décolonisation angola
During the colonial period, and particularly under the corporatist 'New State' and its colonial charters perfected by Salazar when he graduated from finance minister to Prime Minister in 1932, Angola's political and economic developments were crucially linked to the motherland. Angola presents a rich variety of influences and mixtures all deeply marked by the colonial experience as well as by the so-called Afro-Stalinism of the post-independence years. Burghley Yard, 106 Burghley Road, London NW5 1AL, Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (03196482), Charity registered in England and Wales (1055436), Safeguarding, transparency and other policies, Introduction: Lessons from the Angolan ‘peace process’, Why did Bicesse and Lusaka fail? However, Vietnam over U.S.-supported South Vietnam continued to erode U.S. faith in Parme : Gervinho joue un vilain tour à l’Inter ! The National Front for the Liberation The impending independence of one of those colonies, Agostinho Neto died of cancer in 1979 and was succeeded as President by José Eduardo dos Santos, a young petroleum engineer trained in the Soviet Union. of Angola (FNLA), led by Holden Roberto, was based in the This Accord looks at Angola’s history of conflict and peacemaking to examine what needs to happen next. Everyone can be a peace champion! Cependant, si le pouvoir est officiellement aux mains du MPLA d’Agostinho Neto, la guerre civile va se poursuivre en Angola, ensanglantant le pays pendant plus de vingt-sept années. In this phase of the war the battle for the small but strategic town of Cuito Cuanavale was a turning point. straining relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. Until the nineteenth century the great creole merchants and the rural princes dealt in captive slaves, most of whom were exported to Brazil or to the African islands. The role of resource management in building sustainable peace, Angolan women in the aftermath of conflict, The role of the media during the conflict and in the construction of democracy. The remaining Portuguese troops On 11 November 1975, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) declared Angola's independence and installed Agostinho Neto as its first President in the former Portuguese colony's capital at Luanda. independence and provided for a three-way power sharing government. contributed forces that entered southern Angola in October and made rapid The FNLA's cadres, led by Mobutu's protégé Holden Roberto, were gradually integrated into Angolan society as the free-market acolytes of the one-party state. Castro’s Cuba. The crisis in Angola developed into a Cold War battleground as the superpowers The 'third Angolan war' was even more brutal than its predecessors. During the war years economic links between the coastal cities and the agrarian hinterland weakened almost to the point of extinction. The FNLA embodied the aspirations of the northern elite focused on Kinshasa but with some cultural links with the old Kongo kingdom. country’s largest ethnic group, the Ovimbundu. tensions between the two superpowers. Angola, led to the Angolan civil war that grew into a The regional allies of the US continued to be Zaire and South Africa, while Congo-Brazzaville aligned itself with the Soviet Union. After four years of neither peace nor war, the war erupted again with full ferocity in December 1998. None of the armed movements succeeded in effectively threatening the colonial state in Angola. with the Third World. Mais dès janvier 1975, malgré la mise en place d’un gouvernement de façade représentant les différentes tendances politiques du pays, le chaos s’installe en Angola. détente. Angola Angola (also known as Portuguese West Africa) Portugal November 11, 1975 Agostinho Neto Angolan War of Independence Seychelles Britain June 29, 1976 James Richard Marie Mancham - Djibouti French Somaliland France June 27, 1977 Hassan Gouled Aptidon - Zimbabwe Southern Rhodesia Britain April 18, 1980 Canaan Banana Rhodesian Bush War Une période de guerre civile s’ensuit, qui ne prendra fin qu’avec les accords de paix de septembre 1991. At the same time, UNITA, which enjoyed U.S. Subsequent disagreements over the Sometimes backed by South African forces, UNITA spasmodically occupied parts of the country, which became inaccessible to both government and merchants. Long before the arrival of the Portuguese, Bantu-speaking communities had established a farming economy over most of the territory. The black aristocracy and the creole bourgeoisie thrived on the profits of overseas trade and lived in style, consuming large quantities of imported alcoholic beverages and wearing fashionable European costumes. As a weak state, politically isolated and economically backward, Portugal resorted to special measures to hold on to its colonies and in 1954 it euphemistically renamed them 'overseas provinces' in an attempt to avoid the attentions of United Nations inspectors. Further east the concept of state formation related to the political ideology of the Lunda peoples while in the south later kingdoms took shape in the highlands of the Ovimbundu people. The Portuguese policy of racial and cultural discrimination had a profound and lasting impact on the later social and political development of Angola as an independent country. Le 11 novembre 1975, la décolonisation portugaise s’achève par l’indépendance de l’Angola. The MPLA also had long-established relations with Fidel Before November 11, the MPLA had negotiated with The ensuing peace initiatives, orchestrated by a Troika of Portugal, America and Russia, finally resulted in the Bicesse Accords of May 1991 between the MPLA and UNITA. By this time the superpower conflict in Vietnam had ended and Angola became the seat of a new war by proxy between the United States and the Soviet Union. The article describes the introduction of authoritarian one-party rule under the MPLA and the impact of natural resource development and international and regional powers on the conflict. Conciliation Resources is an international organisation committed to stopping violent conflict and creating more peaceful societies. In October 2002, a major offensive against the Liberation Front of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC) led to serious accusations of human rights abuses. The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola In the subsequent confrontations the FNLA received military support from Zaire with the backing of China and the US, while under Agostinho Neto the MPLA gained ground in particular in Luanda with support from the Soviet Union and from Cuban troops. able to consolidate power in Luanda and oust the U.S.