grievous kaleesh

However, after learning that the Huk had attacked Kalee, he headed home to gain vengeance. However, the statues of Grievous as a Kaleesh warrior shown in Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode Lair of Grievous show a digitigrade stance even before he was a cyborg, as do the prequel comic on The Dreams of General Grievous and the Galaxy at War sourcebook. San Hill was far from pleased. A large number of temples were devoted to their ancestor gods, the holiest of which was called Shrupak. The two of them were, therefore, considered living manifestations of the cryptic Kaleesh parable Sheelal, or The Dreamer/The Dreamt One.

Grievous fought boldly, pushing them back and showing no remorse for the slaughter he perpetrated. The Yam'rii petitioned in the Senate for Republic intervention, and received as much when a dispatch of Jedi arrived to end the war. With this realization, Qymaen jai Sheelal, adopted a name more appropriate to a being destined to grieve forever, and, even more terribly, who was determined that he would not do so alone. Grievous, at first, was disgusted with the droids because they were completely mindless. Each Kaleesh hand featured two opposable thumbs. Even as a Kaleesh warlord, he displayed no mercy toward his enemies, a notable example being his brutal counter-offensive against the Huk when they attempted to capture Kalee. According to legend, his relationship with this wild and skilled swordswoman had its beginnings in a dream, in which Sheelal saw himself slaying a wild mumuu in the Kunbal jungle with Lig swords. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They were known to practice polygyny, a form of polygamy, where a male courts multiple wives. War was seen as an essential part of life, and wars between tribes were common. Even after his reconstruction as a cyborg, Grievous was not completely emotionless. [Source]. Yellow[1]


Typical Kaleesh weaponry included a Czerka Arms Outland rifle, a Lig sword, and a Shoni spear.[5]. Aided by his IG-100 MagnaGuards, Grievous killed many Jedi, and led the Confederacy alongside the Yuuzhan Vong to victory in many battles. The two were very close, and after her death, Grievous was left distraught and angry. Qymaen jai Sheelal was born on the planet of Kalee in the years before the start of the Clone Wars.

After a few years of failed negotiations, a Republic-backed soldier attempted to stage a coup against Guiteica's leader in order to force the planet to join the Republic. During the Kaleesh conflict against the Huk, Qymaen jai Sheelal quickly learned the art of war, specializing in a slugthrower rifle… Tusks protruded from their upper jaw, and shorter ones jutted from their chins. Sheelal did what he could to bury his grief. Physical characteristics They had very keen olfactory sense and were able to produce pheromones. Biological classification [1], The Kaleesh supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars until its defeat in 19 BBY and the death of General Grievous at the Battle of Utapau. His rage only intensified, and he became desperate to crush the Huk, if for no other reason than to honor her memory. Grievous, born as Qymaen jai Sheelal, was a Kaleesh male warlord as well as the Supreme Commander of the Confederacy of Independent Systems early on during the Yuuzhan Vong War. By eight years of age he had already become an expert sniper with more than forty Huk kills to his credit. Qymaen jai Sheelal and Ronderu lij Kummar fighting the Huk. [16] He would be Grievous, as well as heart-broken, for the rest of his life. He presented him with his first lightsaber and began his training in lightsaber combat by the Dooku's.

Eventually he agreed, taking command of the Clan's private army of droid enforcers. [11] During this time, several Kaleesh were known slaves of the Sith Empire and were occasionally trained when seen to have Force abilities. However, in one engagement on the beaches of Kalee, the two of them were separated. [5], Kalee, near the edge of Bitthævrian space, though a mostly unnoticed planet considered backwater by the Republic, would have had nothing to fear from the m'Yalfor'ac Order, as the Bitthævrian military was known. The species was later retconned to be mentioned in multiple other sources, including Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn. The arrival of San Hill, Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, brought an opportunity to Grievous.

By the age of twenty-two, he had slain so many Huk that the Kaleesh people considered Sheelal a demigod.

Another inconsistency is the leg structure of the species. Reptile[1] Homeworld Grievous, early on during the Yuuzhan Vong War, After finally meeting in person, Grievous, partially out of debt for saving his life, agreed to join Dooku, who bestowed upon Grievous the title "Supreme Commander of the Confederate military," planning to use him in his efforts to help the extra-galactic invading Yuuzhan Vong conquer the New Republic. Average height

The conflict between the two species was known as the Huk War. Instead, Hill convinced Grievous to meet with Count Dooku to join his Separatist cause. However, despite this viewpoint, he remained secretly humiliated by his resurrection as a cyborg. STAP Battle and IG-100 MagnaGuards wear Kaleesh cloaks to remember Grievous of his Kaleesh warriors he lead during the Enslavement of Kalee. In addition to his arrogance, Grievous was also accused of cowardice, as he frequently fled whenever the tide turned against him. The resulting explosion sent the Martyr plunging into the Jenuwaa Sea, but Grievous had survived thanks to some quick thinking from the Count's son, Vlad. [1], Following the Huk War, the Yam'rii desecrated the burial grounds of the Kaleesh on the planet Oben, prompting Kaleesh warlord Qymaen jai Sheelal to return from working for the Banking Clan to again lead the Kolkpravis. [5]Notably, the grandmother of Qymaen jai Sheelal participated in the Kaleesh assault.[5]. To this end, he constantly submitted himself to improvements to boost himself up to their caliber. Black[2][1] and brown[3] Grievous, however, would soon come to highly respect both Dooku and his son, considering them "necessary" political leadership. Each Kaleesh hand featured two opposable thumbs. When he was offered to become a cyborg, he took the offer, as he had come to see flesh as weak. Sociocultural characteristics Grievous made a rare exception for his IG-100 MagnaGuard bodyguards, whom he personally trained with and garbed in cloaks reminiscent of those found amongst his people. Skin color But he found he missed the comforts of his former life, he wanted his old elite, the Izvoshra, but apart from himself, the Banking Clan would not hire Kaleesh. When he did, he took care not to mutilate her body.

