3]

Born in 2 ABY, Poe Dameron was the son of Shara Bey and Kes Dameron, who both served the Alliance to Restore the Republic in the fight against the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

Finn werd boos op Poe omdat hij Rey niet wilde helpen toen ze op haar eentje achter de Sith Wayfinder aan was gegaan die zich in het wrak van de Death Star II bevond.

[41], Dameron, after fixing his ship, discovered that San Tekka had been arrested on Cato Neimoidia.

Unfortunately, the recording showed a bleeding Pava, hiding on a cave, revealing that their attack on the First Order to defend Ikkrukk had gone all wrong, ending the transmission to Dameron's horror.

Up their arrival at Mek Nu'Tiv's cruiser, they fought her fighters. Poe and Kaz managed to lose their First Order pursuers by flying their fighters through a gravity well inside Najra-Va's core. Poe Dameron was a human male who originally served as a member of the Spice Runners of Kijimi, before becoming a pilot in the New Republic and eventually joining the Resistance, rising to become acting General of the Resistance, during its conflict and subsequent war with the First Order. [53], Before departing for a mission to Jakku, Poe swapped droids with Kaz, retaking his droid BB-8.

Dameron and BB-8 then left the planet. Feb 22, 2018 - Explore E & M's board "Planner Stationery", followed by 227 people on Pinterest. Daar hoorde iedereen het bericht van de spion dat Sheev Palpatine was teruggekeerd. Synara and Kazuda were later dropped off on the Colossus as Poe flew away. Rey and her friends then went to Pasaana, where they found Ochi of Bestoon's dagger.

When they were ready to leave, Dameron made a "L'ulo Stand" and managed to escape back to Mirrin Prime. Poe Dameron, l’une des vannes à peu près crédibles du film Star Wars : L’Ascension de Skywalker, n’aura évidemment pas suffit au volet final de la saga Skywalker de briller autant qu’il aurait du le faire fin 2019.

[35], Dameron and BB-8 were able to fly the Romary through the asteroids. After wrapping Rose, Finn asked Poe why they didn't defeated the First Order after Starkiller was destroyed, causing the Resistance to lose almost everything, including its base. Dameron then saw Muva in a TIE fighting alongside them.

[6], After four weeks of inactivity, Dameron's scanner picked up a distress call from the Yissira Zyde. He then helped lead the surviving Resistance soldiers to safety. Quel genre de vaisseau pilote Poe ?

Nadat tal van hoge officieren waren gedood door de aanval op de Raddus werd Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo de nieuwe aanvoerder van de Resistance. Oscar Isaac. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Poe took the opportunity to ask her about her adventure with Luke Skywalker, but one of the porgs that Chewbacca adopted interrupted them, causing Rey to tell him about the small avian creatures. He was greeted by Commander Malarus and several stormtroopers and TIE fighters.

[26], Dameron the went to Pheryon.

The son of rebel heroes, Poe Dameron learned to fly as a boy on Yavin 4. Together, they stole a TIE/sf space superiority fighter from a hangar bay, with FN-2187 manning the guns while Dameron piloted the fighter, and managed to disable the Finalizer's turbolasers. Toen de situatie uitzichtloos bleek, kreeg Poe hulp uit een wel onverwachte hoek.

Please upgrade your browser to experience the site. After the prisoners were subdued, Dameron had L'ampar acquire guns. Let's say that it was in that conversation that we began to see a way that being in the movie would be worth his time and the audience's. The son of Lieutenant Shara Bey and Sergeant Kes Dameron of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Dameron followed in his late mother's footsteps in becoming a pilot, serving the New Republic Defense Fleet as the commander of Rapier Squadron, but grew disillusioned with the Republic's inaction to the First Order's violations of the Galactic Concordance. Poe kende Holdo van de Battle of Chyron Belt, maar hij had haar anders voorgesteld.

Poe met with him, asking him about Rose's status, to which Finn replied that she was asleep and though he believed that it was good, he wasn't sure at all given that he wasn't a doctor and commented to him that in the First Order, if stormtroopers had the fault of receiving a mortal wound, they were left to die, causing Poe to comment that such idea was insane.

"[34], As Dameron and BB-8 worked Black One, they were approached by General Organa who was surprised that he was not with the rest of Black Squadron at L'ulo's wake. At that moment, Snap, Tallie Lintra, Suralinda Javos appeared on scene and Wexley told Dameron that in case he was blown up, they would help to finish the mission, including Pava, telling him that this was a mission for the whole Black Squadron despite Dameron saying that their assistance wasn't part of the plan. [6], Dameron regarded his fellow pilots Karé Kun, Jess Pava, L'ulo L'ampar, and Temmin Wexley, and the technician Oddy Muva as close friends that he could trust. Just as the recording finished, C-3PO appeared on scene once more and informed Dameron that he had received Pava's promised message, giving it to BB-8 to play it. Dameron boarded ship and found several First order officers unsconcious. To ward off a First Order attack, Dameron instructed Temmin and the other pilots to do a fly over and record everything that happened. Terex's fleet was wiped out when First Order forces under Commander Malarus arrived above the desert planet to chastise Terex for insubordination. [55] The sequence was later revisited in the twenty-sixth issue of the Poe Dameron comic series, with much of the dialogue and exchange between Poe and other characters being revised and changed almost entirely.

Een jaar na de Battle of Crait had de Resistance zich gevestigd op Ajan Kloss.

Rey, Poe, Chewbacca, Finn, C-3PO en BB-8 trokken naar de woestijnplaneet waar Lando Calrissian hen op weg hielp naar het gecrashte schip van Ochi. Qui interprete Poe Dameron ? [33] Dameron was then told that he would be grounded for the time being. While Finn, Tico and BB-8 went to Canto Bight's casino in a mission to find a codebreaker, Poe and Connix remained aboard the Raddus.


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