-supported FNLA from the Angola's population lost its innocence and henceforth lived in fear. This urban-based nationalism also incorporated assimilados and mestiços of Luanda and Benguela who had organised the Angolan League in the 1910s and the Let's Discover Angola (Vamos Descobrir Angola) movement in the 1940s under leaders such as Viriato da Cruz who later became founders of the MPLA. The date of the prison attack was later officially celebrated as the beginning of the armed struggle. Le pays se retrouve divisé entre les forces de l’UNITA (Union Nationale pour l’Indépendance Totale de l’Angola) et du FNLA (Front National de Libération de l’Angola), qui occupent le Nord du pays, tandis que la capitale est aux mains du MPLA (Mouvement Populaire de Libération de l’Angola), dirigé par Agostinho Neto. The end of this 'first Angolan war' was brought about indirectly through domestic pressure in Portugal and the growing dissatisfaction of the Portuguese military fighting the colonial wars in Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau. the spring of 1976 and the MPLA remained as the official government of Angola. Congressional approval for more money to fund the operation in Angola. Wide stretches of Angola experienced colonial rule for less than a century, and even after 1900 armed revolts broke out and resistance movements sprang up as among the Ovimbundu and the Bakongo from 1913, until the last northern resistance was put down in 1917. colonial empire. system so that Washington could induce Moscow to show restraint in its dealings Washington and Moscow had reached a series of agreements that aimed to reduce Such views, expressed in political and public discourse, tend to over-simplify the socio-cultural base of both the MPLA and UNITA when in fact each had to manage its relations with appropriate 'traditional authorities'. to downplay its connection with the Apartheid regime. They created a colony of European descent which, although smaller than the Portuguese communities in France or Brazil, was larger than the rival colonial one in Mozambique. Terms & Conditions, +44 (0)20 7359 7728 Private business, with the exception of the activities of foreign oil companies, was restricted and organised religion, including the Catholic Church, which had held an official place under the colonial regime, was suppressed. The lack of opportunities in the rural areas made prospects in the urban centres seem more attractive despite the poverty of the great slums. also ended a recent thaw in U.S.-Cuban relations. Holden Roberto's National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) had initially been the most powerful of the three competing national liberation movements and in the autumn of 1975 it came close to capturing Luanda from the north, backed by a heavily armed force supplied by President Mobuto Sese Seko of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). cr@c-r.org Angola's historical society can be characterised by a tiny semi-urbanised elite of Portuguese-speaking 'creole' families – many black, some of mixed race, some Catholic and others Protestant, some old-established and others cosmopolitan – who are distinguished from the broad population of black African peasants and farm workers. When Angola achieved independence in 1975, a war was raging between competing national liberation movements and their foreign backers. After visiting a number of mainly communist countries Savimbi founded UNITA in 1966. We draw on our shared experiences to influence policies and improve peacebuilding practice worldwide. In 1961, after the start of an armed liberation struggle, the statute was revoked but the changes were only cosmetic. He accused the FNLA leaders of being militarily ineffective and heavily dependent on the US. During the summer of 1975, the Soviet-supported MPLA was One event had a crucial impact on the political climate during Angola's socialist era: the failed coup attempt by Nito Alves and his followers on 27 May 1977. Hundreds of white planters and traders (estimates vary between 250 and 1,000) and thousands of black farm workers were killed, and many more fled the country, forming a fertile recruiting ground for an emerging anti-colonial cause. Over time the social and political factors of identity and cohesion have become real. relations had already compromised U.S. support for détente and the crisis in Pretoria, with the aim to end the use of Angola as a base for In 1962 it formed a Revolutionary Government of Angola in Exile (GRAE) which the organisation of African Unity (OAU) initially recognised as the legitimate successor to colonial rule. many members of Congress were wary of intervening abroad after the struggle in The fighting stopped, but the country faces huge post-conflict challenges. the superpower competition in the Third World. Moscow was breaking the rules of détente. Horn of Africa, and Afghanistan contributed to undoing the period of détente In the end, Congress rejected the aims of détente was to draw the Soviet Union further into the international Some African countries later transferred their allegiance to the MPLA which, though its military record was poor and its leadership continuously suffered from internal conflict, gradually outmanoeuvred its rivals politically and diplomatically to gain pre-eminence in 1975. Initially he conducted small guerrilla operations inside Angola before establishing a network of supporters abroad. The protagonists were the FNLA, the MPLA, which subsequently tried to claim responsibility for an attack on a Luanda prison on 4 February 1961, and UNITA which emerged in the mid 1960s. Après la Révolution des oeillets le 25 avril 1974, le nouveau pouvoir portugais, sous l’égide de son ministre des Affaires