Grievous was visibly angered when Kit Fisto killed his roggwart, citing it as another crime for which the Jedi Order would pay dearly. [8][9] Most of their facial features were obscured behind the traditional masks they wore, and outsiders rarely saw Kaleesh unmasked. Although a natural rival with Asajj Ventress for Count Dooku's attention, Grievous shared a similar trait with her: a contempt for the mindless battle droids under his command. [3][1]The sole surviving Izvoshra, a tyrant of Kalee's western hemisphere named Bentilais san Sk'ar, rallied the Kolkpravis and led the slaughter of the Yam'rii on Oben, where he subsequently moved his people. The Kaleesh were a spiritual people, believing that those who performed great deeds in life became gods in death.

After consulting with his ally, Confederate Head of State Count Alucard Dooku, IGBC Chairman San Hill arranged for Dooku to meet with Grievous as a potential military leader in his Confederacy of Independent Systems and agreed to join Dooku's Confederation. Quietly sending a group of military instructors to the planet, the Republic trained and armed the Kaleesh military force—Kolkpravis. Other Kaleesh include Reinforce Eins, a Kaleesh Unison Device that serves under Grievous and they treat each other well.

He ended up siring twenty nine other children with nine other wives, but none of them, spouse or child, seemed to be able to fill the void Kummar's death had left in him.

During the Kaleesh conflict against the Huk, Qymaen jai Sheelal quickly learned the art of war, specializing in a slugthrower rifle. Grievous felt disgust at the notion of being a glorified leg-breaker for a soulless megacorporation, but he understood what the agreement would mean for his people, and besides, there was something in this innate warrior that needed to keep fighting, if not the Huk, then someone, somewhere. His hubris eventually led to his death at the hands of Ki-Adi Mundi and Owan Kenobi. Star Wars 53: The Last Gift From Alderaan!

He also showed a certain amount of attachment to Gor, his pet roggwart, whom he doted on while housing at his lair on the third moon of Vassek. [11] Most Kaleesh were opposed to the xenophobic Sith Empire,[12] but the species fought on both sides of the conflict,[13][14] as well as for Darth Malgus' New Empire,[15] or served as bodyguards for the Hutt Cartel. The Kaleesh first appeared in Clone Wars Chapter 20, an episode of the Clone Wars animated television series on Cartoon Network. [16], Armed with projectile-firing Czerka Outland rifle and backed by a small group of Knights sent by the Jedi Council, the Kolkpravis were able to end the perceived threat of the Bitthævrian to the Republic. Average lifespan Around 65 BBY, the Republic had been having strained relations with Guiteica, homeworld of the Bitthævrians, due to their non-membership. He had no qualms with sacrificing civilians to ensure his own survival and exploited the Jedi's compassion for the clone troopers under their command, exemplified during his attack on the Kaliida Shoals Medical Center. Although General Grievous was shown to have digitigrade stance, possibly because his cyborg body was constructed based upon the Krath War droid, most other images of Kaleesh show a standard plantigrade stance, much like most humanoid species. The Huk War was a long conflict prior to the Clone Wars, beginning when the Yam'rii of the neighboring planet Huk, having overpopulated their own planet, began taking over and colonizing nearby worlds, eventually arriving at Kalee. They had very keen olfactory sense and were able to produce phero… For generations, Kalee had been assaulted without respite by a technologically superior insectoid species, the Yam'rii (referred to by the Kaleesh as the "Huk" or "soulless bugs"), who coveted the reptilian Kaleesh as slaves. Members Sheelal's closest comrade was a fellow Kaleesh warrior and mercenary Ronderu lij Kummar. The Huk turned to the New Republic for help, and the Kaleesh were forced back to their own world by the Jedi and left to starve. There, he beseeched the gods to raise her from her watery grave just so he might see her one final time, but the gods remained silent. [10][3] As of the New Republic era, the late General Grievous, former Kaleesh warrior Qymaen jai Sheelal, had joined his species' pantheon of religious deities. Though he remarried, none of his wives could replace Kummar. The bond of the two Kaleesh was very strong, and they became partners in war against the Huk. Unfortunately, a bomb was placed on Grievous's shuttle, Martyr by the Huk just prior to his meeting. Grievous, with his humiliation due to his resurrection as a cyborg, absolutely hated being referred to as a droid, often lapsing into a violent rage whenever referred to as such. Hill saw Grievous's potential as an IGBC "collections agent", and in exchange for his services, the Banking Clan offered to take on Kalee's massive debt, thus helping his people overcome the effects of the embargo.


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