étrangères Mario Soarès, décide de mener à bien le processus de décolonisation rapide des dernières colonies portugaises d’Afrique noire. Despite international sanctions against UNITA's supply networks, Savimbi was reluctant to surrender the military option. This outcome had long seemed uncertain and indeed even unlikely; the MPLA had not only had to deal with its own serious internal troubles and disaffections, but had also had to take on the Portuguese colonial army and the two rival armed movements, each backed by powerful allies. The FNLA received political and military backing from African countries and from China and the US. capital, but the FNLA continued to attack. There is no part of Angola, however remote, and no sector of Angolan society, however 'traditional', which is not in some way linked to the 'modern' world of a globalised economy and its culture and communication systems. Social divisions created by colonialism continued to exercise a strong influence on the relationships between groups and on the attitudes of individuals. Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (03196482) The peace was followed by the holding under UN auspices of Angola's first and only general election. (AP Photo), Biographies The Ford Administration believed that Cuba had intervened Mission, Guide to Country Recognition and Relations, 1969–1976: The Presidencies of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford, The Allende Years and the Pinochet Coup, 1969–1973. The country also experienced the early manifestation of divisions within the nationalist movement that were to mark political life in Angola for many years. The independent Angolan state was thus born out of turmoil and violence and amid serious national, regional and global rivalries. détente as an effective Cold War foreign policy. The FNLA army, once a foreign-armed force with thousands of recruits, disintegrated without being formally disarmed or demobilised. In 1975, as the will to retain imperial control over Angola dwindled, fighting broke out in many provinces of Angola and also in the capital, Luanda, where the armies of the MPLA, the FNLA and UNITA were intended to maintain the peace with joint patrols. The nitista crisis was fuelled by personal ambitions but also by ideological battles within the ruling socialist camp. in Angola as a Soviet proxy and as such, the general view in Washington was that Guus Meijer and David Birmingham review Angola’s history, including the colonial period, the independence struggle, the introduction of authoritarian one-party rule under the MPLA, the impact of natural resource development, and the many years of war. In 1969 Marcelo Caetano succeeded Salazar as Prime Minister and continued to insulate Portugal's colonies, and especially the crown jewel that was Angola, from the winds of change that blew concepts of independence over Africa in the 1960s. Guus Meijer and David Birmingham revisit Angola’s colonial period and the independence struggle that followed and ask how the resulting social and economic divisions shaped and were manipulated by the warring parties. Gradually small local nations and states came into contact with each other and historical developments drove them to share a common destiny under increasing Portuguese influence. However, U.S. role in the Angolan conflict. Angola served to accelerate this trend. To a large extent the ethnic identification of these movements has come about as a result of conscious political manoeuvring by each leadership rather than as a genuine expression of popular sentiment and aspiration. However, once Pretoria’s Mercato : l’Atletico va recruter un joker africain ! The Angola Crisis 1974–75. Burghley Yard, 106 Burghley Road, London NW5 1AL, © Conciliation Resources In response, Castro sent Cuban Special Forces to In the 1950s, when Portugal aspired to become a member of the United Nations and yet keep its colonies, it was agricultural crises and opportunities that caused impending upheavals. The government has tried to replicate the strategy of scorched earth and starvation that had proved successful against UNITA. In the 1950s and 1960s Angola received many thousands of poor white peasants and entrepreneurial settlers from Portugal. Nantes : Abeid vers un poste inédit face au PSG. In April 1974, junior officers belonging to the Movement of the Armed Forces (MFA) toppled the Salazar-Caetano regime in Portugal and began the process of decolonisation. L’Algérien Riyad Mahrez a officialisé sa romance avec la Britannique Taylor Ward, La Côte d’Ivoire court vers la catastrophe, selon Laurent Gbagbo. This Alvor Accord soon collapsed, however, and the transitional government scarcely functioned. La guérilla fait rage dans le pays entre les différentes forces armées qui s’appuient sur le soutien des occidentaux ou de l’URSS. In 1987-88, South African and UNITA forces were pushed back by MPLA and Cuban troops after a long siege. equipment for the MPLA. President’s request for additional funds. The Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) was a Peace has characterised mainland Angola since April 2002, but in Cabinda, the enclave between the two Congo republics which accounts for sixty per cent of Angola's oil production, a war has continued unabated. He has been involved in development and civil society initiatives in Angola since the 1980s. UNITA became the expression of a third political tradition and embodied the economic aspirations of the Ovimbundu and their merchant leaders on the southern planalto. Tracing the conflict up to the signing of the Luena Memorandum, the authors conclude that Angola’s peace remains incomplete and that the country faces many challenges in achieving social and democratic reconstruction. Polémique à Toulouse : Mgr Robert Le Gall ne fait-il pas l’apologie du terrorisme ? (UNITA), an offshoot of the FNLA, was led by Jonas Savimbi and supported by the L’envoi massif de troupes portugaises sur place (plus de 60 000 hommes) a provoqué une aggravation des tensions et l’essor de différents mouvements nationalistes antagonistes. Savimbi expected to gain power through the ballot box in September 1992.


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